Arrival in Sidi
The remainder of the journey through the desert had been unremarkable. Lumi had chosen to stay in the comfort of the wagon with Khimi after their encounter at the ruins, and though he pleaded with Khimi to allow Mido to take their wagon, Khimi denied him. The subject had become a cause of contention between them for several days before Lumi eventually gave in to Khimi’s concerns. There had been so many things he never understood about the world until he met Khimi. Appearances, title, status, none of these had meant anything to Lumi until Khimi explained the importance of them to him.
Day after day, Khimi had remained in the wagon, the confidence, and bravado he displayed for the caravanners and the guards steadily faded. The forceful and excited speeches had stopped, and Lumi felt at a loss. Lumi would remain beside his quiet lover in the wagon, the scent of sweat and stagnant air wafting about them. He held Khimi tightly, but any attempt to cheer or seduce him only served to irritate him or push him further away.
Now in Sidi, the city is more overwhelming than Lumi has originally expected. The stories can not compare to the true grandeur of the city. Clinging to the edge of the window, he watches the wagons roll over the cobbled streets. Beautiful white buildings surround them with brightly painted window frames, terraced rooftop gardens, and courtyards overflowing with fruit bearing trees are common-sight. Ironwoods rise up around the buildings, providing shade over the streets. Palms calmly sway with the breeze from the Emerald Coast.
Khimi rises from the covers and sits up behind Lumi. The single room inside the wagon is more cramped than it appears from the outside. There is only a small bed, which they both barely manage to fit, and a wardrobe opposite the room. What it lacks in space, it makes up for in shade and comfort. The room is dark and despite the heat, the shade makes it seem much more tolerable. Lumi turns from the window and embraces Khimi, his soft plump lips pressing against Khimi’s bearded cheek.
“It’s beautiful,” Lumi announces in his nakedness.
Khimi sighs, a darkness about his eyes. “You should get dressed,” he mutters, then rolls onto his side.
Lumi’s tail wags behind him, “Khimi, you’re home!” He exclaims with a cheerful smile.
Khimi reaches for the curtain and pulls the hemp cord. The room returns to darkness. “I don’t want people to see us like this.”
“Khimi,” Lumi whispers, his hand fondling Khimi’s chest. “Please, tell me what’s wrong.”
“Nothing,” Khimi replies swiftly. He leans back onto the cushioned bed and Lumi pulls himself on top.
“You…have been so distant. Don’t you think Aleyna will be happy to see you?” Lumi asks in a whisper.
Lumi’s rounded ears wiggle excitedly, his forehead pushes against Khimi’s. Khimi turns his head to the side, evading Lumi’s gaze.
“It’s been weeks,” Lumi whispers into Khimi’s ear. “I know you’re hurtin’, but let me help. I can take your mind off of it. Please, Khimi.”
“Lumi,” Khimi breathes, pushing against his shoulder. “I just need time. Sidi…has never felt like home. I can’t help but feel like a failure, returning here after all these years and bringing Aleyna such horrific news…after I already failed her. Failed her again and again and again.”
“It’s not your fault,” Lumi responds before he tenses his thigh over Khimi’s abdomen. Pushing himself up straight, he places his hands on Khimi’s shoulders. “Khimi, you can’t blame yourself!”
The wagon continues across the bumpy cobbled streets and Lumi brings himself back down onto Khimi, his hands sliding beneath his arms. Lumi’s thick, rounded ear presses against Khimi’s chest while he listens to the deep thumping of his heart.
“Lumi,” Khimi mumbles. “I’ll be better soon.”
“I know.”
“Get dressed.”
“We’re not having sex,” Khimi mutters.
“I know,” Lumi pouts.
Khimi sighs, “We’re not far from where we’re headed,” he says, pushing Lumi to the side. “We aren’t going directly to the estate…I need a few days to prepare.”
“Prepare?” Lumi asks, brushing his cheek against Khimi’s shoulder.
“I’m not ready to see Aleyna. At least not tonight, I need some time to clear my head,” Khimi responds, rolling onto his side to face Lumi. “Now, are you going to get dressed?”
“No,” Lumi snorts. “Not until you promise me something.”
“Promise you what?”
Lumi pulls himself close to Khimi, his lips brush against Khimi’s, “That you’ll get past this. That when you do…you’ll show me how much you love me,” he whispers before pressing his lips against Khimi’s and pushing against him with all of his might.
Khimi rolls onto his back while Lumi pushes himself on top once more. “Lumi,” he chokes, exhaling sharply between Lumi’s kisses. “Not now!”
“Now,” Lumi insists, reaching behind him, fingers searching beneath the thin sheet for Khimi’s arousal.
With a hint of annoyance, Khimi pushes Lumi off of himself and sits up. “Lumi, calm the hells down.”
Lumi growls and sits up from the bed. He rips the curtains wide from the window and peers out at the streets. “Fine,” he huffs in protest.
Khimi shakes his head and hides the smile forming on his lips. “You’re so persistent,” he says almost with admiration. “So, I arranged our stay at the Athera, one of the oldest and most well known inns in the Desert Cities,” he adds, reaching for a pile of clothing on the ground. “Put on some damn clothes.”
Lumi’s tail sways behind him, his cheeks puffed out in protest. “Fine,” he groans.
The wagon continues past hundreds of smaller houses before arriving closer to the center of the city. Ancient structures bloom into view once the wagon nears the bazaar. The citizens are clothed in beautiful silks and linens, golden chokers and accessories adorned their bodies. All manner of people walk the streets, humans, beastkin, elves, and halflings among others. Lumi can not help but gawk at the beauty of the city. The buildings around the center of the city sport golden domed rooftops, which glint with the daylight sun.
The caravan comes to a halt abruptly before an ancient looking structure. The building has eight pristine marble columns rising to the ceiling. A short set of stairs rise up to the open entrance, where several men in white tabards stand with their arms crossed.
“Lumi,” Khimi snorts suddenly and jerks, pulling the half shirt over Lumi’s head. “Get dressed. We’re here.”
Lumi pulls the shirt over his arms and rushes to the wardrobe. “Your home is beautiful,” he utters, rummaging through the wardrobe.
“J-Just put on trousers,” Khimi sighs, shaking his head in dismay. With a quick tug, he tightens the silk scarf around his waist.
Lumi pulls his linen sarouel on, one leg after the next. “Will you show me the market later?” He asks, flashing his fangs with a hearty smile.
“Yeah, sure. Come on,” Khimi says flatly. He grabs Lumi’s wrist and pushes the door to the wagon open. “I’ll show you the bazaar some other time.”
Lumi covers his eyes, the light floods into the small wagon. Sidi is unlike anything that he had ever seen before. The market across the avenue is bustling with hundreds of patrons, the many stalls with merchants hawking their wares. There is so much beauty that Lumi hardly has a moment to take it in before Khimi drags him along to the Athera. The building is far more imposing than he imagined. It is equal in height to the Temple of Life, and just as grand as the Celestial Palace in Rhaz.
“What is this place?” Lumi asks, tilting his head curiously. “You said an inn.”
“It is, it’s just a very old inn…where powerful people stay. It has one of the most well known bathhouses in the Desert Cities. You’ll like it,” Khimi explains, allowing Lumi his freedom. “They call it the Athera.”
“You’ve stayed here before?” Lumi inquires, his hand sliding into Khimi’s at his side.
Khimi’s sighs, color rising in his cheeks while he takes Lumi’s hand. “Yeah, a few times. The wagons will continue to the stables. Jiya will be in charge of protecting you. Though Mido and Augustus will be staying here for now as well.”
“Did you stay here…with someone else?” Lumi asks and looks up at Khimi, his brow raised in confusion.
“Mmm,” Khimi groans, covering his eyes with his palm. “Yes, but we didn’t share a room.”
“Who was it?” Lumi pouts, “Did you like them? Are Augustus and Mido sharing a room with us?”
“It was just a traveling companion and no, I didn’t like them,” Khimi whispers, “and, they certainly aren’t staying in ours,” he replies with a firm squeeze on Lumi’s hand. He shakes his head while they walk up the stairs, “I need to apologize, Lumi.”
“You don’t need to apologize for anything,” Lumi says and peers behind them. Jiya follows a few paces behind, “I just want you to be happy,” he whispers.
“I’m happy,” Khimi replies, squeezing Lumi’s hand again. “Things have just been tough.”
Lumi nods, but holds himself firmly against Khimi. Their feet touch the top of the stairs. Men in pristine white robes stand aside, respectfully allowing the couple to pass through the open entrance and into the opulent hall. They move over the smooth marble floors, each tile etched with intricate geometric patterns that glisten in the soft glow of golden light. The lines seem almost alive, swirling and intertwining to create a hypnotic dance beneath their feet. Large pots line the edges of the room, bursting with vibrant tropical plants that add an exotic touch to the already luxurious space. Lumi is reminded of Dolmas, his childhood home, surrounded by lush greenery and colorful blooms. Suddenly, a minos woman adorned in a deep purple sarong and shawl appears before them, exuding a commanding presence that demands attention.
“Lord Zeybek,” the minos woman says, tossing her raven hair to the side. “Though your caravan is late, we kept all the arrangements we had prepared for your arrival. If you’d like, I can see you directly to your chambers. I understand you have special cargo that will need its own room?”
“Right…Rashid,” Khimi whispers. “For just a moment…I forgot. Can you have a separate room made to accommodate him?”
The minos woman nods, her short tail wags behind her. “I can see to his care, or if you’d rather have your people take care of him, then I understand. And if you’d like, I can have someone show you to your chambers. I assume you must be exhausted from such a strenuous journey.”
Khimi nods, “The rooms would be nice, but I believe I can find the way. I’ll have Jiya show you to Rashid afterward,” he replies flatly. He releases Lumi’s hand, “Our guests, please see them into their chambers.”
She clicks her tongue, “Well, your room is near the bathhouse, there is a jade tile mosaic on the ground in front. The door should be open, and the key is on the cupboard.”
Khimi steps forward then pauses, “Ah, this is Jiya,” he says, quickly turning on his heels. “She’ll show you to Rashid.”
The minos woman smiles at Jiya, “We’ll see it handled. Enjoy your stay, Lord Zeybek and guest.”
There is a calmness in the air in the entrance. The area is spacious, and the air feels soft and clean. There is a faint scent of sea salt mingled with fresh baked bread. Lumi looks for the source of the scent until Khimi whistles at him to follow, beckoning him over with a wave of his hand.
“Guest,” Lumi gripes, raising a brow at Khimi. “You get to be Lord Zeybek…but I am guest.”
“Would you rather be…Lumi of the Sun Temple, Chosen of the gods of light and fire?” Khimi mocks in a whisper.
Lumi groans and forces his pace to match Khimi’s stride. “No, I do not want that.”
Despite the structure’s massive size, it seems almost abandoned. There are few people to be seen except for a servant or guard wandering the halls in the bright white robes. As they walk beneath an arched entrance, they step out into a large courtyard. A shallow pool is in the center, a flowing fountain billowing steaming water sits at the back from what appeared to be a natural stone wall. The sound of the running water reverberates through the courtyard, growing louder with each step. Steam rises from the water and Lumi raises his nose to the air to take in the scent.
“Your home is really special,” Lumi whispers, enjoying the beauty of the murals laid throughout the walls.
Khimi musters a smile, “You think?”
“Yeah, our home in Rhaz is gorgeous…but this is special,” Lumi replies, carefully choosing his words.
“I like that,” Khimi whispers, his hand reaching for Lumi’s.
“Hmm? That this place is…special?” Lumi asks, tilting his head in confusion. He places his little finger in Khimi’s palm.
Khimi rolls his eyes, “You said OUR home,” he responds and stops mid-stride. “I think this may be the first time.”
“Huh, maybe so,” Lumi whispers, his ears wiggle while he thinks. “I hope that doesn’t offend you?”
“No,” Khimi snorts. Slowly, he reaches for Lumi’s chin and brings it up to face him. “I said I liked it,” he whispers before his lips meet Lumi’s.
Lumi closes his eyes, Khimi’s warm breath blows across his cheek. Everything around them fades, Lumi’s focus becomes nothing but the warmth of Khimi’s lips pressing against his own. It is hard for him to restrain himself from pleading with Khimi for more. Every ounce of his body longs for him, but he fights against his urges. Lumi grabs Khimi’s sleeve and pulls him in eagerly. The desire building within him over the weeks without intimacy had become overwhelming. Their lips part, Lumi’s tongue dives hungrily into Khimi’s mouth, his fingernails ripping at the sleeve.
Khimi grabs Lumi’s shoulder and holds him firm, his thumbs pushing deep into Lumi’s skin. It feels just as primal and fueled by desire as the first time they kissed. Lumi’s jaw follows Khimi’s, their mouths pressing together. His hand grabs hold of Khimi’s golden necklace, fingers intertwining and tugging at it to keep Khimi’s lips tight against his own. With an anguished sigh, Khimi pulls away and holds Lumi back, the full length of his arms separating them.
“What’s wrong?” Lumi pleads, his fingers still clutched to Khimi’s necklace.
Khimi looks up and down the length of the walkway, “We should see to our room, then you said you wanted to go to the bazaar?”
Lumi shakes his head, “The market can wait if you want…I don’t mind staying in the room,” he finishes under his breath.
“Of course you don’t,” Khimi chortles, peeling Lumi’s fingers from him. Digit by digit, Khimi pulls at Lumi’s fingers. “I’d like to bathe…and I need to shave.”
A grin forms across Lumi’s lips. “I’ll shave you!” He says in an excited squeal.
Khimi’s eyes narrow, “You’ve never shaved before.”
“No, but if I cut you…I get to practice my healing,” Lumi chirps.
“You must be angry,” Khimi replies, “wanting to practice your healing on me.”
Lumi edges closer to Khimi’s side, “No, but if we’re traveling together a lot…I should learn, right?”
“I guess. But I can shave myself.”
“But you seemed to enjoy it when the old man was shaving you,” Lumi snorts, tilting his head up at Khimi.
Khimi rolls his eyes, “That’s his job. He’s spent years honing his craft…it’s different. Besides, my eyes were on you the whole time.”
“Let me do it,” Lumi insists, “I’ll make you look even more beautiful…and you get to keep those pretty eyes on me.”
Khimi scoffs and itches the scar on his cheek, “You can’t be any more beautiful than this.”
Lumi laughs and grabs Khimi’s arm, shaking him playfully. “Don’t make me leave my own scars on you!”
“You’ve already left your mark,” Khimi smiles and winks. “Plenty of marks.”
“You deserved all of them,” Lumi whispers, his cheeks turning red. “Show me…I don’t remember seeing any.”
Khimi purses his lips. “Yeah, right here,” he whispers, placing his hand over his chest. “Right in my hea—”
“KHIMI!” Lumi growls and slaps his hand against Khimi’s abdomen.
Khimi buckles over in laughter. “Come on,” he whispers, his arm wrapping around Lumi’s shoulder.
They pass several large open doors, various tile mosaics with hues of every color and design before each one. They stop in the center of the courtyard, across from the public baths and marble columns. Broken pieces of jade form a colorful mosaic on the floor in front of the room, the frame of the door is expertly carved into curved spirals. Above the lock is a curved looped ring. Khimi places his hand on the loop and gives it a hearty pull. The door, several feet taller than Khimi, creaks with its opening.
Four large windows, stretching from the polished wooden floor to the ornately carved ceiling, filter a soft, golden light into the room. The warm glow gives the space an ethereal quality, like stepping into a dream. Between the two central windows is an arched doorway, flanked by two towering potted palms that sway gently in the breeze from outside. The room is mostly empty, but it emanates a sense of opulence and grandeur. Against the right wall stands a bed unlike any Lumi has ever seen before. A sheer curtain cascades down from a suspended frame above the bed, and dozens of plush pillows adorn its edges, inviting Lumi to sink into its luxurious embrace. On the opposite side of the room sits a small cupboard, containing a key and a chamber pot stashed beneath. With a heavy sigh, Lumi makes his way over to the plush chaise lounge situated beneath one of the windows, taking in the elegant surroundings with wonder and amazement.
Khimi scratches his chin in thought, “How about a bath first, then the bazaar?”
“OR, we could go to the market, then we could bathe after!”
“You stink,” Khimi murmurs and approaches the open door, with Lumi staring at him from the comfort of the chaise. “How about that shave?”
“Maybe later,” Lumi huffs. Leaning back into the deep indigo cushions. “Tonight, after the market. If you’re a good boy.”
“If I’m good?” Khimi asks with a laugh, “Okay, kitten. Whatever you say.”
A smile forms across Lumi’s lips and turns onto his side, “Hey! You called me kitten again,” he says cheerfully. “You must be feeling better.”
“We have our own courtyard back here,” Khimi calls, crossing through the arched passage. “There are chairs back here too…and wine,” he adds, his arms extending to either side of the door frame.
“Wine?!” Lumi sits up suddenly and follows the sound of Khimi’s voice into the walled courtyard.
The tiles in the courtyard mirror the vibrant hues of the jade mosaics that line the entrance. Clay pots, adorned with intricate designs, are scattered throughout the space, each one housing a unique plant — from towering palms to delicate banana trees. Ivy climbs its way up the courtyard walls, framing a small fountain directly across from the entrance. Khimi sits on the edge of the fountain, gazing up at Lumi with a mischievous smile. It’s an image that Lumi wishes he could capture and keep forever; Khimi’s playful expression always has a way of igniting his deepest desires.
Lumi’s tail swishes behind him while he crosses the small courtyard, taking in the sights and scents around him. “It’s so beauti–” he begins to say, but is interrupted by Khimi’s laughter. Khimi tosses a handful of water from the fountain at him. “You smell like a bucket of sweat.
Lumi’s eyes grow wide with shock, “B-Bastard!” He shouts, wiping the water from his face. He growls, then dashes, crossing the distance between them within seconds.
Khimi rises from the edge of the fountain and grabs Lumi, his arms wrapped around him in a vice. “Bastard, am I?”
“Yeah, you’re a big ole bastard,” Lumi murmurs against Khimi’s chest, his hands flailing against his sides.
Khimi’s lips push between Lumi’s ears, kissing the top of his head. “Sorry,” he responds softly before reaching behind Lumi and gripping his thighs. “You really need to bathe, though,” he adds with a grunt, lifting him against himself.
“You’re gonna toss me in the fountain?” Lumi asks with a quizzical look.
“Not quite,” Khimi whispers into Lumi’s ears.
Lumi rubs his hands across Khimi’s back. He is carried back through the room and to the hallway. “This is embarrassing,” he purrs, his cheeks flushing with color. “Everyone is going to laugh.”
“Too bad,” Khimi sneers with a determined expression. Carefully, he kicks the sandals from his feet, then pushes against the door with his toes while holding Lumi securely in his arms. “We have most of the rooms here anyway,” he snorts, “And, when are you one to be shy?”
Lumi tilts his face up to see Khimi’s while the door swings open. “I-I guess you’re right. This is your home, aren’t you worried?”
“Worried?” Khimi asks, standing at the edge of the water.
“About people who know you? Aren’t you concerned about what they are gonna think about you?” Lumi questions through narrowed eyes. “You were so worri–”
Lumi stops mid-sentence. Khimi tosses him into the pool. The water is warm and inviting, yet somewhat colder than expected. He surfaces, shaking his head furiously, water spraying around him while he shakes off the moisture.
“You could have let me take my clothes off first,” Lumi groans, pulling his wet half shirt over his head.
Khimi snorts, “I don’t think you would have given me the time.”
Lumi narrows his eyes at Khimi, his feet kicking the soaked sarouel off his legs into the water. “Nope, definitely not!” He croaks before tossing the bundle of wet cloth at Khimi.
The clothes hit the ground next to Khimi with a loud sloshing sound, “Close,” Khimi mutters while he pulls his shirt over his head.
Lumi lowers his face into the water, his eyes just above the waterline. The bottom of the pool is rocky, uneven bumps make it difficult to walk steadily for someone his size. His tail slogs through the water behind him in elation. His eyes do not leave Khimi’s body while he undresses beside a marble column. It is one of Lumi’s favorite parts of their typical evening rituals. The way Khimi would carefully pull his shirt over his head, or unbutton his kaftan with slow exaggerated motions. The careful and gentle way in which he would remove the silk scarf from his waist, then fold it tenderly on the ground before making his way to bed. Lumi can feel his skin growing progressively more flush with every piece of clothing Khimi removes. Khimi’s body catches the light in such a way that accentuates the strength of his form, his chiseled abdomen and chest seem to glisten in the light. With an almost slow and purposeful swagger, Khimi pulls the shirt over his arms and folds it carefully on the ground beside the column. Lumi’s tail tucks between his legs, and he watches Khimi roll the top of his sarouel down and lower them to his ankles, Khimi’s gift from the gods swings between his legs. Blood rushes to Lumi’s head, his mind grows clouded the longer he waits.
“Khimi,” Lumi says, unable to keep himself from being aroused. “Hurry up. Please.”
“What, why?” Khimi questions, glancing down at Lumi with a confused tilt of his head.
Lumi can feel his arousal shaking while he swims to the edge of the pool to hide his excitement. “Please.”
“You need some bathing oils?”
“You should have asked me before you took off those trousers,” Lumi says from the edge of the pool, looking up with a hungry smirk. “Sure, since you said I reek.”
Pushing away from the edge, he floats onto his back and brushes his tail over his abdomen. He waits for Khimi to enter the water, his eyes follow the high ceilings to murals painted above the bathhouse of angelic figures and a woman bearing a golden staff. Symbols of balance are displayed all around the murals. Scales of balance are carved into the top of each of the marble columns.
A voice from across the water calls out a greeting, and Lumi swivels back into the water to hide his arousal.
“Care for some company?” A man’s voice says from behind.
As Lumi glances up from the waters, he finds himself a short distance from a thin framed man. A man with hay-colored hair and pointed ears peers at him from across the water. His features are sharp, but inviting. The soft eyes are reminiscent of the green glades Lumi had come across in the Dolman jungle.
“No, no,” Lumi insists, standing against the edge of the pool opposite them. “I’m about to get ou—”
“Like hells you are,” Khimi says from behind and squatting at the edge of the pool.
Lumi turns to Khimi, his nose wrinkles. “I’d rather go to the ro—”
“What’s that face for?” Khimi croaks.
“I thought we were going to finally have some alone time,” Lumi whispers, his hands wading through the water awkwardly.
Khimi squats beside the pool and peers over at the man, “Did something happen?”
“No, I just thought we would be alone,” Lumi whispers under his breath and climbs up the stairs.
Khimi looks at the figure. “It’s a public bath,” he whispers in reply, his eyes still focused on the man.
“I can hear you both, you know?” The man says. “I understand, it’s a big bath, I’ll leave you be.”
Khimi waves his hand in recognition, “Apologies,” he calls out to the man before turning his attention back to Lumi.
Lumi groans, shaking his head, launching water over Khimi. “It was just us like….a moment ago,” he mutters, wanting to scurry past Khimi, his flesh burning red with embarrassment.
Khimi grabs hold of Lumi’s arm and pulls him against himself. “Hold up,” he murmurs. “It’s a big pool,” he adds, his lips against Lumi’s rounded ears.
Lumi swivels in Khimi’s arms and looks into his eyes, “You’re just saying that.”
“Am I?” Khimi asks, raising his brow. His hand slides down Lumi’s drenched body and stops on his tail. “Why’re you being such a baby?”
“I just want…to spend some alone time with you.”
“We’re going to have plenty of alone time,” Khimi whispers into Lumi’s ear, “I thought you didn’t care if people saw?” He asks in his typical gruff voice.
“I-I don’t. It’s just strange…” Lumi mutters with a glance out of the corner of his eyes.
Khimi smiles while rubs Lumi’s lower back. “Just stay close, I’ll keep you safe.” He whispers, drawing Lumi in against himself, and takes the first steps into the water.
Lumi squirms against him, unable to escape from Khimi’s embrace. They sink deeper into the pool. Lumi’s skin flushes bright at their contact. “Khimi,” he groans, pushing against his arms. “Fine,” he sighs in defeat, wrapping his legs around Khimi’s waist beneath the water.
“Why’re you being so shy?” Khimi says with a nip at the edges of his ear. He reaches for a used bar of tallow, which smells of citrus and rose petals.
“I just…don’t want to do it in front of him.” Lumi says under his breath. “I don’t know…it’s just weird when someone approaches you without a reason.”
“How did you know we were going to have sex?” Khimi questions, sitting against the stairs of the pool and bringing Lumi between his legs. “Besides, I didn’t think some random stranger could stop you from getting fucked,” he laughs, bringing the abrasive soap against Lumi’s skin. “Anyway, he’s just a man, Lumi. Who knows…maybe he thought you were a cute boy, alone and seeking company,” he teases at the back of Lumi’s head.
Lumi glances at the man from the corner of his eye, nestling between Khimi’s legs. “Well, whoever he is…it ju–”
“We should talk about this later,” Khimi replies softly, lathering the tallow through Lumi’s soaked hair.
Lumi stares ahead at the man seated on the stairs across the pool, “Let’s hurry and go to the market.”
Khimi looks ahead, following Lumi’s gaze. The strong scent of rose and orange fills the area while he rubs the bar and places his chin between Lumi’s ears. “Alright,” he whispers, his fingers unclasp the golden choker on Lumi’s neck. “Maybe you’re right…he’s certainly not breaking his focus. I have some places I want you to see anyway. Maybe we can get you a different necklace…this one feels pretty tight.”
“It’s supposed to be,” Lumi says, his fingers brush against the rubies adorning the front of the ornate accessory. “Nina gave it to me. She said it’s supposed to help me channel magick…but I think if you buy me something I can use it just the same. I can’t imagine these rocks are magick or anything. And it’ll feel just as special if you gave it to me.”
Khimi blushes, setting the choker aside on the stony stairs. “Lumi, I can’t replace something that Nina gave you, she’s like your mother. I heard what you called her at the temple.” His hand brushes through Lumi’s hair with the tallow soap, creating a heavy lather. “I’d feel guilty.”
Lumi purses his lips, picking over the golden choker in his hands. “You don’t seem the type to feel bad about that kind of stuff…sentimental stuff,” he replies with a wince while Khimi squeezes his thick round ear, wringing out the water.
“On occasion,” Khimi whispers, “there are things or objects I become attached to…my mother’s scarf I took when I left Sidi. Rashid’s sword. I can at least understand the sentimentality you have towards that choker…even if it looks absolutely miserable to wear.”
Lumi chuckles, “It’s not so bad, just a little tight,” he replies, taking his curling tail into his hand and combing through the coarse fur. “Just things or objects, huh?”
Khimi grunts, pushing the tallow soap harder into Lumi’s wet hair. “Sometimes…there are annoying little lions.”
The Market
The Sidian bazaar is more immense than Lumi could have imagined, it goes on for miles on end. Unlike Rhaz with its ever burning flames, the people of Sidi travel through the evening street with lanterns. There are large bonfires alight in the center of each market, and colorful lanterns hanging from every stall. Khimi has led him down street after street, vendors forcing exotic fruits into his hands and gaudy jewelry across his body. Lumi is enamored with the liveliness of the market. There is so much to take in, and despite Khimi’s apparent absence from Sidi, he seems to know every corner of the market.
Their first stop is a goldsmith’s shop. A heavy wooden sign painted with golden trim hangs in front of the building, a curious name written in a cursive script Lumi is unable to read, but has seen before. Khimi explains the script is elven in nature and is likely the shopkeeper’s name. Callon is the name on the sign, which Khimi whispers to him once they enter the shop. The owner is an elven craftsman who has created timeless pieces worn by the Zeybeks for centuries. The shop is overwhelming to Lumi, there are dozens of pieces on display which are more exquisite than anything he had ever seen in his life.
“Lord Zeybek,” A short elven man announces, approaching with a feeble gait.
The elf is only slightly taller than Lumi with chestnut-colored hair pulled back into a tight knot. Though it is difficult to tell his age, Lumi can sense that the elf is elderly or at least lived a long and fulfilled life. Ashes adorn his hands, speaking to craft occurring in the room beyond their sight.
Khimi raises his brow, “Callon, you still remember me?” He asks gruffly with a confident smirk.
Callon replies in a hoarse and worn voice, “I could never forget a Zeybek, especially the young lord, Khimi. Though I see the years have been kind…you’ve grown much since I’ve last crafted something for one of your name days. That necklace round your neck, was it?”
“Aye, it was. And the ring the year before that,” Khimi mutters in response. He turns the golden ring on his thumb, then looks back at Lumi. “But I was here for something else. Something for my…”
“Oh my, an aslan!” Callon replies with a shocked expression. “He’s a bit small for an aslan, are you some hybrid? A ikati an–”
“Khimi wanted to get me a choker,” Lumi interrupts and looks inquisitively around the room.
Khimi shrugs, “Something a little looser, perhaps with a simple appearance.”
“The choker he has is expertly crafted. But I could pound out the metal on it and make that one a bit more loose if you prefer. I’d need a few days, otherwise I have a few that are already made,” Callon says while he looks between the two of them. “Is there a sentimentality to this gift as well?”
“I…just wanted to get him something nice,” Khimi replies with a quick glance at Lumi.
“But,” Lumi begins, stepping out in front of Khimi. “We recently made promises to one another, vows of loyalty.”
“Vows of loyalty?” Callon raises his brow and turns briefly to Khimi. “An interesting turn of events for the Zeybek line, to be certain.” The elf snorts, then looks between the two again. He leans against a wooden barrel. “An aslan taking a vow of loyalty? I’ve heard aslan tribes sometimes marry multiple individuals together. Four or fives may be wed together.”
Lumi places his finger on his chin in thought, “Sometimes…but not always.”
Khimi snorts in response, “Callon…do you have anything? Or are we wasting our time?”
“I’ll gather a few things and see what interests you,” Callon replies quietly, returning to the back room.
Callon vanishes into the back of the shop and returns a moment later with a handful of golden chokers and diadems. After ensuring they would fit, Callon waits for Khimi to select the one that is most suited for Lumi. After speaking briefly alone with Callon, Khimi ushers Lumi from the shop, hiding his selection behind his hands with a proud grin on his lips.
On a short mudbrick wall outside the goldsmith’s shop, Lumi sits while Khimi places a golden choker around his neck. The fit is slightly looser than his choker from Nina, but with a simpler appearance. It is a single golden band with a round lapis lazuli stone situated in the center. The design is elegant, the proportions are much smaller than the previous choker, which makes Lumi feel somewhat naked. He turns the golden choker from Nina over in his hands, his fingertips rub over the three rounded rubies. There is something about the choker that is unlike other jewelry he’s worn, something mystical.
“It does feel really nice,” Lumi whispers. “Was it expensive?”
“Does that matter?” Khimi scoffs, glancing back at the shop. “Everything Callon sells is expensive. It’d take me three months to pay off a brass ring crafted by his hand.”
“Are you feeling better?”
“What?” Khimi asks, his lips a thin line. “I guess…but what does tha—”
“Khimi,” Lumi snaps, a serious but hurt look on his face. “I’m thankful for everything you do for me…but I’d be happy just to be with you. I like all the nice things…the tail rings and armbands. But I just want to be with you. I want to see you hap–”
“I want that too,” Khimi snaps beneath his breath, his hands trembling slightly on Lumi’s shoulders. “I just haven’t felt myself. I wish I could have spoken to Rashid just one more time… just one more time.”
Lumi places his hand over Khimi’s and releases a heavy breath. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m being selfish…it’s not easy,” he whines, slapping his own cheek angrily. “I always feel like I have so much I want for us.”
Khimi lowers his lips between Lumi’s ears and whispers softly, “I promise I want the same.”
After a long silence, Khimi urges Lumi to stand and drags him through the market without a single word. Unlike before, Khimi’s massive fingers interlace with Lumi’s and pull him along. Lumi shoves the choker into a satchel slung over Khimi’s shoulder. They speed past the market stalls, only pausing to catch their breath. Before a wooden stall with an indigo awning, a small yilan woman stands behind the counter. She looks up at Khimi with dark almond shaped eyes. In silence, she takes hold of two poorly shaped clay mugs and pours a dark liquid from a metal urn. Khimi places two silver pieces on the counter and hands Lumi one of the mugs.
“Drink it slow, it’s sweet,” Khimi cautions, handing over the warm mug.
Lumi cups the small mug and looks at the steaming silver urn. “What is it?” He asks inquisitively.
“You’re from Dolmas. I’m surprised you don’t know,” Khimi replies with a gentle smile. “Hot chocolate.”
“Hot chocolate?”
“It’s made from a fruit native to Dolmas. This woman has been here since I was a child, hers is always the best,” Khimi chirps with an uncharacteristic enthusiasm. “I think you’ll really like it.”
Lumi brings the mug to his lips, the liquid is intensely sweet with a bitter aftertaste that makes his tail curl.
“It really is sweet,” Lumi beams over the mug. “Does it have to be served warm?”
Khimi sighs, “Unless you want a block of hard muck, yeah.” He brings the drink to his lips and polishes off the small mug. “Come on, let’s keep exploring.”
“O-okay,” Lumi replies, downing the remaining bit of the liquid chocolate and slamming it back down on the counter.
Khimi’s mug clanks on top of Lumi’s before he grabs his hand, leading him past stalls and through streets covered with canvas awnings. Clinging to Khimi’s arm, Lumi stares at the silk sashes and clothes over the wooden counters. Craftsmen work diligently in the streets, displaying their skill. Men and women stand around a beastkin merchant who stretches a silk sash while detailing the intricate design and pattern to the onlookers. An abrupt turn down an alley, Khimi walks through the darkened streets. He stops before a building with an open arched entry. The sandstone walls have been rubbed smooth with time and care, the open windows are covered with thick curtains. A warm glow basks the alley from inside the building and with a slight push, Khimi encourages Lumi inside.
Lumi’s ears wiggle in distress, a woman with curled horns turns to him, golden ornaments clink with the sudden twist of the head. She is much taller than him, with soft bronze skin. Dozens of gems and accessories dangle from her horns. She leans over the counter to look them over, her sheer choli reveals the entirety of her form, two golden discs cover her nipples which press against the wooden counter.
The shop is full of silks, satins, and linens with hundreds of patterns. Clothing more fantastic than he had ever seen. Two mannequins situated at the back of the room are fit with partially complete outfits. Everything has such a revealing nature that Lumi could not help but blush.
“How do you feel about something like this?” Khimi asks. A sinful smirk forms while he gently handles the sheer sleeve of one of the outfits. “I think it suits you.”
Lumi smiles with burning cheeks, “Of course you do!” He laughs, his tail flailing behind him excitedly. An overwhelming joy takes Lumi, with Khimi’s laughter echoing through the shop. “I’ll wear it…if you want.”
“It’s not that far off from the loincloth that you normally wear,” Khimi chuckles.
The capri stands up straight and comes from around the counter, “He does have the form for it,” she mutters while she reaches for Lumi’s arm. “I have loin clothes that would fit him too.”
Lumi pulls away instinctively, then submits to her. “What kind of shop is this?”
“We sell the finest silks and satins in Sidi, but our normal clients are dancers, entertainers…concubines,” the capri responds with a gentle and airy voice. “You have the look yourself,” she says with a glint in her eyes.
“W-what look?” Lumi questions, watching the woman lift his arms and feel along his sides.
She smiles at his response and turns to Khimi, “Is he your servant, lord?”
Khimi raises his brow and looks to Lumi for an answer.
“We’re lovers,” Lumi answers with a silvery lilt, looking into the capri’s bold amber eyes. “We’re going to get married…eventually.”
The capri snickers, “I’ve heard those words whispered eagerly from many a paramour’s lips,” she says in a telling tone, her voice has a sternness behind it.
“He’s telling the truth,” Khimi adds, placing a hand on Lumi’s shoulder. “We’ve made vows to one another already. For what that’s worth.”
Carefully kneeling before Lumi, the capri adjusts her sheer skirt and feels along the length of Lumi’s legs. She pauses abruptly on his inner thighs, “It’s an admirable thing,” she begins with a glance at Khimi. “Not many humans would take a beastkin to be their mate. You must have something truly special.”
Lumi smirks, “We do!” He replies happily, then yelps suddenly when the woman’s hand moves along his inner thigh to his buttocks.
“If you wanted to be a dancer…I could recommend many instructors,” the capri says with a certain knowing look. “Truly, you’d keep the attention of the crowd with such a figure. Either way, perhaps you’d like something that would catch your lord’s eye?”
“He always catches my eye,” Khimi chuckles, then moves across the room and sits on a small wooden stool. “Lumi, anything that catches your eye?” He asks, rocking back and forth on the stool. “Whatever he wears, he always looks…appetizing.”
“I like the see-through stuff,” Lumi whispers in confidence to the woman, his hand covering his mouth from Khimi’s peering gaze.
She beams in delight, rising from the wooden floor and looking down at Lumi. “I’ve got something that I imagine would fit you perfectly…and would please your lord’s ever watchful eye. I imagine it would go even better with an evening dance.”
“Maybe you could teach me,” Lumi mutters quietly.
“By all means,” Khimi adds with a smile. “Lumi moves like he’s dancing in either case.”
Lumi narrows his eyes suspiciously at Khimi, “You’re being too nice…what’s —”
“Lumi is a lovely name,” she interrupts with a smile. “It’s very different from the other aslan I have met.”
“It’s not rea—”
“It is a really nice name,” Khimi interrupts, sitting forward abruptly. “It’s smooth, almost rolls off the tongue,” he adds, slowly saying Lumi’s name, accentuating the syllables.
“I wanted to show you this,” the woman gestures to a sheer cloth. She holds it up to the light, allowing them to notice the transparency. “I know it doesn’t leave much to the imagination, but when paired with a simple waist scarf and tied above the groin, you could at least obscure your sex.”
“Does it have something to go with it? Like a half shirt or tunic?” Lumi asks, tilting his head curiously.
“I could make a shawl if you give me a little bit of time, I was thinking perhaps putting some crimson trim on the seams,” she adds, grabbing a bolt of red silk and tucking it under an arm.
Khimi grins at Lumi, “It looks great to me.”
“But everyone will see…everything,” Lumi replies, color flushing into his cheeks. “I kno—”
“That’s alright, you have a beautiful form…if anything it’ll only make people envy the young lord and the lurid acts he performs with his lover behind closed doors,” the seamstress suggests, her lips curling into a snarky smile. “Isn’t that right?”
Lumi’s head snaps to Khimi, “Is that what you want!?”
Khimi shrugs in response, “It doesn’t hurt,” he teases, grinning.
“Alright, I’m sold,” Lumi confesses with a sigh. “I guess I can show the world my ass for you.”
“You already do,” Khimi laughs. “That loincloth leaves nothing to the imagination.”
The seamstress quickly goes to work, laughing at their japes and jests while her hands move diligently connecting the various cloth materials. There is a comforting atmosphere in the shop, one which Lumi had not felt since they were back in Rhaz. The lighting is soft and the area Khimi is seated is somewhat dark and obscured. It also helps to ease Lumi’s mind that the seamstress never once asked for Khimi’s title or inquired more in detail about their relationship.
Lumi shimmies playfully to Khimi, dropping carefully onto his lap and placing his hands together on the nape of Khimi’s neck.
“Lord Zeybek,” Lumi whispers with doe-eyes.
Khimi looks at the seamstress, her gaze set firmly on her work. Lumi places a hand on his cheek and turns his focus back to himself. The subtle twitches of Khimi’s cock through his sarouel arouses Lumi. He had longed for Khimi to penetrate him for weeks, it was a feeling unlike any other; the closeness of their bodies, the heat emanating from Khimi’s body while he graciously fills him, the warmth of Khimi’s cock pressing into his deepest parts.
As if sensing Lumi’s desires, Khimi leans in and captures his lips in a passionate kiss. The knowledge that the seamstress is watching only adds to the thrill as they entwine their tongues together. Lumi knows that no one can stand in the way of what he wants from Khimi.
With a desperate need to feel even closer to Khimi, Lumi reaches for the top of his trousers and begins to push them down. But Khimi catches his hands and pulls back with a laugh, shaking his head playfully at Lumi.
Despite his irritation at being denied, Lumi refuses to give up. Their urgent tongues continue to brush together as Lumi sucks fiercely on Khimi’s, coaxing it into his mouth and holding it between his teeth. As if held captive by Lumi’s fierce desire, Khimi remains still while he continues to move his hips, feeling every inch of Khimi’s throbbing arousal pressing against his soft cheeks with each eager thrust.
Khimi releases Lumi’s hip and moves his hand over Lumi’s soft inner thighs, quickly finding the outline of Lumi’s quivering cock. Massive coarse fingers carefully stroke against the length through the linen trousers, Lumi’s precum visibly soaks through the thin material.
“Kitten,” Khimi whispers between Lumi’s ears after being released by his captor. “You’re leaking everywhere.”
Lumi pushes his forehead against Khimi’s chest, “Why won’t you fuck me?” He pleads, his hips writhing with more vigor.
“In front of her?”
“I don’t care,” Lumi breathes, his body shaking. Khimi’s fingers massage around the head of Lumi’s cock. “Do you?”
Khimi brings his teeth over Lumi’s rounded ear and bites down gently, “No,” he mutters with Lumi’s ear between his teeth.
“Then,” Lumi begins, pulling at the top of his trousers, “Fuck me,” he demands, his words filled with unrestrained lust.
Khimi snorts and squeezes on Lumi’s cock, “I promise, I will…soon,” he adds, his bearded chin scraping through Lumi’s hair.
Lumi puffs in annoyance, but continues to grind his hips over Khimi’s, the feeling of Khimi’s precum soaking into his trousers edges him closer to the edge. “You better,” he mutters while Khimi holds onto him more firmly. “I need you,” he whispers.
Lumi peers over at the seamstress working. He brings his lips to Khimi’s cheek. His rough tongue laps over Khimi’s beard and runs across the scar on his nose. Warm breath passes over Lumi’s hair, Khimi breathes unsteady with his excitement. Khimi’s hand delves into the top of Lumi’s sarouel and thumbs over the soft blond pubic hairs. Thick fingers trace along the length of Lumi’s throbbing length, peeling back the smooth, wet foreskin while Lumi humps against Khimi’s touch. Lumi jaunts forward, his teeth digging into the meat of Khimi’s shoulder. He thrusts his hips one final time. With a muffled moan, Lumi releases a heavy stream of warm cum into Khimi’s cupped palm. He pants, his fangs still piercing Khimi’s shoulder.
Lumi’s tail sways behind him, and he turns his cheek on Khimi’s shoulder. “Hells!” He groans, “you coulda just fucked me.”
“Soon,” Khimi says softly, placing a kiss behind Lumi’s twitching ears.
“Do you…want me to give you a hand?” Lumi coos excitedly, looking up at Khimi.
“Later,” Khimi replies swiftly. He squeezes and shakes Lumi’s length, the last beads of cum dripping from the tip.
Lumi’s breathing slowly steadies after several moments of silence. As his cock softens, Khimi withdraws his hand from Lumi’s trousers and brings the cum soaked fingers to his lips.
Lumi gasps aloud while he watches, “Seriously?!”
“It’s growing on me,” Khimi responds, his eyes narrowed at the viscous liquid coating his palm. His tongue sweeps across his skin. “Yours tastes much better than mine.”
“GODS, I love you,” Lumi croaks, grasping Khimi’s chin and bringing their lips together.
The capri clears her throat and looks up from the counter briefly, “If you’re finished, I’m nearly done if you’d like to try it on. The piece is simple and can be worn with any color sash.”
Lumi’s cheeks turn crimson. “I’m s-sorry!”
The woman chuckles, “Don’t be. It isn’t everyday I get to witness such…strong displays of affection.”
Lumi rises from the chair and steps back from Khimi. The front of his sarouel shows the wet blotches from his precum. “I think…I’ll have to take you up on that dance lesson if we ever come back to Sidi.”
Khimi looks at the capri woman, wiping his hand on the side of his trousers. Shuffling nervously, he offers a quick apology. “We’ll be extremely grateful if you didn’t mention this.”
“I’ve enjoyed this,” she laughs in response. “I even thought of discounting this piece for Lumi,” she adds, holding up the sheer cloth.
“Really!?” Lumi beams.
“Nonsense!” Khimi replies, fumbling for his leather coin pouch. “How much?”
“Twelve gold pieces is plenty for such a light piece,” She says, handing over the sheer cloth to Khimi. “Anything more is just too much.”
Khimi places a handful of coins in her hand. “Please, accept it…as a token of my thanks.”
“This is too much, lord,” she insists, shaking her head. “At least pick out a few sashes to compliment the piece then.”
“Can I get your name?” Lumi asks before crossing the room and rifling through a row of silk sashes and scarves.
The woman places her hands on her hips and nods, “Shiraz,” she replies. “Next time you’re in the area, be sure to come by. Oh, that gold and blue one would look nice.”
Lumi pulls the sash from the wooden shelf and places it over his shoulder, along with a crimson sash and a solid blue silk. “Is this okay?” He asks, showing her the variety.
“Perfect,” she replies with a smile, “remember, Shiraz,” she adds with a look between the two. “I’ll be cheering for you both…I think it’s noble…what you’re doing.”
Lumi tilts his head curiously, the woman’s voice trails. He looks up from the silks and into Shiraz’s eyes, “Everyone should do what their heart tells them,” he says with confidence.
“Lumi,” Khimi mutters at the door. “I’ll be outside,” he adds under his breath before he shuts the door behind him.
Lumi smiles, “He’s an amazing person,” he says softly. “I think he’s just embarrassed…”
Shiraz snorts and moves to Lumi, she holds out a small parcel. “Truly, I don’t know who you are, but I hope the best for you. You both seem to make each other happy.”
“W-We do!” Lumi exclaims, taking the cloth wrapped package. “T-Thank you.”
“Just a little something extra…”
The hours following their time in Shiraz’s shop are spent walking through the market and indulging in local cuisine; freshly baked striped bass, heavily seasoned and drenched in olive oil, is Lumi’s favorite of the evening. Khimi continues to impress Lumi with the expansiveness of the market, until the vendors and shopkeepers finally close for the night. After one last stop on the way, Lumi gets the opportunity to taste the fabled lion’s milk. The drink is sweet with a spicy finish, reminiscent of anise. It’s strong, but not strong enough to intoxicate Lumi from such a small amount compared to other spirits Khimi has shared with him before.
After a long walk back to the inn, Lumi lays across the length of the bed and holds the sheer outfit over his body. He wonders how he would look in it, and if it is something that would entice Khimi. There is nothing more that Lumi craved than the affections of his lover, and it seems that lately he would need to fight hard for them. Khimi sits shirtless on the edge of the bed with a pipe between his teeth, his hands rustling through a stack of papers Jiya had left in their absence.
A candle on a table near the bed cast light over part of the room and across the papers. Lumi sighs while he watches Khimi reading the papers and rises from the bed. He had hoped that once they arrived back at the inn that Khimi would be willing to share the bed with him. The marble floors are cold against feet while he walks to the courtyard, glancing back, wanting Khimi to notice him. A low growl emerges from the back of his throat. Khimi’s eyes do not waiver from the sheets in his hands, which hold his utmost focus. Lumi stops at the chaise and retrieves the package from Shiraz. Throughout the remainder of the evening, he continuously opened and closed the package with a smile on his face. A handful of silk thongs, various colors which draw the eye, were enclosed inside.
“Where are you going?” Khimi asks, peering over the top of the unrolled scroll.
Lumi traipses into the courtyard and calls back through the open entrance, “I just need a moment.”
“A moment? I thought you were going to shave me?” Khimi asks, slapping the scroll on the cupboard.
Lumi quickly removes the sarouel from his legs and yanks the half shirt over his head, hurling them into a heap. “Oh yeah, how about you come in the courtyard, and I’ll do it?” Lumi asks from outside.
Khimi calls back, rummaging through his belongings. “You don’t even know what you’re doing.”
Lumi pops his head through the open entrance while he pulls the indigo thong on, the fabric sliding between his soft cheeks. “Oh, I’m sure I can figure it out. It can’t be that hard.”
Khimi walks through the entrance with a curved razor in his hand. “Oh,” he sounds, his eyes widening. “Are we going to the bath?” He inquires quietly.
Lumi shakes his head, his tail rattles behind him with anticipation. “No, here is fine,” he whispers. “I like the quiet…and the starlight.”
“Well,” Khimi says while he strides past him. “Come here,” he adds, motioning to the edge of the fountain. With his palms up, he hands over the curved razor and small tallow bar to Lumi. “I’ll teach you.”
Lumi sits on the edge of the fountain and takes the tallow and razor from Khimi. His tail grazes over the top of the water behind him while he looks up at Khimi. Every time their eyes meet, it feels just like the first time, as if he was falling for him again. Khimi starts his instructions on the methodology of shaving and lathering the soap through his beard, and after a moment he lowers the back of his head onto Lumi’s lap.
“Wait,” Lumi whispers, “Let me get more comfortable.”
Lumi situates his legs on either side of the fountain, sticking one leg into the shallow basin and places Khimi’s head between his legs. He looks down with a provoking smirk.
“You’re beautiful,” Khimi says, staring into Lumi’s eyes.
Lumi’s chest and face grow flush at Khimi’s words. He dips the soap into the water. “I thought you were going to ignore me when we got back.”
Khimi scoffs, “Jiya left an interesting read. Something I could do without if I could be honest.”
“Is it…that bad?”
“It isn’t something I’m happy about,” Khimi replies. His fingers brush along Lumi’s calf.
Lumi hums aloud in thought. “Well, maybe just let me try to take your mind off things.”
Khimi closes his eyes and nudges his head between Lumi’s thighs. “You can try…but you know how it is.”
Lumi places the damp tallow soap against Khimi’s beard and brushes against the coarse hair until a thick lather builds. Khimi laughs at the sensation, and Lumi matches his laughter with a joyful smile. The lather drips over Khimi’s collar and Lumi rushes to clean it.
“It’s alright,” Khimi announces, moving to unbutton his shirt. “Now you can be as messy as you want,” he adds, pulling his arms through the sleeves.
“I don’t think you need your trousers either,” Lumi adds with pursed lips. “Should I spill something on those too?”
Khimi laughs, but follows Lumi’s jest. “How about this?” He asks, yanking the trousers down his thigh and kicking them from his legs.
Lumi smirks and pushes the tallow bar more roughly against Khimi’s cheek. “It’s going to be hard to focus now,” he whispers into Khimi’s ear. It is difficult for Lumi to shift his gaze from Khimi’s naked form. Unable to control himself, he laughs and brings his forehead down to Khimi’s. “I thought I was the tease.”
“You are,” Khimi mutters, shaking his body from side to side, his massive length flopping over his thighs.
Lumi gawks momentarily, then switches his focus back to Khimi’s beard. “You’re going to make me cut you,” he growls in a teasing pitch.
Lumi places the soap beside him next to his tail, then grips the curved razor in his hand. Bringing it to Khimi’s cheek, he takes a deep breath and slides the edge through the lather. There is a satisfying scraping, the blade effortlessly cuts through the thick hair and leaves the smooth, bare skin behind. Lumi rubs his fingers over the skin, then continues to cut away the beard. With slow and steady strokes, works through the hair around Khimi’s cheeks, then moves onto the neck. His hand shakes while he places the razor on the base of Khimi’s neck.
“If you’re nervous, you can stop,” Khimi whispers cautiously, his head resting perfectly still.
“I can’t leave you half sheared!” Lumi chuckles, then becomes suddenly determined to continue.
Lumi’s ears twitch, his tongue sticks out with focus. The blade drags up towards Khimi’s chin with a careful stroke. The hair tugs against the razor, snagging briefly, causing Khimi to wince. A droplet of blood appears on Khimi’s neck.
“I’m sorry,” Lumi murmurs, repeating himself several times. “Maybe you should finish.”
“Keep going,” Khimi insists, “it’s just a bit of blood.”
Lumi nods and continues. He refocuses on the task at hand, using his thumb to guide the edge of the curved blade along Khimi’s neck, leaving clean trails in the lather.
“Now you just need to clean up the edges,” Khimi mutters, his eyes relaxed.
Lumi continues to scrape along the lathered beard, occasionally dipping the edge of the razor in the fountain to remove the hair and soap. He inhales sharply before bringing the razor below Khimi’s sharp nose, then steadily guides the blade upwards, trimming the dark stubble. Finally finished with his task, he sighs and places the razor behind him.
“Wasn’t that bad,” Khimi whispers through the quiet. “You’re a natural…soon I’ll have you shave me all the time.”
“Do I get to shave the other parts of your body?” Lumi inquires with a grin.
Khimi pops an eye open, “You don’t like my body hair?”
Lumi cups Khimi’s now bare chin in his hands and presses his lips against his forehead. “No, I love your body hair. It…gives you so much feeling and holds your scent.”
“I know,” Khimi murmurs, “your nose is always buried in it.”
Lumi’s cheeks brighten, “It’s not my fault…you smell so good,” he whispers, pausing while he brushes Khimi’s hair from his eyes. “Anyway…now that we’re fini—”
“Do you really want to shave me?” Khimi interrupts with a confident smirk.
Lumi rolls his eyes, and digs his fingers into Khimi’s hair. “Do you want me to?!”
Khimi sighs, “promise not to shave my cock off?”
“W-What!” Lumi croaks. “I like that part too much,” he whispers.
Lumi leans forward and stretches his body across Khimi’s body.
“You’re too short to—”
Khimi’s words fall short, Lumi pulls back and meets his lips. Lumi, having given up on reaching Khimi’s length, resigns himself to the comforts of his lips instead. His hands tuck beneath Khimi’s chin and hold him tightly, their lips locked together. Soft whimpers erupt from his lips, his urges and desires burning with an intense heat.
“I don’t want t-to stop,” Lumi whispers, his lips caressing Khimi’s. His thighs tense against Khimi’s head. “Please…”
“You want me to fuck you?” Khimi responds softly, his teeth nipping at Lumi’s lip.
“Y-You promised you’d show me,” Lumi says in a hushed tone, his tail stiffened behind him. “You promised.”
“Al—alright, alright,” Khimi sighs, reaching upward and cupping his cheeks. “Just calm down.”
“I’m just — I don’t know, Khimi. I’m just—”
“You’re horny,” Khimi laughs, while Lumi spreads his thighs open and allows Khimi’s head to hit the brick fountain wall. “Oof, what was that for?”
Lumi smiles, then stands over Khimi. “You laughed at me,” he mumbles with his arms crossed over his chest. “You already know that it’s harder for me…I can’t hold out like you,” he adds, stepping out of the fountain.
Khimi sits up and leans forward. His fingers brush through the back of his hair. “I know,” he rasps. “But…you are aroused, are you not?”
Lumi tosses his hands into the air and scoffs, “Khimi, I’m always aroused when I’m around you.”
Khimi rubs his now bare chin and extends a hand to Lumi. “And I’m not?” He whispers, taking Lumi’s hand in his. “Come’re.”
Lumi snorts while Khimi draws him against himself, his bare chest against Khimi’s lips. “You’re not aroused right now,” he teases, rolling his eyes while Khimi’s hands move over his boyish figure.
Khimi suckles at the pink flesh of Lumi’s nipple and pulls back, teasing the hard flesh between his teeth. Lumi scoffs against Khimi’s advances, then whimpers while a thick finger slides beneath the silk thong, between his cheeks and against his entrance. His knees buckle from the pressure Khimi exerts against his eager, sucking entrance.
Lumi suddenly drops to his knees and wraps his arms around Khimi’s waist. “I’m sorry that I’m like this,” he whispers, his ears twitching. “I don’t know why, but I need you, Khimi.”
His heart pounds in his chest, his desire for Khimi is like an unwilling fire burning through him, consuming him.
Khimi places a finger beneath Lumi’s chin and lifts it to face him. “I’m always aroused when we’re together,” he says, motioning to his length with his eyes.
Lumi understands Khimi’s provocations all too well and is quick to reach for the girthy cock resting between Khimi’s legs. He brings his lips against Khimi’s groin and kisses into the coarse bed of pubic hair, inhaling his scent at the same time. The scent is strong, reminiscent of sweat and days of travel, sand, soot, and musk. Lumi’s tail rattles over the jade tiles of the courtyard before he looks up to Khimi for approval while he fingers along the length of his cock.
A simple nod and an eager smile is all Lumi needs to begin his work. His rough tongue glides from the base to the tip, lapping against the thick foreskin growing taut over the flaring head. Khimi leans back, shallow hungry breaths leave his lips while he looks up to the stars. Under his breath, Khimi mutters curses of pleasure.
Lumi brings his plump lips back along the thick vein and down to the overly burdened testicles, breathing against the massive girth. Hungrily, he sucks one of the heavy balls into his mouth, sliding his tongue along the salty skin. The fragrant stench of Khimi’s sweat sits in his nose. He pops the testicle in and out of his mouth, careful not to catch the soft skin against his sharp fangs. Damp with saliva, Lumi continues to hungrily suck at the side of the shaft, his tongue moving rapidly over the stiffened member.
“L-Lumi,” Khimi mumbles in response to Lumi’s hungry licks. “I-I can’t.”
Lumi chuckles and brings his nose against Khimi’s abdomen, taking in a hefty breath. It had been too long, and Lumi is filled with need. “Your scent,” he whispers, “you smell like sweat and salt…and love.”
Lumi glances up and gives a brief shrug, “Could be lust,” he teases with a tilt of his head.
Khimi scoffs, his eyes meeting Lumi’s. They hold their gaze while Lumi’s tongue flicks beneath the thick, taut foreskin, rubbing it back slowly, his hands working the shaft. Khimi’s hand runs through Lumi’s feathery blond hair and thumbs over the thick round ears. Lumi’s tail slaps against the ground in response. Hungrily, Lumi pulls back the foreskin and reveals the bulky head, bobbing before his eyes. A stream of pearlescent precum drips before him. With his tongue out, Lumi waits for the stringy liquid to drip onto his cupped tongue, catching it with precision. It’s so salty.
Another lengthy lick along the base, then Lumi hurriedly rushes back to catch the leaking liquid. Hungry for more, he goes to work bringing the bulky head into his mouth. His fangs skim against the rigid length before he draws the shaft into his mouth, pushing at the back of his throat. It only takes a few short moments for Lumi’s jaw to tighten, the muscles aching from stretching in order to work at Khimi’s size.
Khimi thrusts his hips gingerly, his bulky, full testicles slap against Lumi’s chin. Saliva and precum drip down Lumi’s chin. The thick vein along the base of Khimi’s cock throbs, the hardened length nodding at the back of Lumi’s throat. A moan of pleasure escapes Khimi’s lips and awakens the animalistic desire within Lumi. His arousal twitches against the thong, which he quickly brushes aside to free his cock. The stiffened member bobs up and down, and Lumi focuses his attention back on the girth between his lips.
Khimi’s fingers coil through Lumi’s locks and guide his head up and down, forcing his cock deeper into Lumi’s throat. Lumi can barely breathe, he gasps for each breath when the opportunity presents itself. He edges closer to Khimi, his hands reaching around Khimi and squeezing into his muscular ass.
“I’m c-close,” Khimi rasps in his husky voice.
Lumi’s head bobs more quickly, and in his eagerness a whine breaks from his lips, his shaking length spewing seed across the jade tiles beneath him. Lumi whimpers, Khimi’s cock still jammed deep into his throat. He’s close too. Lumi glances up at Khimi, his lover’s head tilted back in pleasure. Khimi lifts his hips against Lumi’s lips, the soft bed of hair presses against Lumi’s nose. Sweat shines over Khimi’s body, an uncomfortable humidity causes sweat to roll down his form.
Lumi wants to smile, the telling signs of his reward present themselves. The unsteady shake of Khimi’s thigh, the deep uneven breaths, the rising, and falling muscles of his chiseled abdomen, and the pulsing veins along the massive girth. Though Lumi wants to feel the heat of Khimi’s seed filling his ass, he is all too happy to drink his fill.
Lumi’s warm wet tongue brushes against the base of Khimi’s cock and Khimi raises his hips more eagerly. Lumi’s nails scratch against Khimi’s skin, his lips pressed down over the base of his cock. It shakes in his wanting mouth and with a few more bucks of his hips, Khimi grunts, his hands forcing Lumi’s lips against his groin. The salty taste of Khimi’s seed pours into the back of Lumi’s throat, the testicles, brimming with seed, contract against Lumi’s chin. It is overwhelming, the sheer amount of it. Lumi pulls back, and he looks up at Khimi with his mouth open wide, seed gushing continuously over his lips and onto his cupped tongue.
“Fucking Hells!” Khimi chokes, his voice strained, while he watches the vividly obscene display.
Lumi gasps, and swallows, quickly opening his mouth again, begging for more of his seed. The flow seems unending until the final bits spill into Lumi’s mouth. He strokes the length with slow and gentle strokes, his fingers tensing on the chubbed cock, milking it of every last drop.
Khimi groans and palms his face, peering at Lumi from between his fingers. “Hells, what am I going to do with you?” He questions under his breath in an impressed tone.
Lumi’s tongue runs along the fat cock, sucking in any remaining bits of the thick, stringy fluid. “Mmm,” he sounds, “I’m sure you can think of something,” he teases before he kisses the leaking slit in front of him. He pulls back and tries to stifle a chuckle.
“I’m sure I can,” Khimi whispers with an itch behind Lumi’s ear. “What’re you laughing about?”
Lumi sucks at the slit, still trying to mask his laughter. After a moment, he pulls back and grins at Khimi. “I’m so full,” he whispers, unable to contain his grin.
Khimi scoffs, “You’re too much.”
Khimi brushes his fingers through Lumi’s hair and places his hands under his arms, pulling him up. Lumi brings his legs on either side of Khimi’s waist and places his head against his chest. Even without his ear being firm against Khimi’s chest, the resounding drum of Khimi’s heartbeat calms him. The comforts of Khimi’s body had always brought him calm. Rough hands move along Lumi’s back, their bodies pulled together tight.
“To bed?” Khimi whispers quietly.
Lumi’s smooth skin brushes against Khimi’s, his hair dampening against the sweat rolling off Khimi’s chest. “Just a bit more,” he murmurs, his hands moving along Khimi’s dripping muscles.
Khimi presses his lips into Lumi’s damp hair, his freshly shaved chin moving slick across the top of his damp hair. His teeth nip at the thick, fur-covered ears while Lumi embraces him tighter. The heat between their bodies grows, the sweat drips from Lumi’s chest and down Khimi’s abdomen. The tail behind Lumi flails to and fro, and Khimi is quick to embrace it and thumb along the sensitive joints.
As if to break the comfort of their silence, Khimi whispers, “The choker suits you.”
“Do ya think?” Lumi asks, pressing his ear against Khimi’s chest.
“C’mon,” Khimi says gruffly, suddenly gripping Lumi’s ass and standing. “There is a perfectly good bed inside.”
“Are we gonna use it?” Lumi questions suspiciously while he clings on to Khimi, who crosses the jade tiles.
Khimi eyes him knowingly. The dim light from the candles dances across the room, a soft and comforting warmth about it. “Well—” He pauses, placing a knee on the bed and lowering Lumi’s back onto the soft sheets. “You tell me.”
Khimi gently lifts Lumi’s backside to him, his hands on Lumi’s lower back encourage him upwards. Lumi lifts his legs and Khimi grips behind his knees, pushing them forward. The lengthy tail rattles in front of Khimi, the sheer thong is pushed to the side, revealing Lumi’s spent sex.
Lumi’s cheeks burn crimson, his voice a high-pitched whine, “You don’t have to.” His fingers reach across the bed; anything to support him during the oncoming pleasure. “You really don’t have to,” he mewls softly.
“But you want it,” Khimi mutters before he kisses against his soft inner thigh, “show me.”
Lumi obediently grips his cheeks and spreads them lightly, revealing the pink entrance winking for Khimi. His tail rattles, he struggles for words, “T-This what you want?”
“Perfect,” Khimi breaths before he begins to drag his tongue along the entrance.
The moans of pleasure which escape Lumi’s lips are uninhibited by concern, they are loud and unabashed. There is no doubt in Lumi’s mind that the entirety of the Athera could hear his pleas and cries, but he does not care. He leans into the pleasure while Khimi’s drenched tongue sweeps against the soft flesh and pushes into his entrance. His body folds under Khimi’s forcefulness, Khimi’s lips push firm against his entrance.
Lumi’s erection gradually firms and leaks a string of precum down across his chest. He closes his eyes, his breathing becomes erratic while he holds his ass open for Khimi
“K-Khimi,” he murmurs. The desire to be penetrated by Khimi’s girth causes his heart to pound. “I-I want y—”
Lumi is silenced by Khimi’s tongue breaching through the clenching entrance. It wriggles against the soft padded walls, pressing against him. His moans grow louder, and Khimi begins to lick more ravenously. Khimi’s hands move to Lumi’s cheeks, his chest supporting Lumi’s folded body while he spreads the entrance open with his fingers, widening it for his thick tongue. Slick with saliva, Lumi’s warm insides readily accept the tongue further. Lumi drops his hands back to the sheets and grips the silks beneath him. His head tilts back, he moans with the rising heat building inside of him.
“Khi—” Lumi cries, reaching up suddenly and grabbing a swath of Khimi’s black locks, gradually easing his fingers to the back of Khimi’s neck, pulling him against his hole with as much force as he can muster.
Khimi glances down at Lumi with his hooded eyes. The deep cerulean blues stare into Lumi’s soul, arousing him with their hunger. His cock twitches and shakes, beads of precum drip down over Lumi’s neck, while Khimi folds Lumi’s flexible body further back. His toes curl unwillingly, his thighs and calves ache from straining, his small sack droops forward against his erect shaft.
Khimi’s teeth tease against the sensitive skin around Lumi’s entrance, nipping and gnawing gently while his tongue rolls in undulating waves along the warm walls.
Lumi’s chest rises and falls rapidly, unable to catch his breath. “It’s too much,” he pants, his head tilting to the side, tears of pleasure lick at his cheek. Purrs begin to emanate from deep within Lumi’s chest, his body vibrating with the soft rumbling. “K-Khimi.”
Khimi pauses and runs his tongue along Lumi’s sack. “I love it when you purr for me, kitten,” his voice, a husky, erotic whisper.
Lumi is not sure if he ever felt as faint as he does now. His fingers loosen from Khimi’s neck, and he allows himself to fall flat against the sheets. “You’re too much,” he mumbles anxiously.
Khimi smiles in response, then smirks at Lumi. He guides a finger into the tight hole, followed quickly by a second. “Am I?” He chuckles, fingers sliding back and forth rhythmically.
Lumi’s body shakes, and he brings his knuckle to his mouth to quiet his moans. “F-Feels good,” he whimpers, “chunky fingers.”
Khimi’s eyes widen at Lumi’s words, his brow raised. “Chunky fingers?”
Lumi rests his feet on Khimi’s shoulders, the pain from straining finally eased while Khimi penetrates him with his thick fingers. He can feel himself melting into the silk. Khimi easily seeks out the most sensitive and pleasurable spots within Lumi, drawing out moans of ecstasy which echo through the room and into the Athera. The soft squelching of Khimi’s fingers piercing him nearly drives him mad with lust. His body clenches down on the thick digits, sucking at them each time Khimi attempts to pull back.
“You’re cumming, kitten,” Khimi whispers, his eyes fixed on Lumi’s.
Lumi meets his gaze from the corner of his eyes. Anytime Khimi penetrates him he would cum, this is no different. The cloudy fluid drips over his chest in thick droplets. “I-I know,” he breathes.
As if playing some sort of game, Khimi angles Lumi’s body further back, the dripping seed falling across Lumi’s chin and over his lips. “You told me you tasted yourself,” he taunts, his fingers still playing Lumi like a fine-tuned instrument.
Lumi gasps and turns his mouth towards the dripping seed, drop after drop falling over his tongue. He swallows, gulping hard before he whispers, “I taste great,” he groans confidently while another droplet drips over his lips.
Khimi smirks and shakes his head, “Then let me taste you.”
Khimi pushes Lumi back onto the bed and lowers him against the sheets. His fingers still jammed to the knuckle inside, he brings his lips to Lumi’s softened member. His teeth scrape against the soft skin, guiding the flaccid length into his mouth. Lumi’s body responds with purrs of pleasure and whimpers. The warmth of Khimi’s mouth is unexpectedly inviting, and Lumi finds himself enjoying every moment Khimi suckles at his soft length.
“H-How do I taste?” Lumi whispers, both curiosity and worry in his tone. He reaches a hand down across the sheets, only to stop himself.
Khimi’s eyes flick up to Lumi’s, and he pauses, pulling away for a brief moment. “Like the most delicate sweet I’ve ever had,” he replies, his free hand reaching out and grasping Lumi’s. “I’m lucky, Lumi.”
Lumi can not hide his embarrassment, his cheeks had already been crimson since the start of their exchange. His purrs have only grown louder by the moment, and his body fights with every effort to hold onto Khimi’s persistent fingers. “I should be the one saying that,” he mumbles under his breath.
Khimi smiles and continues, his damp, dark hair drips across Lumi’s abdomen. “You accept me for who I am. You only want my happiness…I could never ask for anything else.”
“I—” Lumi’s words falter. The tears brimming in his eyes rush down his cheeks when he turns away from Khimi. “I’ve always loved you,” he chokes, bringing his palm over his mouth. “I loved you before I knew you…”
“Lumi…” Khimi breathes, his voice shaking. He withdraws his fingers and climbs over Lumi, placing a hand on either side of his head while peering down at him. “I want you to be happy too,” he adds with a warm smile.
“I am,” he whispers, reaching up and cupping Khimi’s cheeks in his hands. “I promise…I’d give you the world, Khimi.”
Khimi’s lips brush over Lumi’s, his arms engulfing his small form. His warm breath sweeps across Lumi’s cheek. “You are my world.”
Lumi is stunned, the warmth behind Khimi’s words pierces him like a bolt to the chest. He gasps, only to have Khimi’s lips press against his own at that moment. The wet of Khimi’s tongue fills Lumi’s mouth. Muffled moans sound from Lumi, and he brings his arms behind Khimi’s neck to anchor them together. Khimi’s arms tighten with his bullish strength. After a moment, Khimi pulls back and rolls onto his side beside Lumi, pulling Lumi to face him. Lumi nuzzles his face against Khimi’s chest, the low rumbling purrs roar through his chest.