Chapter XII

Pampered Devil

Days after being viciously stabbed by the lupo, Ennui slowly regained consciousness in a massive bed adorned with heavy curtains drawn on either side to block out the harsh light. She could see Mamir’s shadow moving nervously behind the curtains, but she couldn’t find the strength to speak. For what felt like an eternity, she feared she may have suffered a severe injury to her spine. But as time passed, she gradually forced herself to move bit by bit until she was able to speak and sit up.

Mamir informed her of the extent of her injuries and how she had been left out in the sandstorm for hours before someone found her. Maza, Aleyna’s handmaiden, had run for help at the sanctum of balance, but it seemed there was little urgency in healing someone with Ennui’s reputation. It was only through Aleyna’s persistent pleading that they sent a paladin to tend to her wounds, and even then they left moments after treating the most severe injuries.

Day by day, Ennui worked tirelessly to regain her strength, pushing herself to walk around the estate with Mamir and Maza by her side. The pain from the bolt in her thigh had subsided, but a new, constant pain in her side plagued her.

Nearly a week later, Ennui sat in the lavish courtyard of the Zeybek Estate, her injuries somewhat healed thanks to the diligent care of Mamir and Aleyna’s servants. She was attended to every beck and call, and wanted for nothing. Mamir encouraged her to speed up her recovery so they could return to Rhaz, where he could resume his duties as the estate manager. However, Ennui was hesitant to leave Lady Aleyna’s side until she was certain of her safety. The corsairs who survived had offered their services and pledged loyalty to Ennui, but she knew better than to trust a turncoat. Under her strict orders, the remaining corsairs were executed in the courtyard and their bodies disposed of at sea by Mamir and other servants sworn to Aleyna’s care.

In the following weeks, Ennui reached out to several old allies and recruited them to her cause. Letters sent across the Desert Cities brought her former comrades and enemies to Sidi. They gathered at the estate, eager to work for the price she had agreed upon with Aleyna. Ennui carefully selected some of the fiercest and most skilled soldiers from her mercenary days, though she couldn’t help but wonder if they still possessed the same strength she remembered from their time together.

Now, nearly fully recovered, Ennui places her hands on her hips. The clothing Aleyna had picked for the new head of her guard is uncomfortable and warm. The silk headscarf itches around her horns, and the thread of gold on the hem of her jacket tickles her abdomen when she would bend to either side. But much to her personal enjoyment, the clothing Aleyna had forced Ennui to wear paled in comparison to the uniform she selected for Mamir. The dwarven man is made to wear a blue satin jacket with golden threads around the cuff and hem, rich golden buttons run up and down the entire length of the jacket. A silken waist scarf not unlike the one Khimi wears daily is wrapped about his waist. His tan sarouel hangs loosely, then tightens above his ankle. The babouches on his feet are silken and expertly woven with a floral pattern, their tips curling into fine points.

Ennui can tell how uncomfortable Mamir is in the new outfit. The dwarf seems to waddle in order to keep every bit of the cloth in neat order.

Under the shade of the palms in the courtyard, Ennui raises her hand to her brow and squints her eyes. The mercenaries she had summoned from across the Desert Cities stand before her in a neat line, each of them with their backs straight and waiting. She purses her lips in disappointment, not even half the number she thought would show. They probably got themselves killed, she thinks with a heavy sigh. A youthful beastkin servant lifts a thin parasol up above Ennui’s head.

“Thanks,” Ennui mutters with a quick glance down at the capri[1].

   The honey-haired youth gives a brief but jubilant smile before turning her attention back to the small group before them. Ennui can not help but appreciate the attention that she had gained after freeing the estate of the corsairs. It is not often that she would be given this level of care, and she had begun to enjoy it more than she cared to admit.

“Anyway” Ennui huffs, crossing her arms and puffing out her chest slightly. “It seems that less of you made the journey than anticipated. Though, I am glad to see such familiar and ugly faces. And some beautiful ones,” she says, quickly winking at a once long-time friend.

Sura’s dark marks around her eyes immediately mark her as a lottore[2]. She is of roughly the same age as Ennui but with a smaller and gentler frame. Eyes that are deep and dark without end seem to stare back at Ennui while she smirks at her. It is only after Sura’s banded tail begins to wag that Ennui lets out a subtle sigh and continues her speech.

“The lady of the pal—estate,” Ennui corrects. “She is in dire need of helping hands and sure, we’ve all had our differences through the years. But if there is one thing that brings us all together its—”

“Coin,” a gruff looking yilan says. His vibrant green tail swashes just above the cobbles of the courtyard.

Ennui’s lips curl, her head nodding slowly in agreement. “Right, right. Coin and our reputation.”

“Reputation?” An ursine[3] in Dolman garb scoffs. “My reputat—”

“I said our reputation, Tahir!” Ennui interrupts, her tail flicks with a semblance of annoyance. “Our reputation. We’re some of the most deadly mercenaries the Desert Cities have seen…and,” she pauses and clears her throat, “I need your help,” she snorts.

Sura gasps, “Surely you jest!” She mocks. “THE ENNUI? Lone wolf, and Ghost of the Desert Cities asks for he—”

“We all got the letters, Sura,” The tall yilan interrupts with a tilt of his head from side to side. He adjusts the cloth over his massive shoulder. “I read the amount in the letter, how long are we required?”

The youthful capri next to Ennui shifts uncomfortably, “As long as required,” she whispers.

Ennui looks down at the young capri. “As the girl said, as long as required, Razi.”

Razi rolls his eyes but bows his head, “I’m fine to stay. The pay is decent and the work seems…fair. But we all know you well enough to know that it won’t be.”

Sura nods and lowers her bow on the ground in front of her, “I don’t need to hear anything more. I pledge my bow and my loyalty.”

Tahir, the massive Ursine man roars with laughter. “Of course, Sura would bow her head first. I want to hear what we’re defending this place against.”

Ennui shrugs, “It would have been easier if more of you showed up, but it seems I just have the four of you.”

“Four?” Razi asks, looking across the group.

Ennui nods, “I’d received a letter from Reisa saying that she would be late,” she whispers, a smile forming on her lips.

“Reisa too?!” Sura asks, pushing herself to her feet. “That vulpo bitch?”

Razi and Tahir turn in shock at the quiet lottore’s outburst.

Ennui chuckles to herself. “Reisa is the only one of you that can do any magick…and she can keep an eye over the entire estate,” she murmurs, kicking her feet over the tiles. “I know you and Reisa have been on opposite sides before, but I need you both to play nice.”

Sura raises her brow, “We’ll just have to see about all that,” she says, kicking her bow into her hand.

Razi brushes his hay-colored hair from his face and looks at Ennui with a smile. “Do we get outfits like you and the dwarf?”

Ennui snorts, her tail sways behind her angrily. The outfit that Aleyna had given her is stiff and uncomfortable. “Certainly,” she smirks. “Something like this fits your fancy?”

Tahir groans, lowering his axe, “Make me wear something like that, and I’ll walk.”

“Fine, wear your ratty sarouel!” Ennui mocks while she gestures to the ursine’s grime-covered trousers.

Mamir looks out of the corner of his eye to Ennui, “Are you certain this will be enough to handle Ziad’s men?”

Razi, Tahir, and Sura’s heads snap in unison to Mamir and Ennui.

Razi’s lips curl into a snarl. “I thought we were working with Emir Ziad Zeybek?”

Ennui grabs her head and groans, “Ziad is the problem,” she says with a sigh, her eyes stare like daggers through Mamir.

“I-It’s okay, Ennui. It’s better if I do the explaining,” Mamir stutters and steps forwards. “Perhaps we should find somewhere more suitable for this type of meeting.”

From across the courtyard Aleyna and her handmaiden, Maza smile and wave. Ennui dismisses herself from the company of her mercenary companions and strolls past the statues adorning the garden. Beautiful marble figures stand about the meticulously landscaped yard. Maza sits on a bench covered with vibrant burgundy cushions, with Aleyna tending to a planter nearby. The youthful ikati’s bright eyes glance up at her. Ennui suspects that the handmaiden had feelings for Aleyna for some time. There is something behind the lingering looks and longing stares that make Ennui somewhat envious. Ennui herself could not help but find herself longing for Khimi’s mother, the woman had a caring and compassionate way about her that caused Ennui’s cold, dead heart to flutter.

Maza twists her fingers through the chiffon sari nervously. Ennui and Maza had grown close during her recovery. Maza had been put in charge of her immediate care, and during that short time, Maza showed her gratitude in ways in which Ennui was more than grateful. Each time she had seen the ikati since, she could only think of the way in which the morning light would touch her lithe, naked form. The way the sheer curtains would be pierced by the light just enough to illuminate her golden skin.

“Seems like you’ve been busy,” Maza asserts, her ears wiggling merrily.

Ennui beams, “Someone needs to protect you and Aleyna.”

“We managed,” Maza whispers with a taunting bite at her lip. “Lady Aleyna and I could have escaped at any point,” she adds in her melodic voice.

Ennui raises her eyebrows, “Much as I would like to believe yo–”

Children,” Aleyna whispers, rising from the cobbles, a mound of dark silt around her. “We’ll always be grateful to you, Ennui. And you’re welcome here at the…palace as you call it, as long as you would like,” she adds with a slight chuckle.

Oh,” Ennui sounds to herself, “I’d be happy to stay at the palace. Alas, I fear your son has other plans for me,” she adds with a deep bow.

Aleyna’s smile radiates warmth, “Well then at least enjoy the time you still have here. While it lasts.”

“I think it would be nice if we had Ennui stay,” Maza says, her eyes meeting Ennui’s, her lips curling into a coy smile.

Aleyna sits beside the youthful girl and places her fingers over the silk scarf around Maza’s neck, adjusting it slightly. Temptresses. Ennui breathes heavily, watching the beautiful Aleyna carefully and daintily pull at the silk. Maza’s lips part, her small form nearly shaking at her mistress’s touch. Maza’s knees rub together and tugs the sari down her thighs. Ennui groans under her breath at the scene before her.

“I’m certain we’d both love it if Ennui stayed,” Aleyna mutters, deftly finishing the knot over the silken scarf.

Ennui had never asked Maza what the relationship between Aleyna and her was, but watching the way in which they interacted, she is almost certain there is a carnal connection between them. A part of her wonders if it is Aleyna who sent Maza to her room that morning, or if it was the ikati’s own desire. It had been one of the best mornings of Ennui’s life, despite the pain she felt from her injuries.

“Ennui?” Maza whispers, her head tilted towards her, “Is everything alright?”

Hazy from her recollection, Ennui shakes her head. “I’m afraid I’m just a bit exhausted,” she lies.

“Perhaps you should have a seat?” Aleyna asks, motioning to the cushion beside her.

“I think I am fine…but perhaps I need to just lay down a moment,” Ennui replies, wiping her brow of the sweat forming below the blue silk headscarf.

“If you’re feeling unwell, perhaps Maza should see you to your chambers?” Aleyna asks without looking away from Maza.

Maza shrugs and places her hands over Aleyna’s. “If it is Lady Aleyna’s wish,” she whispers. “Though our time in the garden has been rather pleasant.”

Ennui waves her hand at Aleyna, “I won’t need anyone to carry me back to my room. The pain has all but subsided,” she says, nearly stuttering over her words. “I was hopeful that Lady Aleyna has found herself able to sleep peacefully of late.”

Aleyna pulls the headscarf from her hair, revealing the two stumps atop her head. “I have slept more easily than I have in decades. I must admit,” she says, reaching for Ennui’s hand. “Your presence here eases my woes. And I feel I can finally be myself now.”

Ennui manages to not look surprised by Aleyna’s horned stubs. She instinctively touches her own horns briefly. “Are you going to have them healed?”

Maza places a hand on top of Aleyna’s, the three women’s hands connected. “Aleyna mentioned her regret at having them removed. I hope she does.”

Ennui clasps Aleyna’s hand in her own, “You’re free now. Ziad won’t bother you any longer. Certainly…someone of the Faith can perform some sort of restoration.”

“I hardly think Ziad will leave me be,” Aleyna murmurs. “I have considered leaving Sidi and moving to Rhaz. I think we would all be safer there. I could meet Khimi’s…eshgh[4].”

Ennui shakes her head, “Lady Aleyna, I feel you should stay here. In Sidi, the paladins and the sanctum will protect you…you just need to prove that Ziad was in the wrong,” she says, releasing her hand. “If you leave Sidi it would be exactly what Ziad wants.”

Maza pushes herself to her feet. “Please allow Lady Aleyna to make her own decisions!”

Maza, it’s alright,” Aleyna scolds while she stands. She releases a heavy sigh. “I know that you have the right of it…but I want to see my son. I need to tell him about who he is.”

Crossing her arms, Ennui’s tail slaps against her leg. “Aleyna,” she begins with a gruffness. “Khimi will come to accept who he is in time. But you need to stay here in Sidi. If you go to Rhaz, there will be no one to look over this…palace,” she adds, motioning to the massive edifice.

“I just want my son to love me, like he did wh–”

“He will, Aleyna!” Maza exclaims. “He loves you, Aleyna! Otherwise, he wouldn’t have sent Ennui.”

“And Mamir,” Ennui mumbles under her breath. “Maza is right though. Khimi cares very deeply for you. I think there is a part of him that even still seeks his father’s attention.”

Aleyna looks up from her legs at Ennui with a look of remorse in her eyes. Her jaw trembles for just a moment before she nods her head at Ennui’s words. The red silk scarf crumbles into a ball in her hand. Ennui looks uncomfortable while Aleyna looks across the courtyard.

“Khimi should never seek Ziad’s affection. He spits honeyed words and false truths. Every day he looked at Khimi, he felt nothing but hatred for our son,” Aleyna’s voice breaks.  She turns back to Ennui and Maza. “Excuse me. I just need a moment.”


Maza’s words are cut short, Ennui’s latches to her wrist. Concerned for Aleyna, Ennui shakes her head at Maza. Aleyna continues onward, walking across the courtyard and past Mamir and the others, she dabs the scarf against her cheek.

Ennui releases Maza’s wrist. “Just give her a moment. I don’t think she will ever feel free of Ziad unless he’s buried in the ground.”

Maza rips her wrist back and massages it slowly, “Do you think that Ziad is going to come back? I know he could b-but there is still a chance he won’t?”

“I want her to seek Davani’s judgment,” Ennui murmurs, “If she can get the support of the saint of balance…then she may be able to separate from Ziad, even have him declared a criminal in the eyes of the gods of balance.”

“H-how?” Maza asks in a whisper. “I want to help Aleyna.”

“Persuasion,” Ennui smirks. “And alcohol. Davani is known to be a heavy drinker.”

Maza grabs hold of Ennui and stands, her fingers dig tightly into her soft pale flesh. “If you help Aleyna, I’ll do anything.”

Davani the Judge

The Grand Hall of the estate is brimming with life. Dozens of servants are dressed in ornate blue and gold silks stand about waiting, each standing before the imposing marble columns that line the length of the hall. Ennui sits beside Aleyna at the lengthy ironwood table, the strange knots and gnarls of the wood form black curves throughout the dense wooden table. Paladins and members of the sanctum of balance are gathered in great numbers and spread across the entire length of the table. Maza stands behind Aleyna, a white ewer with a golden rim in her hands. The youthful ikati’s hair is pulled back in a yellow silken headscarf with a floral pattern, a loose blue gown hangs over one of her shoulders, a white linen wrap covers her gentle breast.

Aleyna squeezes Ennui’s hand under the table. There is an awkwardness in the air. Across the table, situated directly in the center, the Saintess of Balance, Davani. The aureus[5] sits back in the high backed chair and closes her eyes. Golden chains hang across her brow to form a thin veil situated over her head. Her pointed ears rotate while she listens carefully to her surroundings. There is a beauty about her, almost unnatural. Her bronze skin contrasts sharply to the white linen gown which clings tightly to her form. A golden collar, customary to the nobility of Sidi, sits at the top of her chest, the heavy ornament rises and falls with each of her breaths. Ennui can not help but admire the beauty of all the women in the Grand Hall.

Davani’s fingers brush up and down the length of the golden staff at her side. The golden scales at the top rock slightly with the motion. Despite the grand feast on display before them, Davani had yet to touch anything on the table. The room is utterly silent, not a sound to be heard except for the sound of Davani’s fingers drumming against the golden staff. She stops suddenly and cocks a brow.

“I’ve traversed the streets of Sidi for over two hundred years, and I’ve never seen the inside of the Zeybek Estate,” Davani begins in a silvery voice. “I’m curious why now? Why now am I suddenly invited on this day? There is no feast, no namesday, we are not celebrating any victories.”

Aleyna raises her chin, meeting Davani’s gaze with equal intensity, “We apologize for our lack of hospitality. Times have changed, and we are hopeful we can have a working future,” she utters. “However, I admit I seek your aid.”

Davani’s brow raises, “A Zeybek seeking the aid from the sanctum, it must be something of import,” she mutters with a heavy sigh.

“I recently realized I should think of myself more a Yavuz than a Zeybek,” Aleyna replies with a shake of her head.

Davani smirks, “Is this the reason for my invitation? You seek separation from Emir Ziad Zeybek?” She asks with a curious tilt. “Your kin have always been good to me…your father himself served under me for many years, your cousins host the sanctum’s guests at the Athera. I am not beyond being swayed to your reasoning.”

Ennui crosses her arms. “Saint Davani, the situation is more complex than it seems.”

“So it would seem. Your reputation precedes you, but I hardly expected a murderer to be seated across from me at dinner,” Davani states with a sudden smirk. “Do explain,” she adds with an expressive gesture.

Aleyna and Ennui look at one another briefly before Aleyna continues, “Emir Ziad has controlled this home since he obtained it on his father’s deathbed. The Zeybek line passes from father to son, as it has done for hundreds of years. His…tenure has been complicated. I believe th—”

“Complicated how?” Davani interrupts. “I don’t need to know the intricacies of the Zeybek line of succession. Tell me.”

“I was always told that Ziad was a good and honorable man, but I believe it was after our marriage that things…changed,” Aleyna starts. “He was disgusted with what I was. The Yavuz family descend from minos. My mother was a minos, and my father was a human. Though rare, I was conceived through their union and share the blood of a beastkin,” she pauses, removing the headscarf and pushing her hand over the stumps of her horns. “I removed the parts of myself that Emir Ziad did not find attractive, but I fear that nothing would have changed his mind.”

“He never changed,” Davani claps the end of her staff against the tile. “A man who has no love of beastkin is hardly something new. I think you understand that I could hardly act if that is your defense. Emir Ziad is free to be the bigoted man he is…despite my disappointment in the knowledge that he hasn’t changed after his departure from my service.”

“There is mo—”

“If there is more, then you must tell me. Unrestricted truths. All of it,” Davani says, rapping the staff against the floor again. The golden chains jangle on the scales. “Continue.” 

Aleyna clears her throat. “Might I ask for privacy?”

“What you say to me may be said in front of those of my order. They are bound to remain loyal to me. None would ever betray my trust,” Davani offers, motioning up and down the table. “They know the consequences for betrayal.”

“Saint Davani, perhaps we could carry this conversation elsewhere?” Ennui speaks up in Aleyna’s defense. Her fingertip presses against the tip of her horns. “I’m certain Aley—”

“Continue, Aleyna.”

“My marriage with Ziad was orchestrated by my father. It was a betrothal in which he thought I would be cared for. He knew Ziad was an honorable man from his time as a paladin beside him and Rashid. But, the moment he set his eyes on me during our wedding day…I could tell things would never be like I had dreamed. He was cruel from our very first night. The bones in my tail were broken on our first night together. It was only when he began to drink to excess that I realized how he felt. He was unable to speak his mind without it. The words he spoke were…unkind.”

“I see,” Davani whispers. “I recall your request for an audience all those years ago. Forgive me for dismissing you without thought.”

“I am responsible for my own situation,” Aleyna whispers. “I came to you, seeking something else. Emir Ziad wanted a child and I thought you may help. At the time, I thought…with a child, our situation would change. That a child could be the catalyst that would make him love me,” she adds, looking up and down the table. “It was another temple, north of Rhaz where my womb was blessed. I had a child with Ziad. Khimi, he was such a brilliant boy, such a happy child. But things only grew worse, and so I thought to remove everything about myself that related to my minos heritage. Horns and tail…I had them removed. I thought maybe he would love me if he saw no physical manifestations of who I was. Only, I was wrong.”

Maza steps forward, “Please, Saint Davani help he—”

The golden staff slams against the tile. “Continue,” Davani commands.

“Emir Ziad’s abuse continued. I never told my son about myself or that he bore the blood of beastkin. That the blood of minos runs wild through his veins. Then Emir Ziad began to harm Khimi and I. There were days I couldn’t escape from him and times I thought of putting poison into my wine,” Aleyna mutters quietly. The paladins look at each other and servants turn their heads. “There were times I could not leave the estate or rise from bed. I was in so much pain. Ziad left when Khimi was in his youth and claimed he was destined to expand the Cerulean Star into the isles and Loria.”

“I understand that things with Ziad may be difficult, but the sanctum is not in charge of settling marriage disputes,” Davani murmurs while she leans forward. “The gods of balance ask me to act as their judge in many things, but I need to know what you’re seeking.”

“Freedom from Ziad. If he returns, I would seek that the sanctum would lend their aid. Temporarily put the Cerulean Star under my control,” Aleyna whispers. “I seek control of the Cerulean Star in his stead.”

Davani looks about the room, “Members of the Sanctum and servants of Aleyna, I ask for you to leave the hall,” she says with a sigh. With a pause she waits and clicks her tongue. “With haste.”

The entire hall empties, the paladins in their heavy armor leave with clattering footfalls while the servants follow behind. Maza places a hand on Aleyna’s shoulder and whispers a quiet apology before placing the ewer on the table and following the procession from the hall. The Saint of Balance stands, pushing the chair back across the tiles with a loud screech. Her fingers work to adjust the scales at the top of her staff.

Ennui stands, leaving Aleyna seated. “I have no intention of leaving,” she whispers to Aleyna. “However, I must question the saint’s intentions.”

“What you speak of is akin to treason. Though Sidi is under my domain, in the design of the Desert Cities, it is known that Emir Ziad is the unspoken ruler,” Davani whispers. “I speak through the gods, and their words are quiet. I need the room empty, so I can focus on their whispers. There are ancient ordinances in Sidi, rules that govern these types of events and circumstances. The gods could give me insight and guidance,” She says before tapping the golden staff onto the tile.

The staff remains standing on its own. Davani pulls her hands away, the scales tip back and forth before stopping with an assured steadiness. Prostrating herself before the staff, she begins to speak softly in an ancient language. Her eyes glow with an amber hue, her body shaking in the tight-fit gown. Aleyna rises from her seat before she runs around the length of the table. Davani’s raises her hand to halt her.

“The gods are offering me guidance,” Davani murmurs. “Their guidance requires silence.”

“I’m sorry,” Aleyna pleads. She quickly drops to her knees and lowers her head.

Ennui cocks a brow and leans over the table, watching the spectacle. “What are your gods saying? Something helpful, I presume?”

Davani’s head tilts back towards the ceiling. “I can offer you two solutions, and both are equally difficult. First, if you wish to dissolve your marriage with Emir Ziad, you must walk away from everything. Even Khimi. You will leave the Desert Cities and never return.”

“W-What?” Ennui croaks and shakes her head in disbelief. “Hardly a solution.”

“The Second, Aleyna forfeits control of all assets the Zeybek family owns in Sidi to Khimi. In the eyes of the gods, all will come into his possession the way things stand currently,” Davani says with a smile to the heavens. “However, you understand that should Khimi die an untimely death or his loins fail to yield fruit, then the Cerulean Star will fall under the ownership of the sanctum.”

Ennui scoffs. “How fortuitous for the sanctum.”

Davani’s eyes return to their softer golden hue. “The gods offer this as their solution. Of course, this is already the natural order of things anyway.”

“What do you mea—”

“What she means is that, after our departure from this plane, everything would belong to Khimi. Should Khimi not have a child…there is no heir and even if Khimi were to claim an heir, the sanctum would have control of the assets anyway. Heritage and succession in Sidi can only be done through blood ties,” Aleyna interrupts.

Ennui’s voice becomes shrill while she leans over the table. “I suspect your gods know that Khimi won’t bear fruit for the foreseeable future.”

Davani stands from the tiles and places her hand over the golden staff. “Then you understand that unless Aleyna or Ziad bring forth other children into this world then…we, the sanctum, will eventually take control of the Zeybek Estate, the Cerulean Star, and all of their belongings.”

“Khimi wouldn’t approve of this, Aley—”

“I accept,” Aleyna interrupts swiftly. “Khimi will understand. I’ll pass the estate over to his control. What of Ziad?”

“Emir Ziad,” Davani murmurs quietly. “Should he cause any issues, then he will be dealt with. I’ll have a letter drafted, and a statement released regarding the new Emir Zeybek of Sidi. Ziad himself will receive a letter from the sanctum. It will outline the details of his banishment from Sidi.”

Ennui shakes her head in frustration, “Lady Aleyna…this will only make things worse. The sanctum won’t protect you fro—”

“Do not question the sanctum!” Davani growls, the golden veil above her dark hair shakes and clatters with her jerking movement. “I can promise there will be paladins stationed outside the estate until the sanctum takes control.”

“Keeping an eye on your assets…until you claim them for your own?!” Ennui growls in response, her fingers pull at the cloth running along the length of the table. “How selfless of the sanctum.”

“I don’t appreciate the sentiment of your stateme—”

“Saint Davani,” Aleyna interrupts. “I would ask for one additional favor.”

Davani sighs and continues in her silky voice, “You ask much for someone who has just met me. However, I could hardly refuse the wealthiest woman in the Desert Cities — well, once the wealthiest.”

“My horns and tail,” Aleyna whispers. “I heard that the saints can restore limbs…I would like this part of myself back. I want my heritage back.”

“Beastkin to beastkin,” Davani begins with a knowing smile. “I do not know how you suffered through such a cruel act. Had someone touched my ears or tail, you can bet they would be at the bottom of a cistern with a knife in their back.”

Ennui’s tail slaps against her thigh. “Aleyna…listen. This is important, I don’t believe Khimi will be pleased about the estate. This will only push him further away. He will not be happ–”

“This was his destiny!” Aleyna mutters defiantly. “THIS,” she motions to the bountiful vision of wealth around her. “This was always his destiny.”

“It’s a beautiful destiny,” Davani adds. “He should be happy to be given such a beautiful thing. Now, shall we see to growing back these horns?”

Ennui shakes her head, the two women walk nearer to the table. “Aleyna, heed me. The Sanctum cannot protect you from Ziad’s influence…he’s the wealthiest man in the Desert Cities. Hells, he could be the wealthiest man on Talmus for all I know.”

“We will try our best,” Davani replies, before she places her hands at the of Aleyna’s head and whispers an incantation. A bright glow emanates from her hand and with a short swift motion the glow fades from her hands.

“It’s done?” Aleyna asks with a concerned look.

“These things take time,” Davani murmurs. “Perhaps we should go somewhere more private to restore your tail?”

Ennui looks around the room, “If you need space, I’ll go.”

“Could you check on Maza?” Aleyna asks with a cautious glance at Ennui. “She looked upset.”

“Sure,” Ennui scoffs, shaking her head in disgust over the table. “Be careful, Aleyna.”

“I’ll be fine,” Aleyna says, holding her chin up with a prideful smile.

Ennui leaves while the two women begin to whisper once again. She grasps a cup filled with Sidian wine from a side table and walks down the hallway towards the courtyard. The cotton sari snags against her leg. A growl reverberates through her chest as she reaches for the cloth and tears the fabric, freeing her legs from the restrictive nature of the cloth. Aleyna’s refusal to listen to her only causes anger to well within her.

Ennui can not help but feel somewhat guilty of the evening’s outcome. It had been her idea to request the sanctum’s aid, but she did not expect that the sanctum to use the request as a play for the Zeybek fortune. There is a saying amongst people like Ennui. The Faithful are the real devils. It is something she seldom had to consider, but now she could not help but feel foolish for inviting a monster into Aleyna’s home. Despite her concern and anger with Aleyna’s decision, she understands the desire to free herself of Ziad.

At the edge of the courtyard, Maza leans against a column. She rocks her back from side to side against the rounded pillar. Paladins and acolytes from the sanctum stand about the yard, a plume of smoke rising above their heads from the pipes in their mouths. Maza and others turn to Ennui with eager looks.

“Everything’s fine,” Ennui announces loudly. She grabs Maza’s wrist firmly, her nails press into her skin. “Aleyna wants me to comfort you.”

Maza raises a brow, “I-I don’t need comforting,” she murmurs. “Is Aleyna alright?”

“She’ll have her horns and tail again soon. But…she passed the estate over to Khimi,” Ennui murmurs quietly.

“S-She what? W-Why?” Maza whispers. “What happened?”

Ennui pulls Maza by the wrist back towards the hall, “I’ll tell you, but I need to speak with you privately.”

Ennui’s slippered feet pad along the marble floor, while Maza covers her thinly concealed chest. She pulls her along the hallway with haste and with a forceful shove, she pushes Maza against the wall. Her teeth press against Maza’s soft golden skin, teasing against her neck.

“I don’t think…this is what Aleyna meant,” Maza groans, pushing against Ennui.

“Are you denying me?” Ennui asks, tilting her head and looking into the soft green eyes.

Maza groans again, “I just want to make sure that Aleyna is well.”

“She’s well and good, she’s free of Ziad,” Ennui snaps, her fingers moving across Maza’s bare hip.

“And you’re certain she doesn’t need me?” Maza asks, her eyes meeting Ennui’s. “Ennui?”

Ennui cups Maza’s cheek in her hand, “She doesn’t need you,” she replies flatly. “But I need you.”


Maza’s words falter, Ennui’s fingers delving down over the soft skin between the scrawny ikati’s legs. Her knobby knees buckle at Ennui’s touch.

Ennui’s finger caresses the wet slit between her legs. “Hells,” she murmurs, biting into the Maza’s soft ear. “You’re already this wet.”

“En— Ennui, listen,” Maza moans. “This can’t be permanent.”

Ennui rolls her eyes, “Yes, yes. I’m just having my fun.”

“Good,” Maza replies quickly, “As long as you understand,” she adds, her hands slowly tugging the sari down her thigh.

Ennui’s lips trace along Maza’s neck. With a rough hand, she pulls the fabric down over her breast, her lips quickly seeking her nipple. Maza moans lightly, Ennui’s teeth tease against the tender nipple standing hard. Thin fingers dig into Ennui’s lengthy black hair and curl into the locks, pressing her mouth against her breast. The soft lengthy tongue swirls about the softness of her bosom, her teeth occasionally clench gently over the hardened nipple.

“T-this is only temp–”

“I know!” Ennui interjects, pressing a moistened finger between Maza’s swollen lips. “Now be a good girl for me.”

Maza tosses her head, the hay-colored hair falls at the sides of her face. “D-Devil,” she moans.

Ennui’s finger curls between the sensitive lips, pushing inside while she presses against her lightly haired groin. Cautiously, Ennui pushes a second finger into the small ikati, who moans even louder. Shoving her harder against the wall, Ennui’s teeth sink into the soft bosom, her fingers sliding in and out of Maza’s warmth with a gentle pace. Moisture coats her fingers, the scent of Maza’s sex fills Ennui’s nose. Since their first encounter, Ennui could not deny her desire for the Maza.

 Maza’s tail swings toward her and brushes along Ennui’s side. “The paladins will hear,” she warns.

Ennui pulls back and drops to her knees with soft kisses along Maza’s abdomen. Ennui’s fingers push against the undulating insides, feeling the warmth, while she brings her lips between Maza’s legs. With a longing expression, she turns her eyes to Maza’s. A gentle caress along her cheek is the only affirmation Ennui needs to continue. Her lips part, her soft, deft tongue laps between the swollen skin. She pushes the lips open with her fingers. Ennui’s tongue flicks against Maza’s slit. Maza’s hands tighten on Ennui’s horns, shoving her tighter against her sex.

Soft moans echo through the hall. Ennui’s lips drip with the wet from between Maza’s legs. Shuddering against Ennui’s touch, Maza slides down the wall and spreads her legs, the sari hangs from the edge of her foot. Ennui follows Maza’s body down the wall and continues to eagerly taste the small ikati, her jaw moving with hungry movements. A sharp tug at Maza’s tail leaves the ikati moaning, her legs coil behind Ennui’s head, her hands pushing against the back of the Ennui’s head, forcing the tip of her horns to bite into her hips.

“Y-you truly are a d-devil,” Maza mutters while Ennui’s tongue slides against her.

Ennui’s tail whips behind her, “You make it too easy, and if I recall…you approached me first.”

Maza breaths and pushes Ennui’s face back gently. “I-I just w-wanted to thank you.”

Ennui tilts her head curiously, “Are you not enjoying this?”

“What! Of course, I am!” Maza contests. “I promise…I just.”

Ennui sits back, her tail sways behind her. “You just what? Out with it!”

“I love Aleyna,” Maza murmurs. She covers her face, color fills her cheeks. “I’ve always loved Aleyna…”

Ennui cocks an eyebrow, “Not that I care, but what about Aleyna…does she feel the same?” She asks, straightening her hair and wiping her lips.

“We’ve had moments…and I believe she understands how I feel.”

“How strange…to be in love with your mistress,” Ennui chuckles to herself. Her hand pushes Maza’s leg open. “But I understand. This is just for fun.”

“Just for fun,” Maza nods in agreement. Her head tilts back in pleasure, Ennui’s tongue presses inside of her once more.

[1] Capri- Beastkin with the features of goats.

[2] Lottore- Beastkin with the features of raccoons.

[3] Ursine- Beastskin with the features of bears.

[4] Love

[5] Aureus- Beastkin with the features of jackals.