Chapter X


Warmth engulfs Khimi, his body shakes, and sweat rolls from his body soaking through the heavy blankets. There is a warmth beside him that threatens to consume him, a heat just as hot as Enan’s fire. Muffled voices and creaking footsteps echo around him before they fade into the distance. The heat grows unbearable, and his lips grow dry.

A hand pushes against his shoulder, muffled words sound around him. Their speech is garbled and unclear as if spoken from beneath water. His body shakes from the overbearing heat. The scenes from the tavern snap through his mind. His teeth clench together, the thought of leaving that creature alive unnerves him. The embarrassment of losing brings anger swelling through him. His fist grips onto the blanket, his eyes flutter open.

The wooden ceiling is dark, the light of the day had long since faded. Fire in the hearth sends light dancing along the painted walls. Weakened from the encounter, he reaches out for the heat beside him. His fingers push through Lumi’s damp hair. It takes every bit of effort to sit up from the bed. A dull ache pulses through his body, from his shoulder down to his abdomen, there is a radiating soreness. The slightest touch near his shoulder causes him to winch at the pain.

“Lumi,” Khimi whispers. “You up?”

Lumi does not stir, his ears do not move a bit.

“Lumi?” Khimi repeats, desperation in his tone. “Lumi, wake up.”

Khimi shakes him, the pain in his own body is lost to the back of his mind. The soreness coursing throughout his body vanishes. Fueled by adrenaline, he shakes Lumi repeatedly. His skin is hot, even more than his typical warmth. The woolen jacket over Lumi is soaked with sweat, his brown drips with rolling beads of sweat. The lines of his lips curl, revealing his fangs. A pained whimper sounds through the room. Khimi groans while he slides from the bed, his legs tremble from the soreness. Beside Lumi, he begins to unbutton the tattered woolen jacket. The innermost bits of clothing are soaked with a cool sweat.

There is a tenderness in Khimi’s touch. Despite his haste and worry, he can not help but to look at Lumi with soft eyes. The feathery blond hair is damp against his brow, his plump lips are dry and cracking. His soft skin is clammy with sweat. Khimi lifts Lumi and pulls one of his arms through the sleeve, followed quickly by the other. He pulls him up from the bed to pull the shirt from over his head. Lumi’s body slumps back against the bed like lead. Left in his trousers, Lumi’s bare chest rises unevenly, only to release stuttering breaths.

Khimi’s brow furrows in anger while he looks Lumi over. He holds onto Lumi’s hand and follows along the lines of his body. Bruises, scrapes, and cuts adore much of his form. A bite along his shoulder brings out the pain in Khimi’s own bite. He recalls the sudden sharpness of the woman’s bite, how quickly he had begun to lose consciousness. He’ll be fine… he has to be. His hands slide beneath Lumi to bring him against his body. Lumi’s breath sweeps across Khimi’s bare shoulder. The heat generated from his body is unbelievable, his skin is pink and hot to the touch.

“Lumi,” Khimi whispers, resting Lumi’s forehead against his shoulder. His lips press against the thick, rounded ears. “Lumi, you’re going to be alright,” he says, wanting to be reassuring.

Khimi follows along the line of his tail, pressing through the top of his trousers. Over each joint he pauses, giving it a firm squeeze until he arrives at the golden ring. The golden band twists between his fingers, the connecting chain clatters together. The helix design had been something he worked with the goldsmith to design, something special for Lumi, crafted to cling to the coarse fur. Lumi’s body shakes against Khimi, and Khimi pulls him tighter, Lumi’s chin resting on his shoulder.

Eyes closed, Khimi holds onto Lumi, the warmth of his body permeating against his own. The soreness throughout his body is soothed by the heat. It lulls him, easing him into a dream-like state. He forgets his nakedness, forgets the pain running through him. The only thing that remains is the warmth that flows between them both. His breath passes between Lumi’s ears, his fingers rub along Lumi’s back, fingers tracing between the lines of his ribs. It had been some days since they experienced a decent meal. He pulls himself onto the bed, then drags Lumi between his legs, letting Lumi’s back rest against his chest. With his hands wrapped around Lumi’s chest, he holds on, his lips kissing between his ears.

Khimi eyes the fire while he holds Lumi. He wonders if Enan can see them if Lumi’s gods are watching them. The thought is unnerving, Khimi suddenly desires the dark. Forcing his eyes closed once again, he squeezes Lumi tighter, feeling his breath beneath his arms. The fire dies down to coals, and Khimi can feel his exhaustion returning. His eyes begin to feel heavy, the warmth of the fire along with Lumi’s rising heat causes him to slip between consciousness. The time drifts, each time he opens his eyes, fewer coals remain.

The door creaks open, and Khimi can hear the quiet footfalls followed by Mido’s gasp.

“Khimi?!” Mido whispers in shock. “Khimi, you’re awake?”

Khimi’s neck hurts to turn, but he opens his eyes to glance at Mido. His throat aches with his words, “Y-yeah,” he says in a pained rasp.

“Let me get you water,” Mido responds, hurriedly rushing for a waterskin along the edge of the wall. He hands him the waterskin, averting his eyes from Khimi’s nakedness.

The water crashes against Khimi’s lips, the cool, crisp taste brings a sense of clarity with it. The dryness in his throat is calmed. Clearing the knot in his throat, he takes the waterskin from Mido then presses the nib between Lumi’s lips. A gentle squeeze along the leather, the water drips from between Lumi’s lips. He coughs while water drips from the corner of his parched lips.

“H-he was bitten too?” Khimi asks before bringing the waterskin back to his lips. He drinks deep while Mido nods.

“But he didn’t lose consciousness because of his injuries… not from loss of blood like you did anyway,” Mido whispers in response, his mouth tightens into a line. “Maybe I should tell you when you are feeling better.”

“I feel fine,” Khimi insists, clearing his throat again. “Tell me what happened.”

Mido explains the details of the night, telling Khimi the details of what had transpired in the town. He explains everything that he can to the best of his abilities with what he has seen. Khimi struggles to maintain his composure. The worry he had felt earlier makes way for a burning rage. His arm around Lumi pulls him even tighter as if wanting to squeeze him in half. How could you be so foolish? How could you be so thoughtless?

“He only thought about you,” Mido suggests, the suddenness of his comment startles Khimi. “Everything he did… he did it because he was worried about you.”

Khimi’s grip loosens around Lumi at Mido’s insistence. “How could he be so reckless?”

Mido’s brow pinches, frustration clear on his face. “How could you be so reckless?!” He snaps back. “Augustus told me what happened, he told me he tried to run, but you stayed… like you were too proud to run away.”

Khimi closes his eyes, the weight of Mido’s words are heavy. There is truth behind them, he had no desire to leave someone so dangerous. And yet, he could have run back to the manor and regrouped with the others. “That woman would have killed any of you.”

“Or we could have all handled it together,” Mido offers. He shifts back and forth on his feet. The flash of anger dissolves with a sigh. “I’m sorry… I am glad that you’re awake. Ennui roasted some type of pheasant… maybe eating something will restore some of your strength.”

Khimi nods, pressing his chin between Lumi’s ears. “He’s been this warm since you found him?”

Mido crosses the room to add wood to the fire. With a piece of broken furniture in hand, he turns back to Khimi. “He’s been sweating and shaking since last night… there isn’t anything that I can do within my abilities,” he says, tossing the wood onto the mostly spent coals.

“He’ll survive,” Khimi whispers between Lumi’s ears. “He’s resilient like that. He’s already gone through so much.”

Mido’s eyes pass over them once before he hurries to the door. “I’ll leave you both alone and see if Ennui can bring you something to eat.”

“Do you know something?” Khimi asks while Mido passes the bed. “What aren’t you telling me?”

“It’s just that… we don’t know if he will recover,” Mido says, his hand on the door. The short tail flails against the back of his trousers. “Maybe we should go back to Loria… we can find someone of the Faith.”

Khimi sighs, he had not considered abandoning their journey. “I’ll consider it,” he mumbles. “You know he would not want us to go back. We could find a healer at the Bastion.”

Mido turns back, a flash of anger in his dark eyes. “The Bastion could be days, weeks even from here! We don’t have that kind of time!”

Khimi chokes back a growl, his arms tighten around Lumi. “He’s going to wake up soon.”

“How can you be so sure?” Mido shakes his head and leaves the room, shouting through the doorway. “Fine!”

The fire rises in the hearth with a crackle. Khimi chugs from the waterskin, water dribbles down his chin onto Lumi. Lumi shakes while the water touches his skin. You’re going to wake up soon. Lumi shakes against him, his body convulses with a violent jerk. Khimi buries his face into Lumi’s damp hair, fighting the urge to shout.

Since discovering Lumi’s identity as the Saint of Flames, Khimi had often thought of what the future would hold for them. The god’s desires for Lumi would come before his own, regardless of Lumi’s own wishes. The gods had a way of making sure that their will would always come first.

Wake up, Lumi. You have to wake up.

A panic rips through Khimi at the thought of their journey coming to a premature end. His heart aches, his emotions run rampant.

“Lumi,” Khimi whispers into the rounded ears. “Lumi, you have to wake up.”

Lumi turns against his embrace, still in his unconscious state.

“Come’on, Lumi,” Khimi grumbles, shaking him more violently. “Wake up.”

Angry at the situation, he rolls Lumi beside himself. The bed creaks while he pulls himself out of it. He crosses the room to the fire, then hurls several pieces of the broken furniture into the rising flames. The stone of the hearth is rough against his hand while he leans against it. He leans his head against it, his teeth grit in anger. The broken chair leg drops into the flames before his eyes.

Love is a weakness.

The conversation he had with Rashid often came to mind when he thought about his relationship. His love for Lumi had grown since their meeting, the initial bond had grown into an all-encompassing inferno. Every morning he awoke with the thought of Lumi, and every night he would fall asleep to the sound of his heart beating. A pain rips through his chest, anxious, he places his hand over his heart. The sound of his heartbeat becomes deafening, his vision shaky. Unsure if his exhaustion is punishing him, or if his emotions are getting the better of him, he begins to kneel beside the hearth. The fire roars before his eyes, the heat licks at his face. Enan… someone can help him.

A warmth wraps around him, soft hands caress his chest. Lips press against the back of his neck. The pain in his chest slowly fades while teeth press against the lobe of his ear. Khimi reaches behind him, his hand moves along the scratchy woolen trousers.

“K-Khimi,” Lumi whispers in his comforting boyish lilt. “What’s wrong?”

Khimi attempts to contain his excitement. He turns and embraces Lumi, his arms wrapping around him. “You should be resting.”

“Everything hurts,” Lumi whispers in response, his chest pressed against Khimi’s.

Khimi’s lips brush against Lumi’s forehead. “You need to rest… we can rest as long as we need to before we leave here.”

Lumi’s knobby knees wobble. They falter, he falls forward against Khimi. “Are you better?” He whispers. “Do you feel better now?”

Khimi’s cheeks brighten at Lumi’s concern. His fingers brush through Lumi’s damp hair while he smiles down at him. “I feel fine. Thanks to you.”

“I didn’t do anyth—”

“Stop,” Khimi replies firmly. He grabs Lumi’s shoulders and pushes him back. “Don’t… try to play it off li—”

Lumi’s eyes flutter, his head lolls to the side. Khimi holds him upright, supporting him from falling. After a moment, Lumi awakens again, his eyes popping open in shock.

“You’re exhausted,” Khimi whispers, standing from the floor. He lifts Lumi into his arms, the familiar purrs rise from within him. “You need rest. You need to eat.”

Lumi looks up at Khimi. The startling aetherial eyes stare up at him. “I need to know that you’re alright.”

“I’m fine,” Khimi replies, placing Lumi into the bed. The heat that had coursed throughout Lumi had faded somewhat. “Drink,” he insists, bringing the waterskin to Lumi’s lips.

Lumi does not reply, but he willingly accepts the nib into his mouth. He sucks at the waterskin, his eyes still set on Khimi’s. Khimi scoffs, the smile crossing his lips is filled with desire.

Lumi turns his head, “I don’t need rest.”

Khimi cocks an eyebrow, “Really?”

“I’m fine,” Lumi whispers, his eyelids open and closing slowly, the exhaustion clear on his face.

“Go to sleep,” Khimi whispers in response, covering Lumi’s eyes with his palm. Though desire pumps through his body, he wants for Lumi’s health. “Rest.”

“No,” Lumi replies, his tongue grazing against his palm.

“Sleep,” Khimi insists again, looking into Lumi’s hungry eyes.

Ennui pushes the door open with a gift, a poorly plucked but roasted bird, held by its talons. Her eyes grow wide with shock, then settle back to their usual unamused appearance. She clears her throat to announce herself again.

“Happy you’re both awake. I would have figured we’d be planting flowers on your graves tomorrow,” Ennui snorts, waving the bird in her hand.

“Don’t be so grim,” Khimi says, his brow pinched. “We’re both lucky.”

“Yes. Probably so, but you should probably put something on Khimi… it’s getting cold,” she whispers with a knowing grin. “How are you feeling?”

Khimi sighs and sits up from the edge of the bed. He dresses quickly, while Ennui tosses the cooked bird onto the bedside table. The smell of the cooked meat brings his stomach growling. “I’m fine, Lumi needs rest. What hour is it? I’m out of sorts.”

“It’s late,” Ennui replies, glancing at the window. “I was about to head to sleep… but since you’re both awake. I’ve charted a course for us. Once you’re adequately prepared to leave, that is.”

Lumi rolls onto his side and pulls the blanket over himself. “I’m fine to travel. We can leave tomorrow.”

“Lumi…” Khimi whispers, shaking his head in disbelief. “You need to rest.”

Ennui’s brow raises, “Yes, well. Not that I care… but you should rest. A couple days won’t hurt.”

    Khimi sits back on the edge of the bed with the roasted bird in his hand. He peels away the flesh and plucks a small bit of meat into his mouth. The flavor of the bird’s meat makes him salivate. He tears off another bit and forces it between Lumi’s lips.

“Where are we headed?” Khimi questions while he forcefully feeds Lumi.

“There is a harbor further north along the cape, the western side faces the bay, and we can hopefully find passage to Rennes easier,” Ennui mutters. “But as you said, Lumi needs to rest. Augustus still needs rest too. Though… Mido seems to be holding strong.”

“He’s stronger than he looks,” Khimi says, chewing thoughtfully on the notion.

Lumi sighs and pulls one of the tattered pillows over his head. “Fine… but I’ll be okay.”

“He’s lying,” Khimi says, nodding to Ennui. “He passed out earlier.”

Ennui smirks at Lumi. “Go ahead and push yourself Lumi, then all of your efforts will have been in vain because you’re too stupid to know when you need to rest.”

Lumi hisses at her audibly and turns away on the bed. “I won’t push myself,” he mumbles. “We can still travel.”

“I’ll look for horses tomorrow,” Ennui begins with a nod at Khimi. “Maybe I’ll find a wagon and some other supplies. It isn’t too far to the north from here. Supposedly two days about. Then a few days’ ship ride to Rennes.”

“How can we afford passage?” Khimi asks quietly. “We’ve no coin…”

“We have enough. And we’ll manage besides,” Ennui insists with a tap of the blade at her hip. “We can sell our worth if we must.”

“Mercenary work?”

“If we must. Now, feed the boy and get some rest.”

Khimi gives Ennui a nod of thanks while the door closes behind her. Lumi pulls the pillow back over his head, only to have Khimi shove a piece of the flaky meat into his mouth.


Lumi’s eyes, wide as the sisters, look up hopefully. “But I’m fine.”  


The Harbor City of Rennes

The days had come and gone quickly. The hours of sitting around prove to be more arduous than anticipated. Khimi had convinced the others not to speak on what had happened within the city. Days following Lumi’s awakening, Ennui had managed to secure three horses. Though the draft horses were likely to fall apart at any given moment, they made the journey to the harbor without any complications. The forested path they had taken went around the outskirts of Cochon, leaving Lumi oblivious to the destruction.

After two days of travel, they had arrived at the harbor. It had a cold and distant presence about it. The buildings are constructed of stone and wooden beams, thick layers of snow sat atop of them. The path from Cochon to the harbor had nearly no signs of traffic. Despite being only two days north of Cochon, the light is even more hesitant to appear from beneath the thick cloud cover.

Not an hour into their visit, Ennui had managed to secure passage and meals on one of the vessels in exchange for their horses. The journey aboard the ship is surprisingly quaint. The meals are hearty, the stew the cook had made was hearty and left Khimi feeling satisfied. The passage through the bay is slow, taking longer than anticipated with the ill winds.

By the end of the fifth day, they had finally arrived at Rennes in the dark of night. Loath to be on the vessel any longer, they sought out the comforts of the nearest tavern and set aside time for ample rest. The trials of their journey from Sidi had been far more taxing than any of them could have imagined.

The city of Rennes is nothing more than a collection of lean-tos and wooden buildings surrounded by palisade walls. The walls ran a distance into the bay, preventing anyone from sneaking around. The streets are covered in ice and snow, there are no cobbles or stones, only mud.

There is no shrine of the Faith, nor is there any sign that there had ever been. Instead, constructed in the center of the city, before a copse of ancient conifers, is a hulking statue. The figure is curious, devilish horns and goat-like features mixed into one. Khimi had never heard of anyone worshiping a devil before, at least not openly.

The tavern, a snug and cozy building situated among the outskirts of the city, rests against the palisade walls. Long, dark alleys on either side give the tavern a lonely appearance. Yet, its interior was more welcoming than anything they had encountered in their north-bound journey. The people in the tavern are jovial. Shouts, cheers, claps, are all accompanied by a musician playing a lyre. Though his voice is hoarse, he works through it, bringing cheers from the crowd.

The group remains together in the open room, a roaring fire at their backs, while they drink at a long table. The warmth of the inn fills his cheeks with color, the pale complexion changes to a warm strawberry pink. The effects of the alcohol take their toll on Lumi, his speech gradually becomes slurred. His hand fondles Khimi’s thigh more aggressively beneath the table.

Augustus claps the pewter mug on the tabletop, cheering with the crowd once the musician finishes his tune. “Hells,” he says with a sigh of relief. “I feel… reinvigorated! Alive!”

Mido shakes his head and manages a laugh. “For now… until something else happens.”

“Nothing will happen. We’re safe here,” Ennui insists, her eyes boring holes through the window.

Khimi waves his hand before Ennui’s face. “You sure about that?” He questions while she snaps out of her daze.

Ennui sighs, her tail whips through the air with a crack. “Positive. Rennes is… a safe haven… for some people.”

“Your people,” Khimi whispers, edging closer towards her. “I saw all the devilkin,” adds with a slightly drunken smile on his lips.

“Right, well. Somehow or another, I’m probably related to them. Infernal seed.” She mutters under her breath.

Lumi’s expression lights up, his face smashed against Khimi’s shoulder. His rounded ears wiggle. “Did she say seed?” He asks, giggling against Khimi.

Augustus cracks a smile, “Seed,” he iterates, laughing drunkenly as Lumi begins to laugh uncontrollably.

Mido’s chair screeches against the wooden floor. “You’re all children.”

Khimi laughs and reaches up to pull Mido back into his chair. “Relax, take a breather Mido.”

Mido sighs, his body melts back into the chair. “Fine,” he says, his arms crossed.

Ennui shakes her head, her lips curl while she tries to hide her laughter. “Children. All of you.”

Lumi’s lips curl into a smile while he peers at Mido from against Khimi’s shoulder. “We’re just playing Mido.”

Augustus laughs, his arm rests over Mido’s shoulder. “Oh, he just wishes he had a man.”

Mido’s cheeks bloom with color. “I’ve had plenty of men.”

Ennui snorts in disbelief, “Hah! Really? Tell us about it?”

Drunken patrons take their seats beside them, the stench of spilled alcohol surrounds them. A cervi among several humans and a half-elven woman sit across from them.

Mido clams up, his lips pinched into a thin line. “No,” he whispers to the group.

A drunken cervi[1] leans across the table, “Am I interrupting?” He asks, the stench of alcohol is heavy on his breath.

Khimi manages a smile. “We were just reminiscing,” he says, tugging Lumi tighter against himself.

The cervi glances between Lumi and Khimi, then around at the others in the group. “Don’t mean to pry, but… he’s a bit young for ya, eh?”

The laughter fades, the air of frivolity and joy around them vanishes. Khimi’s grip tenses on the pewter mug in his hand. Lumi squirms uncomfortably beside him.

Ennui pushes herself back from the table and stands. “I’ll be out for a stroll,” she says, giving Khimi a warning glance.

“Anyway,” Augustus chirps, trying to lighten the mood. “We were just making jokes. How about I get another round of drinks for us all?”

Khimi’s palm slaps against the table, his eyes set on the cervi before him. “I think we’ve all had enough.”

“I was just askin’ a question… he looks half as old as yourself,” He says, adjusting his jacket while he props his foot up on the table.

“I’m older than I look,” Lumi pipes up, his cheeks puffed defiantly. He knocks the cervi’s feet off the table, “What’s i—”

“What does it matter to you anyway?” Khimi mutters, an unsettling rage rising within him.

Outside the Desert Cities, he thought he would be free of these emotions. Without the worry of his status and the Merchant Princes, the anger boils through him without regard. The man’s words cut him. Months of rumors and whispers roil through him.

“K-Khimi,” Mido whispers. “Perhaps you should get some air.”

Mido’s words do not reach him. His attention rests solely on the cervi across from him. The half-elven woman slaps the man’s shoulder and laughs, making a short quip.

The cervi shrugs and smiles sheepishly. “I thought maybe you’d be willing to share the little feline. Can’t tell me you wouldn’t want a stag this handsome, eh, kitty?”

Lumi’s cheeks grow flush, and he turns his gaze away. “Khi—”

“I mean if it’s a matter of coin,” the cervi interrupts. “I’m not rich by any means but… I can pay.”

The half-elven woman laughs, hanging onto the cervi’s shoulder. She whispers into his faun-like ears. While Khimi can not hear what she is saying, he watches a progressive smirk form across the cervi’s lips.

“She suggests having a go with you, big man,” he says, laughing along with the surrounding patrons.

Lumi rises from his chair quicker than Khimi can blink. “I think I’ve had enough,” he growls, his eyes shake with rage. The lengthy tail snaps behind him, the golden chain rattles with its movement.

“Oh, come off your high horse,” the half-elven woman says with an audible sigh. “I’m sure the big man would appreciate someone with a bit more meat.”

Augustus and Mido look at one another before they abandon the table, their mugs in hand.

Lumi’s lips peel back in a snarl, he slams his hand down onto the table. “I’m the only one who knows what Khimi wants. I’ll be the only one who ever knows what Khimi wants.”

Khimi grabs Lumi’s arm while he stands. “Just go to the room.”

“The little feline can stick around,” the cervi says with a bit of laughter. “I like it when they have a bit of fight in ‘em.”

“Shut up! Shut the fuck up!” Lumi shouts, drawing the eyes from the majority of the tavern. He smiles menacingly, “You couldn’t handle me anyway.”

Khimi can feel the heat rising within Lumi, the surge of anger coursing through him. If there had ever been anyone who had a temper worse than himself or Ziad it was Lumi.

Lumi!” Khimi snaps. “The room. Now!”

Lumi looks up at him with shock in his eyes, before he storms off and rushes up the stairs. The door to their room slams shut, a number of patrons look about at the source of the noise.

“Look, now you upset the pussycat,” the cervi states, brandishing a smile.

It takes every bit of effort for Khimi to contain himself. Not wanting to start a brawl in their temporary home, Khimi ignores the comment and walks through the front of the tavern. He hopes Ennui has not gone far, that he can catch up to her and express himself with the only person he trusts besides Lumi.

The night air is cold, only the light from the tavern window illuminates the darkness outside the tavern. He punches his hands into the jacket pockets and walks down the street towards the harbor. The snow crunches beneath his feet along his walk. The only building that sticks out amongst the others is a lighthouse, staggered and wooden.

    The cool air calms him, the sound of his heart pumping through his ears lessens. Near the docks, Khimi stands on the wooden planks. Is that all anyone will ever see? Our differences? His breath forms before his eyes. The light from the few torches lit along the docks reflect their light over the black water.

    There is something alluring about the darkness. The pitch calls to him in the night. On the edge of the icy planks, he holds onto the wooden piling. His reflection is clear in the dark water. His beard is thicker than it had been for some time, the sharpness of his features hidden beneath the scruff. He sighs and closes his eyes. The lapping of the waves against the pilings is soothing to his ears, mesmerizing.

[1] Cervi – beastkin with the traits of deer.