Chapter VII


The streets of Rhaz are aglow with ancient flames that flicker and dance in the breeze. Khimi walks beside Augustus with a clay bottle of raki in his hand. He had only just been formally introduced to Mido a few days ago, but was slowly getting used to his quirks. Mido had mostly kept himself distant from the other two, but also seemed to listen to their every word. Khimi would often find the aloof canis glancing in their direction when he turned towards him.  It was an unexpected dynamic — despite Augustus’ carefree demeanor, he seemed determined to make Mido happy.  

Augustus turns to Khimi and offers him his bottle. “How about a real drink?”

Mido rolls his eyes and folds his arms. “I think you’ve had enough already,” he says to Augustus. “What if we run into Saint Nina?”

Khimi swirls the half-full bottle in his hand. “I have enough left to last awhile. I still can’t believe you’re drinking that awful stuff,” he laughs while they work their way to the estate. “I thought I was going to die the next day. Lumi had to take care of me.”

“Ha! A man like you should be able to handle your liquor,” Augustus jokes.

Mido shakes his head. “I’m sure he could, if you weren’t constantly forcing drinks on him.”

“He’s right…you bring out the worst in me, I’m afraid,” Khimi adds sheepishly, wiping sweat off his forehead. His cheeks are flushed from their night of drinking.

Augustus smirks, “Oh, I am certain he’d be more than happy to see us,” he says as he places an arm around Khimi’s shoulder. “And Mido misses his friend!”

Mido follows quietly behind them, the sound of his sandals tapping against the sandstone cobbles. “Or maybe he won’t be,” he mutters under his breath, pulling his cloak tighter around himself.

“But Lumi did manage to befriend both of you,” Khimi adds as he uncorks a drink in his hand. “So I have no doubt he would love to see you again.” He shoots a quick glance at Mido with a smirk on his lips.

“Oh, what did you tell him?” Mido asks suspiciously.

Augustus nods knowingly, “Just the truth. That you wanted his boy,” he says with a subtle wink.

“It’s fine, Mido,” Khimi chimes, “though if you make a pass at Lumi…I’ll see to–”

“Hey now, let’s all just get along,” Augustus chirps in, trying to diffuse any tension. “And besides, Mido has moved on, right? I saw you chatting up those Lorian sailors with those charming eyes of yours.”

Fuck you,” Mido grumbles under his breath. “I was asking for directions. Though…they were nice on the eyes,” he adds thoughtfully.

Khimi laughs, placing his arm around Augustus’s shoulder, then a hand on Mido’s back to pull him closer. “I don’t normally share my home with strangers, but I am feeling generous…and I know Lumi will be excited to see you both.”

“Right,” Mido clucks, glaring at Augustus.

Augustus shakes his head. “Mido, it’s fine. Calm down.”


A deep rumble echoes in the distance, resembling thunder. A plume of fiery embers dances across the sky. Khimi recognizes that the source is near his home, causing worry to spread across his face.

“Khimi?” Augustus whispers, noticing the sudden change.

“Perhaps we should postpone our meeting for another time,” Khimi responds, gripping the bottle tighter in his hand. “You both should return to the shrine,” he mutters before hurrying ahead.

 Khimi pushes past the merchants and vendors staring in the direction of the embers while he runs toward the source of the flames. Not the estate…please. Guilt washes over him, his fingers clenching the bottle. Augustus follows behind, threading through the crowds behind him, with Mido close behind. Men and women in colorful outfits move aside while Khimi barks and shouts, ordering people aside. The intensity of his shouts grow with the increasingly dense crowd huddling around the gates.

The throng of people press against Khimi, and he urges them onwards towards the gatehouse. Guards try to control the crowd with the butts of their spears, but Khimi navigates his way through with determination. Bringing up the rear, Augustus and Mido follow closely behind. Khimi turns to inform the guards about his companions. Their voices reach him faintly, his mind is overwhelmed by what he sees before him.

Servants gaze up at the inferno while crackling flames continue to consume the second floor. Candela rushes to Khimi, her gown lifted off the ground.

“Lord Zeybek!” She snaps before she bows hurriedly before him. “There was an accident.”

“Accident?” Khimi growls, his face serious and his tone sober.

Augustus steps up next to Khimi, asking Candela, “What can we do to help?” The orange glow from the fire lights up his features.

Khimi’s gaze returns to the fire from Candela, “Rashid,” he begins, “Is Rashid alright?”

Candela shakes her head, the fabric twists in her hands. “Lord Zeybek, no one has seen him…and Lumi was taken to chambers. He fell from the balcony. He’s alive but has broken some bones. They gave him a sleeping draft, but he was screaming nonsense before falling asleep. There were a number of guards who were injured, but there are no details.”

Mido appears behind Augustus and speaks up, “I can check on him. I know a bit about healing.” His voice rises above the screams of the crowd. “Perhaps we should get Saint Nina?”

“Khimi?” Candela looks at him with concern. “The building can be rebuilt, it’s just stone.”

Khimi is not concerned about the furniture or the hundreds of years of history the building held. His concern is for Rashid, his advisor, who had finally decided to step down and retire after years of service.

Candela places a hand on Khimi’s upper arm. “Khimi? Did you hear what the young man said?” She speaks softly.

Khimi shakes his head, saying firmly, “No, Lumi is fine. I need to find Rashid firstfirs….you don’t need to put yourselves in danger.”

“The danger has passed,” Augustus replies confidently. “Now we just wait for the fires to burn out.”

Mido turns to Candela, “What did Lumi say before he fell asleep?”

“He was shouting about pirates…and Dolmans,” Candela starts. Her hand moves along Khimi’s shoulder. “He was out of sorts. It was nonsense. He kept shouting.” 

Khimi hands the bottle to Candela, “Please check on Lumi, Candela. I’m going to Rashid’s quarters.”

Lord Zeybek!” Candela grumbles sternly. Her fingers dig into his upper arm. “Don’t needlessly put yourself at risk.”

Khimi gently removes Candela’s hand from his shoulder and sighs. “I’ll be alright, Candela. Just take care of Lumi. Please,” he asks with a softness in his eyes. “I have to find Rashid.”

Candela frowns but grasps Mido by the back of the neck, “Well, if this young one knows about healing…then he’s with me.”

Khimi shakes his head, “Rashid could be hurt…I need him with me for now.”

Khimi turns back to the roaring blaze. Together they pass through into the courtyard and into the center of the estate. Guards stand near the sandstone stairs with their weapons at the ready. Khimi, Augustus, and Mido rush up the stairs. Smoke pushes from beneath the awning and into the night sky. Khimi exhales and takes a deep breath. He runs his hand along the railing.

“Mido, maybe you should stay behind?” Khimi asks, facing the hallway filled with flames. The heat brings perspiration dripping down his brow.

“I’ll be fine,” Mido replies quietly. “I promise, we’ll do anything we can to help!”

Augustus looks down the hallway, “Don’t worry about us…”

Khimi nods and darts through the burning hallway and into shoulders past the scorched door of Rashid’s chambers. Smoke fills his lungs and the fire licks against his skin. He covers his mouth to shield himself from the smoke. He peers about the room, his vision blurry and obfuscated by the heat and smoke. Unable to find Rashid, he bursts back into the hallway and begins to choke, his chest filled with smoke. Augustus and Mido stand back near the top of the stairs, waiting for Khimi’s command.

Khimi’s teeth clench together in anger, his eyes remain closed to hold back the tears. Hopelessness fills him briefly, the heat and smoke too much to handle. A low growl rises from his throat. With a single swift movement, he rips the fabric from his linen sleeve and wraps it around his nose and mouth. Entering the chambers again, the heat rushes out to meet him. Much of the furniture in the room is burnt, red coals lying on the ground where a beautiful elderwood table had been. Near the open balcony, a body lies face down. In a panic, Khimi rushes to their aid. The linen cloth over his nose does little to stop the smoke from filling his lungs.

Khimi drops the cloth on the tiles near the body. The ornate shamshir lies beside him, the curved blade flat on the sandstone tiles. Khimi looks over Rashid, red burnt flesh rises across the entirety of his back. His hair is missing and burnt in large dark clumps, leaving him mostly bald. There is no need for Khimi to check his breathing, it is obvious from his wounds that there would be no recovery. Gently, he lifts Rashid in his arms and hurries from the quarters, the wooden door crumbles from its iron hinges while he passes the threshold. Perhaps it is the adrenaline, but Rashid is light in his arms despite his size. Khimi lifts his head to the awning to avoid the sight of Rashid’s singed face, the smell of the seared flesh causes his stomach to twist. Whatever had occurred was no accident, he would know the truth of it.

“Let me see him!” Mido shouts, running to Khimi.

Khimi huffs and pulls Rashid up against his body, “Let me get him out of th—”

“There’s no time,” Mido insists, “he needs healing,” he adds, his fingers brushing over Rashid’s burnt flesh.

“Trust him,” Augustus adds, placing a hand on Khimi’s shoulder. “Maybe he can help…”

Khimi lowers Rashid at the top of the stairs, the charred flesh at the top of his hand crumbles. Lost for words, he utters a silent plea, “Help him,” the words break from his trembling lips.

“I’ll try,” Mido whispers, bending down over Rashid.

Mido reaches for his leather satchel, pulling it to his side before placing it carefully in front of him. He retrieves a small codex with a platinum cover from inside the bag. The book is intricately designed, much like the ones found in the Celestial Palace. Khimi recognizes the symbol on the front cover from the temple; the three lines represent life-giving water. Together, Khimi and Augustus kneel down as Mido begins to flip through the pages of text. As Mido’s hand hovers over Rashid’s face, his fingers trace over the burnt lips.

Khimi gazes at Rashid’s body and clasps his hand in his own. Burnt flakes of skin fall away at his touch. “It’s too late…not even magick can mend these wounds.”

“Magick can cure a lot of things, but even if there is still life in him…he will still be in a lot of pain,” Mido suggests, “it will take considerable time to heal these wounds even if he survives.”

Augustus turns to Khimi with a serious expression. “Is that what Rashid would want?” He asks firmly.

“He…still has so much to live for,” Khimi mutters, his fingers brushing over Rashid’s hand, “He wants to go back to Sidi. He was talking about finding a wife.”

“Mido has saved a life before,” Augustus says with a quick squeeze on his shoulder. “But you need to understand…it may not work.”

Khimi releases his hand, “I’ll give you a moment,” he says and sits back and places his elbows on his knees.

“I-I’m not sure if this will work,” Mido stutters, moving closer to Rashid’s body and placing his hand on his chest. He begins rapidly reciting lines from the small platinum book, his voice growing more fervent and distressed with each repetition.

Mido carefully opens Rashid’s kaftan, revealing unscathed skin underneath. His hand glides over the elderly man’s chest hair and aged skin as he continues the incantation, fingers spread wide across his chest. A pale blue light emanates from Mido’s fingertips and enters Rashid’s body. Khimi watches in shock, his mind clouded as he witnesses Mido repeating the incantation with increasing intensity and desperation. Part of him wants to intervene and tell Mido to stop, to let Rashid rest, but another part needs to see Rashid just one more time.

 Mido remains focused on his task, pressing his hands firmly against Rashid’s chest. The light surrounding his hands grows brighter and with a sudden gasp, Rashid opens his eyes, revealing their glazed over appearance.

Khimi’s chin trembles while he takes hold of Rashid’s hand. “Rashid?” he asks quietly.

Mido looks at Khimi and says in a barely audible tone, “I can try to heal him more…but it may be too late.” The sound of the roaring flames drowns out his words.

Rashid’s lips move slowly, repeating something under his breath. Khimi leans in closer to hear. “Z-Ziad,” Rashid mutters, squeezing Khimi’s hand before saying it louder and clearer.

“Quiet,” Khimi whispers, placing his forehead on Rashid’s chest. “Just rest.”

  Rashid’s head moves from side to side, still repeating the same word. Khimi tightens his grip on Rashid’s hand as his advisor’s breathing becomes weaker with each utterance. Unwanted tears fall from Rashid’s eyes. Gradually, he relaxes and falls back into unconsciousness. Mido backs away slowly, clutching a small book in his hand.

“I’m sorry,” Mido suddenly says. “I thought I could do more. I thought I could be more useful.”

As Khimi gazes upon Rashid, his long-time friend and advisor now still and lifeless, he feels his heart heavy with conflicting emotions. He wipes at his wet cheek, unsure if the moisture is sweat or tears. There are so many things he wants to say to Rashid: anger for all the years of deception and betrayal, sadness for losing someone so dear. His jaw clenches in frustration as he grips tightly onto Rashid’s charred hand, torn between feelings of love and resentment towards his once trusted companion.

“Thank you for your efforts,” Khimi manages to say, standing abruptly. “I fear I may have already asked too much of you both tonight–”

“Khimi,” Augustus interjects, shaking his head. “What can we do to help?”

Khimi turns his head to look at the fire still raging down the hall under the awning. “Nothing.”

“I could attempt to call for the saint…” Mido says, watching the blaze burn. “She is still within the city.”

“Though it doesn’t always work,” Augustus adds, glancing at Mido from the corner of his eye. “Mido has never successfully been able to reach anyone.”

“I said attempt,” Mido insists. “She’s not that far!” He says with hope in his voice, his short tail wiggling above his waistband.

Khimi looks back at Rashid, “Anything you can do to help would be a kindness…I m-must see to Rashid’s body. If you don’t mind,” he whispers while he bends down and lifts Rashid.

“Of course,” Augustus says, bowing his head respectfully. “We will see if we can get Saintess Nina…if not we will run to the shrine.”

Mido reaches replaces the platinum covered tome into the leather satchel. “We’ll do our best…we’re very sorry for your loss, Khimi,” he whispers.

 Khimi takes a deep breath and lifts Rashid to his chest before he begins to walk down the stairs to the courtyard. Servants rush to surround him, men and women wail and scream at the sight of Rashid in Khimi’s arms. Khimi had always known how well-loved Rashid was by the servants, but he is shocked to see how much affection they show. Several men beg for Khimi to take Rashid from him and with a final longing look, Khimi hands his Rashid over to the men waiting. Rashid’s body is brought into the opening and surrounded by a crowd of servants.

Khimi stands in the courtyard. An uncomfortable silence in his head. Glaring up at the stars, the embers from the blaze rise into the sky. Rashid’s last and final words, given to him with such passion and purpose. Khimi had always known that his father would not let him live his life in peace, especially if it was not the life that was chosen for him. His fingers curl into a fist while he glares at Stella Solaris. His pulse pounds through his palm, his heart beats through his chest.

“Ziad…” Khimi breathes, his eyes fixed on the embers overhead. “What did you do?”

Candela rushes to his side from under the sandstone archway. She places a hand on his shoulder and escorts him under the shelter, away from the falling embers. Khimi wipes his face and sets his eyes back to the flames.

“It’s not your fault,” Candela whispers. She looks up at Khimi with a concerned look. “Khimi, it’s not yo—”

“I’m fine,” Khimi mutters, straightening his stance, pushing his chest out. “Have we found anything else out…about the accident?”

Candela tilts her head up at Khimi, “We found Sami in a cupboard naked…his throat was slit,” she whispers. “Only Lumi really knows what happened…if he can remember everything. Poor boy has had his head knocked around quite a bit.”

Khimi sighs, “Lumi is…resilient. He’ll manage, he always does. Candela, can you bring me to him?”

“Are you sure, Lord Zeybek? He’s unconscious. We’ve sent for a heal—”

“Dispatch guards to the Sepulcher and see if you can get Lilith to come, or Nina from the shrine for that matter,” Khimi says sternly. He looks over his clothing, noticing the soot and tears in the fabric from the fire. “And see to arranging a room for…my friends,” he adds, then mulls over the word.

Candela releases her grip from his shoulder. “I’ll see what we can arrange, but I’ll bring you to Lumi first. Shall I send your friends to him after?”

Khimi shakes his head, “If they want to stay the night after all of this…then show them straight to their chambers.”

    Candela nods then crosses her hands over her gown. She leads Khimi across the estate and deep into the main hall. The crowd outside the gates had dispersed, but a few stragglers remain, staring up and the smoke rising from the building. Khimi wonders if they were there for Lumi, or if they were there for entertainment. He quickly forces the thought from his mind. Candela’s pace is a constant speed throughout the building. She cuts through passage after passage, making her way to a small room situated against the courtyard. With a quick nod, two guards wearing grim faces open the wooden doors carefully.

Khimi had seen this room once before. It sits just off to the side from the large kitchen, where several stone ovens are kept going throughout the day. A beaded curtain blocks the view just beyond the wooden doors and as Khimi places his hand through the seam he spots Lumi. Lumi looks comfortable on the small daybed beneath a trellised window. A man with a glass bottle and stopper sits on the edge of the bed, carefully dripping a clear liquid into Lumi’s open mouth. Khimi is not sure what he was expecting when Candela had told him he broke a few bones, but he is surprised to see Lumi’s wrist bent in such an unnatural way. Khimi brings his hand over his eyes, then growls beneath his breath. I shouldn’t have left him.

“You already sent for a healer?” Khimi asks, turning to Candela with a flick of anger.

Candela nods, “We dispatched two guards to the shrine…we are hopeful Saint Nina or the Lorian girl shows up,” she mutters quietly. “Cecelia.”

Khimi bites the top of his knuckle, “Has he said anything? Anything that makes sense?”

The man seated on the edge of the bed sits up with a curious confidence, “Lord Zeybek,” he begins. “I don’t mean to cause you any additional stress, but I believe he should be fine without a healer…he just needs time. And as for his words…who knows if he’ll ever make sense after such a fall.”

Khimi’s eyes widen, “Who are you?” He asks, attempting to maintain a calm demeanor. “I’ve never seen you before.”

“Marko, a chirurgeon,” the man announces with an accent that is uncomfortable on the ears. “I was nearby when the accident occurred…your guards were calling for a healer.”

Khimi looks over the man. A tall figure, sporting a thick black beard with flecks of gray. Hazel eyes hide beneath his hooded brow and dark shaggy hair. The robes he wears are worn and tattered, with holes in the elbows and along the sleeve. The man has a curiously pale complexion that seemingly matched his foreign accent. His appearance matches many other chirurgeons he saw in the past, the tired eyes and exhausted expression. The lines on his lips speak of a permanent scowl.

“Where did you train?” Khimi asks swiftly while looking the pale man over.

“Porat, across the bay,” Marko replies equally swiftly. “I came seeking better prospects. I’m sure you understand…Porat is not in the best state.”

Khimi moves closer to Lumi and places his hand over his forehead. Lumi is cold to the touch, his lips are nearly a shade of purple. “Why are his lips discolored? Surely that isn’t from the fall?”

“He seems to be having difficulty breathing. However, when he was awake he was screaming nonsense…perhaps another result of the fall,” Marko whispers thoughtfully. “I can look over him for the time being…until a healer arrives. If it pleases. But I insist, the boy can recover without the need of such magick.”

Candela places a hand on Khimi’s arm, “I’ll leave him with you and see to your guests, Lord Zeybek,” she whispers, rubbing his arm reassuringly. 

Marko looks at Khimi then screws the dropper back into the bottle. “I can take things from h—”

“I’m not leaving him alone,” Khimi interrupts. He sits on the edge of the small bed and looks about the storeroom. “I’ll call for you if somethi—”

“Please, allow m—”

Irritation shows in Khimi’s face, “Just…give me a moment!” He spits at the chirurgeon.

Marko bows, “I’ll be outside if you need me…”

The beaded curtains clink together at his departure. The wooden door shuts behind him with an audibly bang. Khimi pushes his forehead against Lumi’s and wraps his arms around his chest.

“I’m sorry,” Khimi whispers. “But you need to wake up and tell me what happened…I don’t know what to do, Lumi. I need you.”