Chapter XIV


The hospitality of Lord Barrau is unexpected, his graciousness is seemingly endless. Without even having a moment to meet the Lord, they are whisked through the manor and shown to their rooms. Khimi had been shown to a separate chamber overlooking the center of the estate. An icy courtyard covered in snow hosts a frozen fountain, and a half dozen soldiers ambling about. With wanting eyes, Lumi bids Khimi farewell while the lapine servant shows them through the frigid halls. Ennui follows behind, the smug smile on her face brings Lumi’s blood roiling. The others are offered a room together along the end of the hall, some distance from Khimi’s spacious chamber.

The beds are bunked above one another, leaving little room for comfort. The space is narrow, and the beds are only a few feet apart from one another. Ennui’s laughter echoes through the space the moment the servant leaves the quarters. The tight area is uncomfortable, but a welcome change from the frigid air. Augustus and Ennui claim their beds on the bottom bunks, while Lumi presses his ear against the door.

Mido raises his eyebrow with a suspicious glance. “What’re you doing, Lumi?”

“I’m not leaving Khimi alone…” Lumi whispers, determination in his eyes. “Why would they even keep us all apart?”

“Hells,” Augustus begins, “If you’re so suspicious, you can go check on him.”

Ennui gives Lumi a roll of her eyes, “Khimi just doesn’t want to do anything to offend these northerners. They may not take your… relationship as well as others,” she whispers before grumbling something in the northern tongue.

Lumi pushes through the door and peeks his head up and down the hallway. Tapestries hang every few feet or so, massive sheets depicting strange tales. Giants, birds, and sea monsters all fought by lapine figures on horseback. The others whisper words of caution and warning at his back while he slips from the room. Along the length of the hall, his boots click against the stone until he presses against the door of Khimi’s chambers. He whispers Khimi’s name against the door, pressing his ear against the wood. Without response, he knocks, and pushes the door open.

The room is spacious, a wardrobe sits against the wall near the door, a hearth opposite the room sits unlit, and across from the massive poster bed is a circular window which looks over the manor courtyard. A wooden barrel, meant for bathing, is empty along the stony wall. Khimi sits at the edge of the bed, his head in his hands. Lumi moves through the room without a whisper, then over the thick blankets.

“Lumi,” Khimi mumbles from beneath his hands. “I knew you’d find your way back.”

Lumi pushes his face against Khimi’s shoulder, “Can’t get rid of me,” he beams, embracing him from behind. “What’s wrong?”

Khimi sighs and leans back against Lumi. “Nothing. You best scamper out of here before they come back,” he whispers, an edge to his tone. “They’re supposed to be bringing me more… suitable clothes for my station.” 

“You’re almost as bad at lying as me,” Lumi laughs, his reddened nose, shoved into Khimi’s woolen parka. “Are you upset about what happened?”

Khimi lays back, flattening Lumi onto the bed. “Maybe a little,” he proclaims, pushing his weight on top of Lumi. “I just wish things had gone differently. I didn’t want the others to be punished for something I did.”

Lumi squirms from under Khimi, managing to pull himself to the side. “Emir Zeybek,” he teases, “That man deserves far worse than you gave him…”

“Truly?” Khimi questions, his fingers stroking the length of Lumi’s tail. “Tell me, what would the Saint of Flames have done to such an indignant man?”

Lumi purses his lips, his eyes pinched closed in thought. “Hmm, well. I think I would probably have to publicly shame him. Show everyone his tiny little pecker!”

“What if he was well-endowed?”

“Public gelding then!”

Khimi smiles, his fingers pinching the base of Lumi’s tail, drawing out the blissful glaze in Lumi’s eyes. “You’d geld a man for shaming me?”

Lumi brings his lips to Khimi’s ear, his tongue laps against the lobe. He pulls back playfully and smiles, “I’d do so much worse than that for you, Khimi.”

The white of Khimi’s teeth show clear in the dark while he bites down on his bottom lip, desire clear on his face. “Perhaps, the emir’s best servant can share his chambers?” he asks, raising his brow.

Lumi places his hand along Khimi’s inner thigh and slides it along the warm woolen trousers, “Emir Zeybek,” he teases, raising the pitch of his voice even higher. “What would the emir want with a humble servant like myself?” he asks, his laughter breaking through.

Khimi’s smile causes Lumi to melt. Any chill in the air fades, the hand moving along his side is likely to burn through him. His cheeks flush with color, and he forces himself firm against Khimi.

“Lumi,” Khimi grumbles, turning his cheek away from Lumi’s advances. “Stop,” he insists, pushing against him. “Now isn’t the time, remember?”

Lumi sits up abruptly, “The whole purpose of our journey, Khimi,” he says venomously. “Is to be together… and there is… always reasons we can’t be together.”

The door opens; they scamper from the bed and stand, adjusting their clothing, while lapine servants enter the room. A heavy man with a bulbous stomach stands at the center, his hands tucked together behind himself. He, along with those around him, are adorned from head to toe in lavender silks. With his pale features, and stark white hair, the man appears like a traveling performer. The garb is uncomfortable to look upon, cinched in places which reveal the exact shape of the body. Lacy sleeves hang from the edges of the silk jacket, and around the line of the neck. The man gives a quick but generous bow, his long ears pop back taut above his head.

“I was told you were Emir Zeybek,” the lapine says, unable to contain his excitement. “Truly, it is a wonder to meet such a marvel under such curious circumstances.”

Khimi’s fingers brush along the sleeves of his jacket, wiping at the grime. “I am not Ziad Zeybek,” he says with a sigh. “I assume you want to see my father.”

The lapine’s ears noticeably deflate at Khimi’s words, “I see,” he begins, before he forces himself to rouse his spirits. “Then which Zeybek do I have the honor of meeting, if it is not the noble Emir Ziad Zeybek himself?”

Lumi shifts nervously on his feet, “Khi–”

“Khimi Zeybek,” Khimi interrupts, offering a generous bow in response to the lapine. “Son of Ziad Zeybek, heir to the Cerulean Star.”

Lumi can hear the man wringing his hands behind his back, filled with delight. “Khim–”

“Lord Barrau, Lord Odo Barrau,” The lapine interrupts with a cheerful smile. “We’ve brought you a change of clothes, young lord. Perhaps your father would look kindly upon such kindnesses, yes?”

Khimi masks his annoyance by turning to Lumi, “I am sure Ziad would be more than pleased to hear of any hospitality you have given us. We had planned a journey to the Bastion of Sages,” he says, crossing his hands behind his back to match Lord Barrau.

Lord Barrau and his retainers all twist their heads to him in shock, “Oi, so far away, Emir Zeybek. Please, take some time and settle down here at the Citadel. Riverwatch is your home until you are prepared to continue on. I trust these accommodations are to your standards?”

“We’ll be alright,” Lumi grumbles, heat in his cheeks.

The retainers all look at Lumi and Lord Barrau continues, “Is it normal for Emir Zeybek’s servants to speak for him?”

Khimi clears his throat, “These people are my friends… I didn’t travel with any retainers,” he says, a glance at Lumi from the corner of his eyes.

“I see,” Lord Barrau replies, “I can have them placed in larger quarters if it pleases you, Emir Zeybek?”

Khimi bows his head respectfully, “You are too generous, your hospitality is already enough. We just need a few moments to catch up on rest. We traveled without pause, only stopping for a few hours to sleep. A bath would be generous.”

“I will see it done,” Lord Barrau says, his ears back at point. “I’ll see that your friends are given suitable clothing as well. Consider it a gift for Emir Zeybek.”

“Your generosity is too much,” Khimi grumbles, itching his chin.

Lord Barrau’s smile grows wider while he rocks back on his heels, “If you would like to contact your family, I have a bit of a surprise as well.”

“You’re too kind,” Lumi says, waving his hands before them both. “I am certai–”

“What do you mean?” Khimi interrupts, his hands tighten behind his back. “What kind of surprise?”

“Riverwatch is home to the mage, Raul Dior! A mage of some renown! His brother serves Lord Ziad, so certainly it wouldn’t be any trouble to contact him, if it pleases you?” Lord Barrau asks, “Perhaps, you might mention your stay at Riverwatch?”

The name causes Lumi’s body to stiffen. The mage who had sent them to Ziad, Renaud Dior, was a mage of renown as well. After their brief encounter, Lumi had been positive that he did not want to cross paths with the man again, if it could be helped.

“Oh, I am sure Khimi would love to!” Lumi says, stepping in front of him. “But, I think he needs some rest first, he’s been working so hard, he’s so tired, right Khimi?”

Lord Barrau’s lips thin while Lumi draws nearer. “I think you should allow the emir to speak his mind…”

“He’s right. I must admit, my father and I were on poor terms before we left. I will need some time to gather my thoughts,” Khimi says, his hand crunching into a fist.

Lord Barrau nods and comments that the clothing and hot water will be brought to the room before he leaves the room, while Lumi ushers them out. The door clicks shut and Khimi sighs, and relaxes his pose. Lumi presses his back against the door and turns to Khimi, his tail rattles behind him.

“This is… the other mage’s brother? Khimi… we should go!” Lumi whispers anxiously. “What if he tells Ziad we are here?”

Khimi chuckles and grabs hold of the wooden post of the bed. He stretches against it, his muscles pressing against the wool jacket. “Regardless of what we do, stay or leave, Lord Barrau could tell Ziad where we are… it’s best just to stay alert,” he whispers, an air of confidence in his tone. “Also, best to keep your voice down, lapine hear everything.”

Lumi growls and bangs the back of his head against the door, “Khimi, maybe Ennui can you know…” A string of gestures follow his words, hopefully displaying his meaning to Khimi.

“W-what?” Khimi questions, unable to keep himself from laughing. “What even is that?”

“Steal some horses, and run away… ?” Lumi asks in a whisper, shocked at Khimi’s lack of understanding.

Khimi approaches the circular window and pushes his hand against the glass, “I don’t think that would work… Riverwatch is protected by hundreds of soldiers, and now that we know, they have a mage. Running away may not be an option.”

“Musicians, mages… they’re all a pain,” Lumi groans, ripping at the wraps around his boots and woolen stockings. He looks at the hearth, his eyes illuminating; the fire roaring to life.

Khimi eyes him skeptically, “I am sure they would think the same of… whatever you are.”

Lumi pulls himself onto the bed, tucking his bare feet beneath the pillows. Sprawled across it, he continues. “So says the… whatever you are. With your magick and teleporting.”

Khimi rolls his eyes and approaches the bed, leaning against the posts, pressing his thighs against the footboard. “I am a nothing more than a man,” he whispers, smiling down at Lumi.

Lumi reaches forward and grabs the wooden footboard. “Why did you call me a friend… ?” He questions, his fingers taking hold of the hem of Khimi’s jacket.

“I already told you.”

“I know,” Lumi replies, “But I hate it. You can be honest, I’ll defend you if you’re worried about upsetting someone.”

Khimi pulls the jacket free from Lumi’s hands. “I-I don’t need you to defend me. I am just trying to protect everyone.”

Lumi’s lips peel back, “Stop it. This journey is for us, not for anyone else. If Mido and Augustus want to leave… they can leave. If Enn–”

“Ennui would never abandon us,” Khimi interrupts, grabbing hold of Lumi’s hand. He rips Lumi up onto his knees. “I do it to protect us, to protect you.”

Lumi fights against Khimi’s grip, before he sighs in resignation. “I don’t want you to protect us, not if it means you can’t be with me.”

“Are you that desperate?” Khimi questions, pulling Lumi against himself.

“How are you not?! Do you not want our adventure to be… together? Do you want us to sleep in separate beds? To lie to everyone we cross paths with?”

“You’re bei–” Khimi’s expression suddenly softens and he sighs. A bone crunching embrace follows, his arms engulfing Lumi. “You’re right… I’ll tell Lord Barrau.”

The scruff of Khimi’s beard presses against Lumi’s soft cheek, it scratches against his skin while he nudges his head against him. “You don’t have to tell him, just don’t lie about it,” he whispers.

“If you want, I’ll go tell him right now,” Khimi whispers into Lumi’s ear. “I’ll tell him all the sordid things we get up to. How much we can’t keep our hands off one another…”

Lumi smirks in Khimi’s embrace, the bulge in Khimi’s trousers shoves against him. “You can tell him about how you hold me down…”

Khimi grabs a measure of Lumi’s hair and pulls back, staring into his eyes, “And?”

Lumi smiles smugly. “Fuck me with that massive cock,” he murmurs, his fingers trailing over the growing bulge.

The heat in Khimi’s eyes matches the heat from his trousers, he pushes Lumi onto the bed, forcing him onto his stomach without so much as a word. Lumi breathes against the blanket, his face smashed against the itchy fabric. He arches his back, while Khimi’s fingers follow the base of his tail and shove into his trousers. They follow the lines of Lumi’s body, his fingers tease against the warm entrance. Lumi’s tail snaps behind, then wraps around Khimi’s wrist, beckoning him to continue. Heat courses through Lumi’s body, his features flush red with warmth.

“What are you waiting for?” Lumi breathes, “You know ya wanna.” The tail coils, pulling against Khimi’s wrist. “I wanna feel you like I did in the tavern… show me that again.”

Khimi’s breath is slow and deep, his exhales purposeful and heavy. “They’ll be back in a moment,” he whispers, forcing himself back.

Huh?!” Lumi asks, looking back at Khimi. “W-what? Why?” He pouts in disbelief. “They’ll come back later…”



Lumi pulls his trousers back up beneath his tail and slides from the bed. “Don’t make me beg,” he mumbles.

“Don’t be a brat,” Khimi replies, crossing his arms on the edge of the bed. “We’ll have plenty of time later. It’s late… you should sleep,” he whispers.

Lumi’s laughter echoes through the room, “And leave you alone here? With that weird rabbit and the creepy brother-mage walking around?”

“Perri doesn’t seem so bad,” Khimi snorts. “I need to thank hi–”

The door opens once more, numerous servants pour in, buckets of hot water in their arms. Lumi looks about uneasily while they work, avoiding Khimi’s gaze. A youthful lapine woman enters and places several articles of clothing in the empty wardrobe. The dark locks rest just above her shoulders, her drooping rabbit-like ears flop down the side of her head, blending in with the dark hair. She stands against the cabinet and gives Lumi a long once over before she leaves the room. By the time the servants finish filling the tub, the woman returns and sets a jacket, knickers, and trousers over the bed. At the foot of the bed, she places a pair of leather shoes. Lumi looks up at her in surprise. She lifts her finger before her lips and turns back to exit the room.

Lumi runs after her, flinging the door open to catch her in the hallway. “You didn’t have to go through all the trouble,” he whispers, catching her wrist.

She turns back to him, an ear to ear grin on her lips. “Servants see through things lords refuse to see… I hope he makes you happy.”

Lumi’s eyes fill with gratitude, “T-thank you.” Such gestures of kindness had never been lost on Lumi, “He does,” he whispers after another appreciative bow.

“You’d best be getting back to your bed now,” She whispers, her brow raised. “He doesn’t look the type to like waiting.”

“He isn’t,” Lumi laughs, pushing the door open again.

A warm glow is cast across Khimi’s shirtless form from the hearth. He stands over the tub and looks into the water. His focus remains on the tepid, murky water. Khimi’s beauty is unparalleled, the line catches the lines of his form in such a way that accentuates every muscle. The squared lines of his chest, the strength of his biceps. Lumi approaches silently, his arms slip beneath Khimi’s. His head peeks from behind and follows his gaze. There is no steam or warmth.

“Mmm,” Khimi sounds, shifting on his feet from side to side. “It’s like the first time we ever bathed together, isn’t it?”

“The tub was bigger,” Lumi whispers in response. “And made of copper.”

Khimi whispers an incantation, dipping his hand into the water. Steam immediately rises from the top of the water, “What did you say to that woman?” he questions, glancing at Lumi, tucked beneath his arm.

“I told her thank you… she said something peculiar,” Lumi begins, his fingers pressing into the waistband of Khimi’s trousers. “She said that servants see through things that lords refuse to see.”

Khimi smirks, “Truer words were never spoken. Those who serve tend to have a greater understanding of what goes on than the ones they serve.” He turns around and sits on the edge of the tub, while Lumi pushes himself between Khimi’s legs.

Lumi forces Khimi’s legs wider, his fingertips scratching against the coarse wool. “Isn’t it nice… ?” he asks, his hips wiggling seductively behind him.

“Nice… ?”

Lumi pushes himself against Khimi, rushing to undress him. “That other people know. That we can be ourselves.”

The jacket falls to the floor, followed quickly by the undershirt. Khimi brushes his fingers through Lumi’s blond locks, while Lumi drops to his knees before him. “It is nice,” he groans. His eyes flutter with pleasure, Lumi’s lips press against the fabric of his trousers, following the line of his rising bulge.

“Khimi…” Lumi pleads, his eyes flash up at Khimi. The aetherial blues are glazed over with lust, saliva trails from Khimi’s trouser to his lip. “Please.”

Khimi pushes a loose strand of blond from Lumi’s eyes. “Since you asked so kindly,” he whispers, edging his trousers down his hips.

The eager cock bounces forth from the trousers and wags in front of Lumi’s face. Hungry eyes follow its movements, he grabs the base, feeling along the stiffened shaft. His plump lips press against the side, kissing along the veins, savoring his prize. His coarse tongue laps against the base, running along its entirety and pressing directly against the slit. Precum drools over Lumi’s tongue and dribbles down his chin.

“You’re already this pent-up?” Lumi asks as his tongue glides over his lips tauntingly. “It’s only been a day…”

“T-two,” Khimi groans. “Two,” he says again, reassuring himself.

Lumi’s fingers tighten, unable to encompass the full size. His mouth wraps around the tip, his lips pull the foreskin back, tasting the salty precum around the slick head. Lumi hastily draws the tip into his mouth, swirling his tongue over the flared head.

Khimi releases a heavy breath, his head tilted to the side. “F-fuck,” he breathes, his cock nodding against Lumi’s lips.

The room is filled with passionate noises, overpowering the sounds of the roaring fire and the occasional gust of wind from outside. Lumi sucks greedily on the cock, taking as much of it into his mouth as he can. His tongue moves in a rhythmic motion against the base, undulating and teasing with its prickly surface. Khimi moans and pants, his fingers tangling in Lumi’s hair as he thrusts his hips eagerly into Lumi’s mouth. The taste of Khimi’s precum ignites Lumi’s appetite, causing him to emit low purrs from deep within his chest.

Rubbing the tip along his lips, Lumi forces Khimi’s trousers further down his legs. “Khimi,” he whispers, looking up at him. “I love how you taste,” he whispers, knowing his words only serve to goad Khimi closer. “I want more.”

Beneath his dark complexion, heat rises in Khimi’s cheeks. “You’re a mess,” he whispers, forcing Lumi’s lips back against his cock.

Lumi’s tongue snakes down the throbbing shaft, coating it in a slick layer of saliva. With each pass, he scrapes his teeth against the sensitive skin, eliciting sounds of pleasure from Khimi. His mouth engulfs one swollen testicle, an audible pop sounding as he sucks it into his mouth. The salty taste of sweat fills Lumi’s senses, and he can’t help but moan in delight. He sucks harder, causing Khimi to grimace in agony as his hips thrust forward, driving his cock deeper into Lumi’s throat. As if possessed, Lumi’s tail flails wildly behind him, while Khimi’s feet drum frantically against the stony floor. With a primal intensity, Lumi devours every inch of Khimi’s throbbing shaft before resurfacing to lick and suckle at the tip.

Lumi pulls back, the cock pressed against his lips. “You’re gonna break my jaw like that…”

Khimi smirks and forces Lumi’s lips against himself again. “And you’d like it.”

Nervous laughter breaks through Lumi’s lips, his eyes meet Khimi’s. He passes the head between his lips and out again, sliding it back and forth, coating it in his saliva. “Maybe.”

Lumi devours Khimi’s cock with an insatiable hunger, his tongue working every inch of the girth, sliding along the sensitive head and teasing every nerve. He takes it deep into his throat, pushing himself against Khimi’s powerful body as the thick member presses against him. With a grip like iron on Khimi’s muscular ass, Lumi moans in ecstasy as he forces himself to take in every last inch. The sounds of pleasure turn to cries of pain as Khimi’s body tenses and shakes, unable to contain himself any longer. Lumi swallows greedily, feeling Khimi’s hot seed fill his mouth and overflow down his chin. Khimi’s fingers coil tighter into Lumi’s hair as he pushes himself deeper. Finally, Khimi collapses forward, thrusting against Lumi’s lips as he rides out his last moments of pleasure.

“L-Lumi,” Khimi gasps, forcing his cock into Lumi’s throat.

As Khimi’s warm seed slides down his throat, Lumi’s eyes roll back into his head in ecstasy. He can feel Khimi’s hands gripping his neck, urging him to take more. He struggles for breath before slapping his hands against Khimi’s strong, muscled ass and pushing himself back, sitting on his heels. A look of pure joy lights up Lumi’s face as he gazes adoringly up at Khimi, a laughter bubbling out of him with uncontrollable giddiness.

Khimi brushes his hair from his eyes, returning Lumi’s smile. “You’ve got it all over your face,” he laughs, brushing a string of cum with his thumb back against Lumi’s lips.

Lumi grasps his wrist, “How do I look… covered in your seed?” He asks, drawing Khimi’s thumb into his mouth.

“Like you deserve more,” Khimi teases. Gradually lowering himself onto the stone floor in front of Lumi, he kneels. “You always deserve more,” he whispers.

Lumi looks up at him, his eyes wide. Khimi’s lips tap against his forehead, “You…”

“Lumi,” he whispers while Lumi’s voice trails off. “Tell me what you want?” He asks, his teeth gnawing at the rounded ears.

An unnerving silence follows the question. What do I want?

After his awakening, Lumi was bombarded with the voices of the gods, clearer than ever before. They whispered about the destruction that had occurred in Cochon, caused by his vessel and his uncontrollable powers. Isha’s actions saved the area from the vampiric threat, but at what cost? Centuries of culture and history were wiped away in an instant. Lumi struggled to reconcile their whispers with the reality of the devastation he had caused. Was it truly for the betterment of Talmus, as they claimed, or was it a mistake that could never be undone? Doubt gnawed at him as he tried to push away their words and come to terms with the consequences of his actions.

“Tell me… am I a bad person?” Lumi whispers, glancing up at Khimi with hopeful eyes.

Khimi quickly wipes the cum from Lumi’s cheek. “What… why would you even ask that?”

“Because of what happened in Cochon… I know what happened.”

Khimi remains silent and continues to wipe Lumi’s cheek and lips. He brushes his hands off on the trousers near his feet. “What makes someone a bad person… it’s about intent. I don’t think you’d ever harm someone unless they had it coming to them — what happened in Cochon. Mido told me what you did… how you hunted that woman down to save me.”

Lumi looks uncomfortably at the flames, waiting to be scolded for his actions. “You were gon—”

“I know,” Khimi whispers, forcing Lumi to face him. “I would have been dead without you… and the gods interceded to save you.”

Lumi’s expression hardens. “I called them. I asked one of them to save me, Khimi. I-I knew what was going to happen the moment I did.”

Khimi pushes Lumi’s hair back, thumbing his hairline. “There is nothing wrong with self-preservation… if you forced me to continue on without you. I’d appeal to every God of Faith until they brought you back.”

“Don’t say that,” Lumi whispers, looking down at the floor. “You don’t even care about the Fai—”

“It’s important to you, so I care! Lumi, now that I’ve had you, tasted what my life is like with you, I can’t stand the thought of it without you…”

Lumi reaches up and grasps Khimi’s face. “Then… promise me, Khimi. Promise me you won’t… pretend we’re nothing?” he breathes, his thumbs caressing the lines of Khimi’s cheek. “I can’t take it.”

Khimi forces a smile. “From here on… I’ll be more forthcoming about things. No more saying we’re just friends.”

Lumi forces himself up, embracing Khimi while their lips meet. His hands move along the sturdy muscles. Their mouths press together, Khimi stumbles back against the wooden tub, slipping onto the floor. Lumi pushes against him, his lips moving to Khimi’s neck.

“You can never leave me, Khimi,” he whispers frantically.

An Evening Song

The following evening, the group is asked to gather in the Great Hall. The stone walls are decorated in bright tapestries, scones are alight with wrapped torches. A lavish display of flowers sits at a table in the front of the hall, welcoming them into the room. Crowded with finely dressed men and women, the room is startlingly quiet despite the sheer number of those gathered. Those unable to fit into the Great Hall are gathered in the courtyard. A square bonfire reaches into the sky, the flames nearly reaching past the second floor of the building.

Each of them had been given clothing to fit the occasion. Lumi’s white leggings sit uncomfortably tight against his skin, the itchy wool brings him nothing but misery. The frills and embellishments are all too much, the leather shoes are cobbled over a wooden base. His feet clap against the floor loudly, making him winch at each movement. Khimi carries himself with the pomp and circumstance expected of his status. His silk jacket sits open, the velvety undershirt, showing the full display of soft frills. Lumi clings to Khimi’s waist, his hand gliding over the woolen trousers, cupping Khimi’s ass, which is nearly bursting through the fabric. Excessive drinking has lowered his inhibitions, making it all too easy to fondle Khimi before the crowds of strangers.

The others stand about uncomfortably, deep in their goblets of wine. Ennui leans against a column, glancing across the crowd. Mido and Augustus linger a short distance away, admiring one of the colorful tapestries.

The crowd parts, squeezing to the edges of the Great Hall. Lord Odo Barrau flanked by Perri Barrau, and a figure bearing an uncanny resemblance to Renaud Dior step forth into the Great Hall. Odo and Perri wave to the crowd while they make their way to the front, while Raul keeps his stern expression, his cane rapping against the stone. The lord wears a silk coat that trails behind him, the lavender silk is lined with white fur. A small golden coronet rests atop his head, wreathed with white flowers and evergreen needles.

 Lumi presses his cheek against Khimi’s arm while the group makes their way through the room, joined by nearly a dozen lapine women in lavender silks. The crowd remains quiet, whispering amongst themselves. The three gather at the end of the Great Hall and turn back to the crowd. Lord Barrau makes a grand gesture of welcome, an eccentric bow and a flash of his teeth.

“Citizens of Riverwatch!” He begins, calling out over the crowd. The seamstress from the night before approaches and hands the lord a chalice. “I am a man who believes strongly in fate. The slim chances. The impossible odds. So imagine my surprise when a man from the Cerulean Star, the future heir, appears outside our humble citadel! A man, thousands of leagues away from his homeland! Please join me in welcoming, Emir Zeybek of the Cerulean Star!” he shouts, his voice booming through the hall.

Following his eager applause, the crowd follows, all eyes goring holes through them. Lumi does not budge but forces himself against Khimi, smirking while the crowd looks them over.

Lumi lifts his head, pushing his chin against Khimi. “All eyes on you, Emir Zeybek,” he whispers against the silky fabric.

“Unsettling,” Khimi replies, his hand resting on the small of Lumi’s back. “Perhaps the night will go quickly,” he wishes aloud.

Lord Barrau continues once the crowd settles. “I can only hope that Emir Zeybek will remember his time in Riverwatch,” he begins, glaring at Khimi from the front of the Great Hall. “That he will remember the kindnesses that we had imparted upon him, the welcome, the feast! That when he returns to the Desert Cities, he will think of us when he forges a route through the Northern Provinces! A toast!”

The crowd replies, their chalices raised.

“To Riverwatch! To the Cerulean Star! And to a beautiful friendship!” Lord Barrau shouts again.

Khimi raises his empty chalice, while Lumi admires Khimi’s lack of expression. Even without understanding the intricate nature of high society, Lumi is certain that Lord Barrau is attempting to corner Khimi into making a pledge, or forcing his hand. It won’t work. Khimi looks up at the crowd with a smile that does not touch his eyes.

“To friendship!” Khimi replies, his voice unwavering. He brings the empty chalice to his lips and maintains his gaze on Lord Barrau. Quickly, he whispers from the corner of his mouth, “and may this night end soon.”

“It’s all on the nose, isn’t it?” Ennui whispers to Lumi. He turns his head slowly, staring into the crimson eyes. She had lowered herself to whisper. “Might as well just say. You owe me. Now let’s make a deal.”

Lumi presses his cheek against Khimi, his entire body warm from drinking. “He seems nice, though.”

“Evil things come in pretty packages,” Ennui whispers, pinching Lumi’s cheek before she stands tall beside Khimi.

Lumi stares while she surveys the surroundings. “You’re talking about yourself?” he asks, hiding his laughter behind Khimi’s arm.

Lord Barrau continues to announce friends and citizens of Riverwatch, who each raise their cups in acknowledgment. The affair lasts for some time, and Lumi’s feet grow restless. He shifts his weight back and forth, wanting to fill his cup once more. The lapine seamstress passes by, a silver carafe over a silver tray. She pauses before them, filling their cups with a gentle smile. Along the back of the Great Hall, where Lord Barrau and the others stand, a woman takes a step forward. Perri announces her, a minstrel from Wiltz, a close relative to the Lord of Wiltz. The lapine woman is dressed in a silken dress, which clings to her form unnaturally tight. Leather boots which climb up her endless legs and stop just below her thigh. Her sable hair whisks against her pale features.

The room grows quiet while she stands at the center of the raised platform. Her voice rings throughout the hall, a soothing melody breaks through the quiet; a bright floral scent radiates outwards, sourced from her song. She’s like that Vulpo, the musician who had stabbed him in Rhaz used magick much like this woman. The air quivers around her, nearly visibly shaking to her airy song. The words are sung in a language unfamiliar to Lumi, but easily discernible. Halluish, the language used by the people of the north.

The crowd relaxes, easing back into their conversations. A decadent feast is delivered into the room. A roasted goat, aged cheeses, and beautiful displays of breads are piled up neatly among rounded tables.

Leaving no moment to chance, Lord Barrau descends upon Khimi, shaking his hand eagerly. “The gifts the realm provides,” Lord Barrau says, his hand on Khimi’s shoulder.

Lumi looks up at him, a grin wide across his cheeks. “Khimi really is a gift.”

Khimi tousles Lumi’s hair, “It’s luck if anything. We’re fortunate to have been welcomed by someone as generous as yourself.”

Perri and Raul stand close behind him, both waiting patiently for Lord Barrau.

Lord Barrau clears this throat while Perri places a hand on his shoulder. “I-I must apologize, Emir Zeybek. I admit I had not quite understood the nature of your relationship with the ika— with the young man. I just, it is uncommon in these parts. I had expected tha—”

“He expected that when it comes to people of a certain status, that they would understand their place,” Raul begins. “Someone of your status is held to a certain position, are they not?” he asks, his lip tugging into a smile. “A lord should carry out their noble duty.”

“I never saw myself as someone to follow traditions,” Khimi replies, “Perhaps one day I shall. But I’d rather not be likened to a stud, whose only purpose is to continue the line.”

Perhaps it is the wine, but Lumi’s mouth salivates. But he’s certainly built for breeding. The thought pops into his head unwanted, and suddenly he is biting his lip to hold back the wave of intrusive thoughts that threaten to overwhelm him.

Lord Barrau nods, “I can see I made a mistake. Apologies must be made. To you both,” he whispers. “I’ll make sure to think of something worthwhile.”

Lumi shakes his head, “Oh, we’re fine. I promise! As long as it isn’t… overwhelming to you.”

Lord Barrau’s pale cheeks flush, his fingers squeeze the hem of his jacket. “I— It is certainly peculiar. A human and a beastkin, but…” he sighs and shrugs, “love is love, I suppose.”

“The matter of age is… questionable,” Raul begins. “It leaves many thoughts on how the two of you would ha—”


Lumi taps his lips, “I don’t know why people are so worried about things that don’t concern them,” he says flatly. “I can choose who to fuck, can’t I? And Khimi can choose who he fu—”

“Lumi,” Khimi interrupts with anxious laughter. “I think what he means is, this type of thing happens often. It’s a bit upsetting.”

Raul shrugs and takes a step forward. His cane taps against the stone. “Yes, well. There are reasons why beastkin seldom mix with the other races. And… such a thing,” he says, pausing to suck in a deep breath. “Such a thing is seen as aberrant across Talmus. There is an understanding, even if many don’t remember the reas—”

Oh, that’s quite alright, Raul,” Lord Barrau begins, pressing his hand along the back of Raul’s shoulders. “This is neither the time nor the place for one of your lectures.”

Perri raises his chalice, “Hear, hear! Though we may not always agree on some things, I must agree with my father,” he says, glancing around the room. Those nearest them stare, gawking at the exchange.

Lumi bites back a laugh. “I don’t know what aberrant means, but I can tell you that what I feel for Khimi, it goes beyond whatever stupid beliefs you have.”

Khimi sighs, the grip on his chalice grows tighter. “What Lumi means is, it doesn’t matter what you believe or how you feel, we’ll do as we like.”

“The sin of a human and beastkin bond… is due to the result of their spawn. A child born from such a union, their souls are lost. Caught between worlds… anyway,” Raul clicks his tongue and chortles, “I was only stating the viewpoint that the world shares on… this relationsh—”

Lumi lip curls up into a snarl, “Not everyone is as closed-minded as you—”

Khimi clears his throat, “Alright, maybe Lumi had a bit too much to drink,” he interrupts, raising his brow in surprise.

“I never said that I believe the commonly accepted principles of Talmus, but I do believe there is merit in understanding them,” Raul whispers, his dark eyes linger over Lumi. “After all, the purpose of love? Seeking a soulmate? Is it not to experience eternity? Beastkin will nev–”

Okay!” Lord Barrau scoffs, “I see we’re getting philosophical. Perhaps it’s best we reserve this conversation for another day. There are guests. Celebrations,” he says under his breath. “This is all… very public.”

Lumi tilts his chalice up, draining his wine. He swallows hard while he stares Raul down. “Beastkin will never what?” he asks, looking from Lord Barrau to his son, then back at Raul.

Raul shakes his head, “Will never know the afterlife like humans will. The heavens open for humans, but are barred for beasts. Humans are barred from the beastlands, the ever expanding wilderness, the scenic bliss humans will never know. Pure… primal, bliss. They say it is an idealized version of this world, free of humans, elves, and the like.”

Lord Barrau’s lips twitch uncontrollably. “Raul, I believe it is time you performed a display. Show some magick to the citizens. I believe you’re… causing a bit of a commotion.”

Raul turns back to Lord Barrau, his cloak pulled over his shoulder. “Apologies, I wasn’t aware the subject would draw such a response out of me… I’ll keep myself in check.”

Lord Barrau gives them an apologetic tilt of his head before he presses past them, forcing Raul to walk amongst the crowd. Overcome with the effects of the alcohol, Lumi leans his face against Khimi and closes his eyes. Idiots.

“The world is full of bigots,” Khimi mumbles under his breath. “That’s why it is safer for us to pretend, Lumi.”

Lumi’s body shakes against Khimi with laughter, he pushes his lips against the silk sleeve. “Do you think I care?” 

“I know you well enough by now to know that you don’t,” Khimi mutters, “but it makes things more complicated for us. Unnecessarily so.”

Lumi spins in front of Khimi, forcing his free hand against Khimi’s. Lumi’s fingertips hardly extend past Khimi’s palm, but he forces the digits between Khimi’s. Their eyes meet, and it is as if everything fades around them. The chatter of the crowd, the singer’s breathy song, the clacks of the wooden shoes against the stone. Nothing else matters, no one else matters. Lumi closes his eyes.

The sound of Khimi’s heartbeat resonates in his ears. Louder and lower than a drum, yet more beautiful than any music he had ever heard.

Khimi’s fingers curl over his own, while he takes a heavy breath. His lungs fill with air, the comforting sound of his breath spreads tingles of pleasure across Lumi’s body. The hair along his neck stands on end, he pushes his leg between Khimi’s. His abdomen presses against Khimi’s groin, feeling the tightness in the fabric against himself.

“Lumi,” Ennui grumbles, “Lumi!” She snaps, “I don’t think they’d appreciate you fucking in front of everyone after everything I just heard.”

Khimi smiles down at Lumi, swaying slightly against Lumi. “She’s right, you know?”

Lumi pinches his eyes tightly closed, his face nudges into Khimi’s chest. “Fine,” he groans, his ears twitching angrily at Ennui’s protest. “Though, I would love to see their faces.”

Ennui chuckles, crossing her arms. “You should see the looks you’re getting now.”

Khimi brings his chalice to his lips and turns to Ennui. “This is what he wants,” he whispers between sips. “He wants everyone to see.”

Ennui’s uncomfortable laughter rings out, drawing the eyes from around. “As if you could keep it hidden anyway. Neither of you can keep your hands to yourselves.”

“I tried,” Khimi says with a weak smile. “I just c—”

“Can’t deny your precious kitten,” Ennui mocks. “Can you?”

Lumi laughs, releasing Khimi’s hand and embracing him, his chalice pressed against Khimi’s side. “That’s right.”

Khimi peers around the crowd, “Where are Mido and Augustus?”

“They went out to the courtyard. It seems Augustus is quite the storyteller, he’s regaling them with tales of his childhood in Loria. Stories of his brave heroics and how he had to lift a finger once in the crossed moons,” Ennui scoffs, turning away from them both. “Are you… not going to mingle, Khimi? Get to know the future partners of the Cerulean Star.”

Khimi sighs, taking back another swig of his wine. “I suppose I should at least make an effort,” he mumbles. Brushing Lumi’s hair back from his face, he then takes his hand and leads him out into the crowd.

The event is endless, the feast never ending. Each time the plates are nearly emptied, even larger platters are brought out before the crowds. The subjects of Riverwatch gather around the tables like starved vultures, devouring the dishes in their drunken stupors. The singer takes a brief recess, the clamor of the crowd rises.

The drinks flow, the wine never ceases flowing. Several chalices into drinking, Lumi can barely hold himself up straight. Khimi’s words slur fiercely, forcing himself to polish off an untold number of drinks. Mido and Augustus cross paths with them at various points, unable to control their laughter from the copious drinking. Mido’s smile reminds Lumi of the first time they had met.

While the festivities continue, Lumi lures Khimi out of the Great Hall and back along the maze of passages. Groups of lapine among others stare at them in their hurry. Lumi’s wooden clogs clatter from his feet, his bare feet patter over the stony tiles. Khimi pushes against the door to his chambers, the cold air within greets them. Lumi turns to Khimi the moment the door closes, pushing him back against the door.

Khimi’s silken jacket slides from his arms, Lumi caresses Khimi’s abdomen, shoving his hand beneath the linen shirt. The defined musculature is like stone against his touch, unmoving, rigid. Lumi bites his lip in anticipation. The wood and leather shoes clatter over the stone while Khimi kicks them off in his haste.

“It’s freezing,” Lumi shivers, stepping onto the top of Khimi’s feet to avoid the cold stone.

Khimi reaches down and grasps Lumi’s ass, “You’re more than capable of heating yourself,” he whispers, dragging Lumi up against his body.

Wrapping his legs around Khimi’s waist, Lumi smirks, his forehead pressed against Khimi’s. “Or you can keep me warm,” he taunts before he brings his lips to Khimi’s ear. “S-show me,” he whispers, closing his eyes while he fights against the effects of the alcohol. “Show me how much you love me.”

Khimi steps across the room, Lumi’s legs coiled around him. “You always want me to show you,” he grumbles. He falls forward onto the bed, his full weight on Lumi.

Lumi holds tight to Khimi, grunting while he squirms beneath him. “Like you did in Rennes… like you did in Betset,” he says, the heat of his breath fogs in the freezing room. “My raging bull.”

Hells,” Khimi mutters, sliding his hand up Lumi’s shirt. The fabric catches along his rough fingers. The hardened nipple rolls between his thumb and forefinger, teasing the flesh, with Lumi squirming under his weight. “You want it that bad?”

Lumi’s head tilts back to the hearth, his eyes focus on the extinguished fire. “Always,” he whispers. The warmth of Khimi’s lips press to his neck. Held in place by Khimi’s weight, he continues. “It’s a never ending need…”

“Need, is it?”

Lumi’s eyes glow with color, he whispers the incantation. “Ignis.” The fire ignites, the charred logs roar with a sudden heat. “I’ll tell you later,” he says, turning his cheek to look at the circular window.

“Why not now?” Khimi teases, his fingertips squeeze even tighter over the nipples. “I want to know,” he adds, the scent of wine heavy on his breath.

Lumi grunts, forcing himself from underneath Khimi. “Fire first,” he mumbles, hurriedly rushing to add logs to the hearth.

The fire consumes the logs like a hungry beast, the dried wood quickly consumed. Lumi stares into the fire, his eyes heavy from drinking. His body sways back and forth, his hands move along the waist of his trousers. The trousers and leggings slide down his legs and pile around his feet. The heat from the fire rushes against his bare skin. The bumps from the cold recede, and he lets out a soft breath. The jacket slides from his arms atop the trousers. He turns back to Khimi, pulling the shirt above his head from the waist. He works his arms through the sleeves, only to stop himself while the jingle of Khimi’s belt rings out through the room. From across the room, they stare at one another, the cold distance feels immense.

“What’re you doing, little lion?”

“He’s allowed his freedom.”

“Shouldn’t he be doing something more important?”

The voices enter his mind and exit just as quickly. Feeling exposed, he pulls the shirt back over his head, it cascades back over his form, ending at the middle of his thighs. The gods’ whispers remind him of his duty, of his position as the Saint of Flames. Khimi is the most important thing, he tells himself, taking the first steps to the bed. His ears swivel wanting to find the source of the voices. The entirety of his tail shakes with the cold.

“You’ve made a mistake, Y’sol.”

“His vessel is strong. He endured Isha’s possession.”

As Khimi rounds the corner of the bed, his hand grips the post so tightly that his knuckles turn white. Lumi can’t decipher the expression on his face from where he stands, but there’s a glint in his eyes that excites him. Slowly, Khimi pulls the shirt off over his head, revealing his toned torso illuminated by the fiery glow from the courtyard. The flames of the bonfire seem to leap and dance with each step Khimi takes, drawing Lumi closer with an intoxicating pull. His body trembles with desire as he struggles to find words to express himself before his partner’s allure.

“You look cold,” Khimi whispers, taking a step closer. Unfurling his shirt between his hands, he lifts it up above Lumi’s head. “Here,” he insists, encouraging him to raise his hands through the sleeves.

    Lumi’s hand flies out and swats the shirt from Khimi’s grasp, flinging it carelessly onto the messy bed. His lips purse in frustration, and he shoves himself forward, pressing his body against Khimi’s in a heated embrace. Lumi presses his cheek to Khimi’s chest, listening to the drumming heartbeat.

“It would suit you,” Khimi mutters, brushing his thumb across Lumi’s cheek.

Lumi places his hands against Khimi’s waist, pushing him back towards the bed. “Y-you just like seeing me in your clothes,” he stammers. “Don’t you?”

Khimi pulls Lumi around to the foot of the bed, “Can’t say it hurts,” he mutters before he sits on the edge. “I like it when everyone knows you’re mine.”

Khimi’s cock jerks before Lumi, rigid to the touch. It throbs at the slightest touch, drooling precum from the covered tip. Khimi places his hand on Lumi’s waist and draws him between his legs. 

“You want everyone to know?” Lumi’s hand presses against Khimi’s chest, pushing him onto his back. “Lay down,” he whispers, carrying himself on top of Khimi.

Lifting the shirt above his waist, Lumi straddles him, his legs on either side of Khimi. The warm cock taps between Lumi’s ass cheeks, wanting and eager. His tail brushes over the tip, swaying back and forth with Lumi’s shaking hips. Khimi can hardly keep his hands off of Lumi; his hands glide along his hips and sides, touching and caressing every bit of his form. They linger over his cock, rubbing it gently between his rough fingers.

Khimi smiles, devouring the vision before him. “Everyone can see, you know?”

Lumi closes his eyes, forcing the whispers from his mind. “That makes it even better, doesn’t it? You said you wanted everyone to know I’m yours,” he says, his fingers rubbing through Khimi’s abdominal hair.

A grunt passes through Khimi’s lips as Lumi’s fingers curl into the coarse hair and tug. “You want these people to see?” he questions, his eyes darting past Lumi to the circular window behind him.

Lumi brings his lips to Khimi’s chest, teasing a nipple between his fangs. “I want everyone to see,” he replies, his tongue drags across Khimi’s chest.

“Then show everyone,” Khimi whispers, grabbing Lumi by the waist, “show them.”

    As Lumi shifts on the bed, Khimi sits up and gently turns him to face the window. Outside, the courtyard is illuminated by a crackling bonfire surrounded by figures huddled close together, still chatting and laughing in the cool night air. An unexplainable sense of happiness fills Lumi as he is put on display by Khimi, proudly shown off to the very same crowd that had previously judged them just hours ago. With a contented sigh, Khimi leans back against the pillows, his hands resting gracefully behind his head. The warm glow of the fire casts dancing shadows on their skin, creating a peaceful and intimate moment between them.

“One of my favorite views,” Khimi whispers, his cock nudging against Lumi’s. “That tight little ass.”

Painfully aroused, Lumi lifts his shirt to allow Khimi the vision of his body. The coarse fur of his tail shifts across Khimi’s waist. “You’re… very hard,” he breathes, taking Khimi’s cock in his hand and rubbing back the foreskin. The flared head is swollen, slick from the generous precum drooling over the tip. “Very… hard.”

Mmm,” Khimi groans; Lumi’s fingers sliding along the length of his cock, stroking him subtly while he rubs the foreskin over the tip. “Sounds like a problem.”

“I can help,” Lumi replies, lifting his hips to slide the tip against his tight entrance. “Gimme a minute,” he mumbles to himself.

Khimi chuckles, watching the display. “Take your time. I don’t mind watching.”

Lumi’s lean hips move back and forth, his slick palm grasping at Khimi’s hardened shaft.  Unable to help himself, Khimi sits up, leaning against Lumi. Lumi’s shirt rides up at Khimi’s touch, revealing a toned chest and rosy nipples. Khimi’s dark hair lies against his tan skin, his expression a mix of impatience and determination. Lumi’s face contorts in pain as he attempts to lower himself.

“Your perky little nipples are hard, too,” Khimi teases.

“It’s cold,” Lumi whines, still gripping the base of his cock.

Khimi laughs and pushes his forehead against Lumi, “Do you need some help?” He asks, stroking his cheek.

“I think I g—”

The sensation of Khimi’s fingers shoved in his mouth catches him off guard, yet his tongue dances around the slippery digits as they yearn for more. His ears twitch with delight, his body completely under Khimi’s control as he is consumed.

The warmth of Lumi’s saliva coats Khimi’s fingers, then he traces them along the curves of Lumi’s ass. With gentle pressure, he coaxes the sensitive hole open, readying it to accept his size. His teeth graze against Lumi’s shoulders, leaving a trail of tingling sensations, while his other hand continues to fondle and tease the hard nipple, pinching and pulling at the sensitive skin. As Lumi gasps for air, Khimi persists in pressing the flared head against him.

“Easy,” Khimi whispers, his saliva dripping over Lumi’s shoulder. “You’re gonna hurt yourself.”

A laugh escapes Lumi’s lips, but his gaze remains fixed on the crowd outside. His voice is a low whisper as he speaks, his hips slowly descending. “This isn’t the first time you fucked me,” he says with a playful smirk.

With a sharp inhale, Khimi presses inside Lumi’s trembling body. The warm, velvety walls tense and contract around him, eagerly accepting his girth. A pained moan echoes throughout the room as pleasure mixes with a hint of discomfort. Khimi reaches around to take hold of both of Lumi’s nipples, teasing them with quick flicks of his fingers. Fully exposed to the crowds below, Lumi’s head rolls from side to side in ecstasy. The throbbing girth inside him relentlessly presses against his most sensitive spots, each thrust eliciting a gasp or a moan. Finally, unable to hold back any longer, he releases with a shuddering climax that splashes onto the mess of blankets beneath them. As his body relaxes, Lumi leans back and rests his hands on Khimi’s muscular thighs. Using them as leverage to lift and lower himself repeatedly, he rides the waves of pleasure coursing through him.

“You’re so fucking tight,” Khimi growls, biting into Lumi’s shoulder.

Lumi’s thighs burn with exertion as he lifts himself up and down, each movement causing Khimi’s cock to slide in and out of him with a delicious friction. The lusty sounds of their lovemaking echoes through the room, fueling Lumi’s desire even more. His breath come out ragged and erratic, matching the pace of their movements.

Khimi’s hot breath tickles his ear, he whispers words of encouragement, driving Lumi further towards ecstasy. “You’re my lion,” Khimi moans, bucking his hips against Lumi’s with increasing fervor. With one hand gripping onto Lumi’s hips and the other on his tail, Khimi guides their movements together, deepening their connection.

Their display has not garnered the attention of the crowds below, but they are fully consumed by each other’s touch and pleasure. They are lost in a world of their own creation, where nothing else matters except for the sensations of one another’s bodies.

Khimi’s strong, calloused hand glides down from Lumi’s sensitive nipple to his taut abdomen, feeling the swelling and pulsing of his cock as it pushes inside of him. A low, guttural moan escapes from Lumi’s lips as Khimi murmurs against him, “I love how you take me in.” His words are filled with lust.

Khimi’s perverse nature seems to grow even more under the effects of alcohol. Where other men may experience impotence when drunk, Khimi is the opposite — his desire only intensifies. He becomes painfully rigid and achingly aroused, craving nothing more than to fill Lumi repeatedly.

Khimi’s hips rise in a fluid motion, pressing his body against Lumi’s on the bed. His thick cock delves deeper inside of him, filling him with pleasure. Lumi bites back moans, the heat from Khimi’s throbbing cock seems to intensify with each passing second, eager to release his thick seed inside Lumi.

Khimi’s fingers trace the contours of his bulge as he continues to thrust into Lumi, savoring the sensation. Suddenly, he stops and looks down at the crowd, watching them while trailing his tongue along the nape of Lumi’s neck. “Do you want them to see?” he asks, his voice low and seductive. “I’ll give them a show, if that’s what you want.”

Lumi’s voice is filled with desire as his hips shake eagerly, the sound of them slapping against Khimi’s groin echoing through the room. “You know what I want,” he murmurs, his breath hitching between movements. He draws Khimi into himself and writhes his hips, moaning as their bodies press together. “I want… the world to know.”

With a gentle touch, Khimi cups Lumi’s chin and turns his face toward him. Their lips brush softly before Khimi speaks in a raspy voice, “If that’s what you want, we can show the world.” His hips continue to buck eagerly against Lumi’s, their embrace growing more passionate with each movement.

“Y-yes,” Lumi’s voice quivers as he lifts himself almost all the way to the tip of Khimi’s cock, then in one motion brings his body down onto Khimi’s groin, eliciting a loud moan from both of them.

Lumi’s response only fuels the intense desire pulsing through Khimi’s cock, ready to release at any moment. Khimi wraps his arms around Lumi’s waist and forcefully guides them both to the edge of the bed. With his length still buried deep inside Lumi, he propels them across the short distance to the window.

Their bodies pressed against the circular window, their breath leaves fogged imprints on the glass. Khimi’s hands roam eagerly over Lumi’s skin, lifting his shirt and pushing his chest against the cool surface. Lumi pants, struggling to stay balanced on his toes as Khimi thrusts into him relentlessly, putting on a show for the crowd below. Lumi’s arms and face press against the glass as he gazes down at the people passing by. Most don’t even bother to look up or acknowledge them, but the small amount that do draws a grin from Lumi’s lips. He wants to be seen, desires for everyone to know that Khimi is his.

“This is what you wanted, isn’t it?” Khimi breathes, his body shaking while he lifts Lumi’s hips to meet his own.

The sensation of Khimi’s cock sliding in and out of Lumi is maddening. It fills him completely, only to withdraw and leave him aching for more. Lumi struggles to form coherent words as he whispers breathless, “Yes.”

His hands slide across the fogged glass, leaving smudges in their wake. Khimi’s heavy sack slaps against Lumi’s slick backside with each forceful thrust, causing Lumi to arch his back and cling tightly to Khimi’s forearm with his tail. With every movement, cum splattering across the glass in front of them from Lumi’s flaccid cock. Lumi can feel the intense heat building inside him, the pressure of Khimi pressing against his insides. With a deep grunt, Khimi leans even closer against Lumi. Their bodies meld together as his balls contract and release a surge of thick, creamy cum into Lumi, overflowing from their connection and dripping heavily onto the cool stone floor below.

“The Lion has no control. He’s worse than you, Y’sol.”

Lumi shudders under Khimi’s touch, his body trembling with pleasure. His skin is flushed and glistening with sweat, his breath coming in short gasps as Khimi’s fingers explore every inch of him. He arches his back, pushing his ass further onto Khimi’s cock, wanting to feel every inch of it inside of him.

“At least he knows what he wants.”

Khimi groans at Lumi’s movements, the tightness around him causing him to shake. He continues to thrust slowly, savoring the feeling of Lumi’s heat. He runs his hands down Lumi’s sides, feeling the firm muscles beneath his skin.

“My little lion,” he whispers against Lumi’s neck before nipping at the sensitive skin there. “You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs, his lips trailing down to Lumi’s back.

Lumi moans at Khimi’s words, pressing himself harder onto Khimi. He feels like he’s on fire, desire coursing through him as Khimi takes control of his body. His tail wraps tighter around Khimi’s forearm, as if begging for more.

Khimi whispers soft praises into the boy’s ear as he reaches one hand down to grasp Lumi by the hips. He pulls him up slightly before slamming back into him with forceful thrusts that make Lumi whimper. “Lumi,” he groans with a possessive air before biting down on Lumi’s shoulder.

“My bull…”