Chapter IV

Lion’s Milk

The last time Augustus had seen Khimi was in Cecilia’s room, when Lumi was unconscious. Mido and Khimi had gotten into a heated argument, causing tension between them. Determined not to get involved, Khimi had left some devilkin to guard Lumi and continued his duties as Lord Zeybek. The clash left Mido uneasy, but Khimi seemed unfazed by Mido’s concerns for Lumi’s safety.

Now, as the sun sets behind them, Augustus sits beside Khimi. There is a sense of unease about Khimi, a troubled look in his eye. Though Augustus has never been one to pry too deeply into the private affairs of others, he had been tasked with doing just that. They find a cozy alcove nestled between sandstone buildings and settle in, his legs crossed and a cup of lion’s milk in hand. With eyes closed, he basks in the warmth of the sun while it filters through the narrow opening above. The hustle and bustle of the market fades away, providing a peaceful respite from the chaos. Meanwhile, Khimi sits beside him, nursing his drink with a furrowed brow and a stern demeanor. Augustus gently brushes a loose strand of hair away from his face before turning to Khimi with a look of concern.

“I know it’s been a while, and I know things between you and Mido got a bit tense in Cecilia’s room…but is there something on your mind?” Augustus inquires cautiously, studying Khimi’s face for any signs of worry. “You’re Lord Zeybek…you hold the entire Desert Cities in your grasp, for the gods’ sake!” 

Khimi slowly leans back, his head resting against the rough, stony alcove. His fingers trace the intricate carvings etched into the stone as he speaks, a nervous chuckle escaping from his lips. “I forgot where I left my horse,” he says, his voice husky and tinged with anxiety. He shakes his head, trying to brush off his concerns. “It’s truly nothing. Just me being…complex,” he mutters, his words trailing off into a mumble.

A faint scent of alcohol wafts toward Augustus, mixed with the spices from the market stalls. A small smile curves on Augustus’ lips as he listens to Khimi’s words. “You can trust me,” he assures him. “Whatever it is, it’ll stay between us. I’m not really part of the whole temple scene anyway.”

Khimi croaks a hoarse laugh, “I’m rather uncomfortable around Lorians,” he says with a quick grin. “I’ve had some uncomfortable encounters.”

“Uncomfortable encounters? With a Lorian?” Augustus asks, tilting his head half-heartedly.

“I’ve had more than one bad experience with a Lorian…truth be told,” Khimi says, looking into Augustus’ green eyes. “Though, I understand not all Lorians are the same.”

“No, you’re right. Most Lorians want one thing,” Augustus snorts. “Coin and credit. Honor, if you will. It’s traded like a currency in the capital.”

“Almost the same as the Desert Cities, it seems,” Khimi whispers and takes a sip from the small hand-blown glass.

“You know,” Augustus begins in a hushed voice, leaning in close to Khimi. “I’ve never heard of lion’s milk before. It certainly has a…unique flavor.”

Khimi stifles a laugh, “I normally stick to something like ouzo or a bit stronger. My advisor is fond of the dwarven stuff. Anyway…I just got it because of the name. I was in a…mood.”

Augustus taps his finger thoughtfully against his chin, “Your advisor must hate himself,” he whispers from behind his hand. “Can’t stand dwarven stuff.”

“He must. The taste of dwarven spirits is enough to make me go blind,” Khimi chuckles and crosses his legs, settling back into his seat and exhaling deeply. “So, what brings a Lorian like you down to the Desert Cities?”

“Just sightseeing mainly,” Augustus replies quickly. “We were called back from Gomorrah and then sent here to Rhaz,” he whispers, scanning the bustling streets. “We came from the temple with the saint.”

Khimi takes another sip of his drink, watching Augustus carefully over the rim of his glass. “Care for a stroll? I have no plans and it would be nice to get to know each other better,” he says eagerly, finishing off the rest of his drink and letting out a contented sigh.

Augustus tugs at the cloth headband around his forehead nervously. “Sure, but maybe we can grab another drink first?”

Khimi laughs, placing his hand over his forehead. “I couldn’t think of a better idea.”

“I’m always full of good ideas!” Augustus quips with a flash of white teeth. “So, where are we headed?”

Khimi sizes up Augustus with a curious gaze. “There’s a nice spot above the docks, where we can watch the boats coming and going. And there are some shops nearby where we can find more suitable clothing for the Desert Cities.”

Augustus tugs at the Lorian chiton he is wearing and grimaces. As comfortable as it is, he knows Khimi is right — the dense fabric along with the cream and crimson colors make him stand out as a foreigner in the Desert Cities.

“I rather like my clothes, they remind me of home,” Augustus says, then removes the crimson cloak from around his shoulders.

Khimi snorts, “You’re just making it easier for cutpurses.”

Augustus scoffs, “I know how to handle myself around rough crowds,” He grumbles while he bundles the cloak in his hands.

“We will see about all of that. If you’re planning to stay in the Desert Cities long, you’d best find something to blend in more,” Khimi replies, seemingly doubtful of Augustus’ claim.

“I swear, Mido and I have found ourselves in all kinds of trouble since we made it here,” Augustus says defiantly. “Our first night after we crossed through the forest, a goblin tried to kill Mido.”

“Well, it’s good that you survived a bandit. But there are far more dangerous things out here” Khimi sighs and sits up from the sandstone alcove. “What kind of places would you want to see?”

“I’ve heard rumors about the Celestial Palace…if we could manage to make our way there. But I’m open to anything really,” Augustus responds, stretching his limbs. “But really, I just want to hear about what is bothering Lord Zeybek so much…even when Lumi was unconscious, you seemed composed.”

Khimi smiles wryly and shakes his head, “I don’t even know how to explain that one,” he quips, scanning the bustling town center ahead of them. “How about I show you the Golden Sands? As for the Celestial Palace…well, I’m not sure if outsiders such as yourself would be allowed inside.”

Augustus purses his lips, a furrow appearing on his brow while he leans in closer to Khimi. “Come on. You can tell me what’s wrong, can’t you?” His voice is barely above a whisper. “Did something happen to Lumi?”

Khimi rolls his eyes. “Nah, Lumi is fine. Hells, he’s more than fine.”

Augustus grabs Khimi’s hand while he begins to stand, a moment of shock takes him. Khimi’s hands are rough. He had not unexpected someone of such status to have such deep calluses. He had assumed by the clothes Khimi wore and the manner he carried himself that he must be part of upper society. For a brief moment, Augustus doubts his appraisal of Khimi. That is until he takes notice of the sound of a heavy pouch of coins tucked beneath his waist-scarf.

Had Augustus not been familiar with the upper rings of society, he may have missed the obscene wealth hidden from sight.

“It’s a relief to hear that Lumi is doing well,” Augustus whispers, his eyes fixed on Khimi. “You’re quite an interesting man, Lord Zeybek…perhaps you could elaborate more about yourself.”

“Perhaps in time,” Khimi replies with a slight groan, accepting Augustus’ grip and pulling him from his seat.

 Augustus grins mischievously, then gestures towards the various vendors nearby. “You don’t have to ask me twice. But if I learn more about you, then maybe…” I can convince Mido you aren’t a cunt.

“Maybe what?”

Augustus sighs, then whispers, “Maybe I can persuade Mido that you’re not a villain.”

Khimi’s eyes briefly widen before softening. Augustus is taken aback by the sound of laughter erupting from Khimi’s lips. “I wouldn’t blame him if he did think I was,” he chokes out. “But…why would he believe such a thing?”

“Never mind,” Augustus dismisses and changes the subject. “Let’s just find a drink”

 Rhaz is much busier than Augustus had anticipated. Although used to the hustle and bustle of Loria, it wasn’t something he expected in this region. Most travelers had warned him about the dangerous reputation of the Desert Cities — known for their pleasure houses, mercenaries, and corrupt government. But so far, Augustus had not encountered anything in Rhaz that made him feel unsafe. The people are friendly, the clothes are vibrant, and the drinks are strong.

Augustus and Khimi drink raki and ouzo in equal measure as they make their way towards the Golden Sands, a wealthy district within Rhaz. Mido and himself have not had much opportunity to explore the city during their short visits, so he is grateful for someone to show him around.

The eastern side of Rhaz sits on a small hill that provides a stunning view of the Emerald Coast. The affluent members of society own estates in this area, with the wealthiest individuals having homes scattered throughout the rest of the city. They approach the lookout, the homes around them grow in size and grandeur. These sandstone and mudbrick structures tower two to three stories high and are surrounded by beautifully manicured gardens filled with exotic fruits. The largest estates are protected by iron fences and armed guards dressed in dark robes with scimitars at their sides.

Khimi’s voice breaks the silence. He taps his golden ring against the glass bottle in his hand. “Those are mercenaries,” he announces.

Augustus takes a sip from the bottle and responds, “I had a feeling they were a part of some company. They certainly have that look about them.” He leans in closer to Khimi, lowering his voice. “In Loria, we have our legions. What do the Desert Cities rely on for defense?”

Khimi shakes his head. “No organized army here. Mercenaries make up most of the defense forces. It’s a lucrative job for those who are down on their luck, and offers adventure for those seeking it.”

Augustus can sense the wistfulness in Khimi’s tone. He was once a mercenary, Augustus realizes with shock. The thought seems absurd to Augustus, but something inside him is intrigued by the idea.

Suddenly, Augustus turns to fully face Khimi and rocks back and forth on his heels.  “You miss it, don’t you?” He asks with a knowing nod of his head.

Khimi scoffs, brushing his dark hair away from his cerulean eyes. “Am I really that obvious?”

“You sound like you long for it,” Augustus replies, pushing against Khimi’s shoulder. “You’re a man of adventure, aren’t you?” He asks with a grin spreading across his face.

“Absolutely,” Khimi whispers, taking another swig from his bottle. “I’d much rather be out there…exploring the world. The Desert Cities, Dolmas, Loria, the Golden Is—”

“Then why don’t you?” Augustus interjects. They quicken their pace, approaching the cliff’s edge. “Wow,” he exclaims, then runs his hand over the smooth alabaster stone.“This is quite the spot. Have you brought him here?”

At the end of a cobbled walkway, nestled between towering buildings, lies an area with stone railings that serve as a warning for the drop below. Augustus takes in the view, his breath taken away. He has traveled to many places and seen many wonders, but the Rhazian harbor stands out amongst them all. The enclosed area is filled with hundreds of sailing vessels adorned with colorful sails and intricate paintings. Sandstone walls extend from the cliff to create a protective barrier around the harbor. It may not be as large as the Lorian harbor, but it exudes a sense of grandeur and beauty.

“Lumi?” Khimi’s voice is almost a whisper, directed more towards himself than anyone else. He gazes longingly out over the harbor, as if searching for something. “I’ve tried to show him around, but things never seem to work out for us when we’re in Rhaz.”

Augustus nods in understanding, they both look at the ships lining the docks. “I heard you two went on a voyage together. How was it?”

Khimi’s tone becomes more hesitant. “I have to admit, I’m surprised by how much you seem to know about Lumi and me…you never gave an explanation, but why does Mido see me as a villain?”

Augustus sucks his teeth. “He thinks you’re just…using Lumi. Mido felt that Lumi was special from the moment he met him. He thinks that yo—”

“You came back for Lumi,” Khimi mutters under his breath, the realization on his face. “This is Saint Nina’s design, then?”

Augustus remains quiet, seeking a response. There is an air of uncertainty about Khimi that makes him seem like a coiled serpent.

Augustus pulls at a vine along the rails. “What does it matter?” He asks quietly. “She means Lumi no harm…in fact, she means to protect him.”

Khimi’s expression turns sour as he gazes out over the harbor. “Protect him? I don’t think he fared well under her care to begin with. This isn’t…Saint Nina should go back to the temple and leave him be,” he stammers. “He doesn’t belong to anyone.”

“Except you, perhaps?” Augustus interjects, placing the bottle on the wide railing and stretching his back. “Sorry,” he mutters apologetically, “I’m just surprised. I thought you would be pleased?”

“What is there to be pleased about?” Khimi growls, finishing off the last of the bottle. “Do you have any idea what he will endure? What we will endure?”

“He’s the godsdamned Saint of Flames, Khimi,” Augustus says thoughtfully. “You should feel honored.”

“How can I feel honored?” Khimi asks, his eyes searching for focus. “He will live eight or nine times longer than I do. He will have more lovers than I can even count. Someone else will make him happy…and in the afterlife — we’ll end up in different realms.”

“Looks like I underestimated you,” Augustus responds quickly. “But I could use a few more drinks to keep this conversation going.”

Khimi gives a disbelieving scoff, “I apologize…usually I’m not this open about my concerns. So, how about you tell me more about yourself?”

“Oh, Lord Zeybek wants to know more about a mere Lorian like myself? Very well…but we should continue with your concerns soon,” Augustus says in a low voice. “What do you want to know?”

Khimi leans over the railing and grins, taking another swig from his bottle, “Tell me about Mido and yourself. Since Mido seems to dislike me, I’d like to understand why.”

    Augustus smirks. It is a question he did not anticipate from Khimi, but it amuses him. Certainly, Mido would be upset if he tells Khimi the truth, but at the moment, Augustus decides to confide in Khimi.

Augustus waves his hand dismissively, “Does it matter?” He asks, eyeing Khimi. “Sometimes it’s better not to know.”

“I want to know? I feel I at least deserve to know why someone hates me,” Khimi replies quietly. “Unless you can’t tell me?” 

Augustus nods, letting out a sigh. “Mido is quite the hopeless romantic. From the moment he met Lumi, he thought he was something special. He couldn’t stop talking about him for weeks after.”

“Really?” Khimi releases a quiet hmm to himself. “I can’t say I expected that,” he adds, looking back at the empty bottle. “Mido likes Lumi?”

Augustus furrows his brow, “Did you not notice it? In Cecelia’s room, how he defended Lumi and insisted that you be there when he got injured? I could see how hard he was trying to hold back.”

 Khimi’s expression tightens, “I…”

“Relax, Mido moves on quick…give him a few weeks, and he’ll get over it. Holy Hells. You have nothing to worry about. The few times I saw you with Lumi…I have never seen someone look at anyone the way he looks at you,” Augustus smiles as he plucks another leaf from the vine.

Khimi remains silent for a moment before responding, “Your words are comforting, but my concerns do not lie with Mido’s feelings.”

“I’m glad to hear that you have such confidence in your relationship,” Augustus replies as he rocks his bottle back and forth on the sandstone railing. “And just so you know, I was once a noble myself,” he adds proudly, placing a hand over his heart. “But I left home to help Mido. I truly believe he can make a positive impact in the world. He has always had a kind heart and a desire to help others.”

Khimi sighs and crosses his arms, asking, “Are you not attracted to Mido?”

“No, please,” Augustus stammers. “I’ve heard this question countless times. Mido and I are just friends. He’s like a brother to me, and I’m simply not interested in men.”

“Understood,” Khimi nods. “Well then, do you feel like your partner – er, Mido – has bigger aspirations than you? Or that your accomplishments will pale in comparison to his?” he asks with a serious expression.

Augustus gives a small smirk and whispers, “I didn’t expect you to be the envious type.” He pauses for a moment before continuing, “But it’s not good to dwell on comparisons and competition. Mido has his own goals and ambitions, but we are partners in this journey, aren’t we? Even though we are not lovers, he is still my companion.”

Khimi replies with an understanding nod. “I’m beginning to realize that Lumi may have a greater destiny beyond me,” he ponders aloud. “He has the whole world outside of Rhaz, outside of the Desert Cities.”

“Nonsense,” Augustus confidently interjects. “I am sure you have countless achievements to your name. You strike me as someone who has accomplished much.” He adds with a nonchalant wave of his hand, “And even if Lumi does achieve great things, they will be your shared accomplishments.”

Khimi scoffs and shakes his head, “I don’t think Lumi is the type to use his accomplishments to make me feel inferior…but that’s just my gut feeling. Maybe I need another drink to clear my thoughts.” He straightens himself up and stretches his arms above his head. “Perhaps it’s time for me to go home.”

“Sounds like you could use more than just a drink,” Augustus chuckles. “But now, it’s my turn to ask you something…”

Khimi rubs his back with his knuckles, “Alright, ask away.”

“Which one of these amazing homes belongs to you?” Augustus asks with a wide grin.

Khimi lets out a sigh, “You should know; you came with Saint Nina. But I suppose I could show you, even though I don’t feel like going back there so soon.”

“Trouble in paradise?” Augustus queries with a knowing nod. “That’s why being single is great. No need to deal with nagging,” he says, laughing as he swings the bottle back and forth and accidentally knocks it off the railing.

Khimi raises an eyebrow, “We actually don’t argue much,” he responds quietly. “It’s a bit complicated. Do you know anything about beastkin?”

Augustus taps his lip thoughtfully and hums to himself. “I see beastkin all the time, but I can’t really say I know what you’re looking for. Mido is a canis, that much is obvious. What exactly do you want to know?”

Khimi laughs at the question. “Anything and everything. I brought it up because I’m curious about how different they are from us.” He takes a moment to scan the harbor before continuing. “Actually, I’m not sure how to phrase this.”

Augustus perches himself on the sandstone railing, prompting Khimi to speak his mind.

Khimi turns to face him with a serious expression. “Would you ever believe I could be a beastkin?” He asks softly. “Just by looking at me, would you even consider it a possibility?”

Augustus answers without hesitation. “Never. You have no scales or horns or tail, no sharp teeth or fangs or animalistic ears…maybe you have a bit of goliath blood in you.”

“But,” Khimi whispers as he takes a seat on the railing opposite Augustus, “I just found out hours ago that my mother is actually a minos.”

Augustus bursts into laughter and runs his fingers through his hair. “A minos? So you’re actually part bull?” He playfully gestures above his head with his hands.

Khimi stifles a chuckle. “Apparently so,” he responds quickly. “It’s quite an odd feeling, going from thinking you’re fully human to finding out you have beastkin blood running through your veins.”

“I was always told that humans and beastkin don’t typically mix,” Augustus begins. “Was your parents’ situation an exception? I’ve been informed that it’s incredibly rare for offspring to come from such a pairing.”

“I was only ever told their wedding was arranged. My mother…from what I was told, removed her minos features after their marriage. At least that’s what the saint implied. I never knew her family or relatives,” Khimi replies.

“I’m sorry to hear that, but perhaps it’s better not to dwell on it,” Augustus responds with a chuckle as he adjusts his tunic. “How about I bore you with my story of noble origins?”

Khimi laughs, “It’s only fair since I shared mine,” he says as he picks up his empty bottle.

“It’s had its ups and downs,” Augustus says, flashing a grin. “Some parts were great and others not so much. But my story is similar to many other noble Lorians. We think we’re superior beings on Talmus…until we realize how insignificant we truly are…or until we continue living in our own delusions.” 

Khimi itches the scar on his cheek, “So, I’m guessing you had a hard childhood?” He asks with a curious and expecting expression.

Augustus hides his laughter behind his hand before responding, “I grew up in the capital, my family serves important figures. Everything was comfortable for us,” he explains carefully. “Mido’s father couldn’t pay a debt to a wealthy merchant in Gomorrah, so my family took him under our protection. We paid off the debt…and in return, Mido became a part of our family.” Augustus shakes his head with regret. “He was both the best and worst name day gift I’ve ever received.”

 Khimi’s eyebrows raise in surprise. “Your parents bought you a beastkin for a name day present?”

“Like I said,” Augustus whispers, “he was the best and worst gift I ever got. But I carry immense guilt because of my family’s actions, and now it’s time to make things right for Mido.”

Khimi nods slowly, but there is a sense of unspoken thoughts lingering in the air. This silence makes Augustus fidget and tap his foot anxiously. Is he judging me? A gentle breeze brushes against his face from the west, signaling the wind’s journey down the cliff towards the harbor. The sails on the ships leaving the harbor unfurl with a whoosh and carry them out to sea towards the Emerald Coast.

“I imagine your background is just as interesting,” Augustus whispers as he watches the ships with curious eyes.

“Something along those lines.”

“Well, how about after we get that drink and you tell me a bit about it?” Augustus asks in a whisper.

Khimi responds with a brief smile, “Sure, but first tell me more about Loria. I’ve never been there…though I have heard plenty about it and its inhabitants.”

“The people are not as honorable as they seem,” Augustus quickly interjects. “Once you pass through the towering walls…it feels like a completely different world. The merchants, priests, and nobility run the inner rings of the city, but the true essence of Loria resides in its slums. That’s where all the excitement is.”

“Really?” Khimi raises an eyebrow in disbelief, “So there is no one good inside the walls of Loria?” 

Augustus scratches his head thoughtfully, “I suppose there may be a few decent folks within the walls of Loria. Some shop owners and merchants are respectable…and a handful of the priests are tolerable. Mido was actually convinced to join the Faith by a priest.” 

“And what about the nobility? I believe I had heard many of them were elves in Loria, right?” Khimi asks, with a hint of interest. 

“Right you are. The elves sort of have the run of the inner rings of the capital, while the merchant quarter and slums have mostly human and beastkin populations…though there are some devilkin there too. A gnome…or dwarf on occasion, and occasionally a goliath. But, most of those that live within the inner rings of the capital are known to be corrupt and deceitful,” Augustus pauses and turns to look at Khimi. “I’d ask the same for the Desert Cities, but I believe I’ve heard enough rumors to know the truth of it.”

Khimi laughs, “I’d hate to say they are right, but they probably are. I will say that in the Desert Cities, you will most certainly find that coin can get you far…but I feel from what you are describing the distribution of wealth may be greater here than in Loria. You can find all manner of people with wealth and status. Beastkin, elves, humans, dwarves, just about anyone.”

Huh, I was expecting it to be more like Loria, maybe…more elven influence,” Augustus begins with a curious expression. He waves his hands before him, “I don’t…hate elves or anything. It’s just that elves are the obvious rulers in the capital.”

Khimi massages his brow, “Well…being part of the nobility yourself, you must feel out of place?”

Augustus runs his hand over the chiton and thumbs over the brooch which clasps his cloak in place. The thought of home causes him to remember the gray stone walls and the verdant forests that surround the capital.

Augustus tugs on his tunic and addresses Khimi, “Haven’t we all felt out of place at some point?”

He raises a brow and whispers, “I couldn’t agree more.” He fidgets with his golden armband. “Especially now.”

Augustus laughs, “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Khimi. You’re not who I thought you were; you’re even better.”

“You think so?” Khimi chuckles. “I feel like I’ve gotten to know you a bit better too. You’re not the crazed Faithsworn member I imagined.”

“Crazed?” Augustus scoffs. “No, that’s Mido for sure.”

Khimi shakes his head with a smile, “I doubt Mido is…I just hope he realizes that Lumi will never return his feelings.”

“Don’t worry,” Augustus says with a shrug. “He’s already figured out that Lumi only has eyes for you.”

“I suppose it won’t matter either way. How much longer until you and Mido continue your travels?”

“About that,” Augustus mutters quietly. “Nina wants me to stick around as protection…she also mentioned keeping tabs on Lumi,” he adds hesitantly. “I don’t know if she’ll pick—”

“Saint Nina better watch herself. Lumi doesn’t like being watched or controlled,” Khimi responds with a gentle expression towards Augustus. “I don’t think he’ll appreciate having an entourage.”

Augustus snorts, “You’ll have to take that up with her. She’s got her own plans for Lumi…perhaps you can convince her otherwise.”

Khimi places his hands on the railing, “I don’t think it’s wise…to interfere with Lumi and Nina’s deliberations. He can make his own choices.”

“That may be true, but I know he would appreciate your support,” Augustus says quickly. “I know you have a lot going on, but he needs you.”

Khimi stands straight and rolls the golden armbands again, “Do you want to see the estate?” He asks with a flash of his bright teeth.

Having gone without experiencing any sort of luxury in months, Augustus bites his lip excitedly, “Absolutely!”