Return to Sidi is a piece inspired by some of my initial writings of Fated. The story takes place some years after Lumi and Khimi’s initial meeting and during one of their yearly visits back to Khimi’s ancestral home.
It is mostly a slice of life filled with extremely sexual elements.
Segments marked with an * contain illustrations.
Chapter Select
Credits and Special Thanks!
My partner and friends for always being so supportive of my nonsense and crazy ideas! I am forever grateful that you take the time to listen to me spout nonsense about Fated and my story ideas!
むだ, for always taking my ideas and creating masterpieces. For being Lumi & Khimi’s visual parent! For being a source of creative influence and joy for so many years! I will always be eternally grateful for everything that you have done for me!
Nadhir Nor, for the most amazing and wonderful chapter headers! For all the beautiful pieces that you have created!
To those of you who took the time to read my writing, I cannot begin to express how happy it makes me! Thank you so much!