Chapter II

Return from the Coast

Khimi sits at the front of the wagon with Lumi nestled cozily in his lap. Lumi holds the reins in his palms, guiding the camels Sef and Meera back to Rhaz. It had been an adventurous journey back across the grand length of the coast, and Lumi was eager to learn to control the wagons. Khimi had unwillingly relinquished control of the reins, only to find himself constantly scolding Lumi for his carelessness.

Their time along the coast had come to a close, and though Khimi could tell that Lumi did not want to leave their paradise, he knew that they must. He can not quite put his finger on why, but he feels a great deal of guilt for being away from Rhaz, from the Cerulean Star, for such a length of time.

Khimi’s black trimmed beard brushes through Lumi’s blond hair, poking his soft scalp. His chin moves back and forth, itching the stubble through Lumi’s hair. Lumi sighs, but leans against Khimi, his back pressed against his chest while he wiggles his hips to settle in. His head tilts back, the striking aetherial eyes stare back at Khimi. Together their eyes are just like the coastal Dolman waters, where the striking blue shallows meet the deep cerulean depths. Khimi brings his lips against Lumi’s forehead. Coarse fur pushes under Khimi’s shirt and across his body, the tail curling wantingly around him. A bright grin flashes across Lumi’s lips. Khimi can not help but wrap his arms around Lumi’s small form, engulfing him in his loving embrace. With a heavy sigh he looks ahead, Rhaz is within sight, and it would not serve either of them to become aroused before arriving at the gates.

Khimi slaps Lumi’s thigh, motioning for him to move from his lap. He takes the reins to the wagon. Begrudgingly, Lumi slides beside him, wrapping himself more snugly in the linen shawl over his shoulders. The sun had only been up a few hours, and the air had a biting nip. Lumi pushes his body against Khimi’s and nudges his cheek against his arm. The wagon passes through the copse of palms south of the city and into the gate, the guards only halt them for a moment before allowing them through. Khimi ponders if their looks were because the wagon bore no sign or sigil, but certainly they could have recognized him due to his station.

The path to the estate is crowded, unusually so. There are merchants and vendors along the sandstone walls surrounding the area. Men and women push into one another against the stone walls, while others stand on one another’s shoulders to peer over the tops. Lumi looks about the crowd, his eyes wide with excitement.

“Khimi, something must have happened! There are so many people!” He exclaims in excitement. He looks about the wagon and into the streets, “There must be hundreds.”

Khimi raises a brow, “Right, let’s just hope everything is well,” he says, trying to hide the concern in his tone.

The guard to the gatehouse spots Khimi, and with a nod rushes out to greet him. He takes the camels by the bridle, leading them past the crowd and into a sandy courtyard. The onlookers roar and push against the guards. The young man, leading the camels, turns back to Khimi and Lumi, lowering his cloth veil.

“Lord Zeybek,” the guard announces in greeting. “I’ll fetch Rashid…”

“Can you tell me what is going on?” Khimi asks, leaping from the back of the wagon.

Lumi follows behind, glancing at the crowd pushing against the guards at the gates. “Did Rashid make everyone angry…?”

The words from the crowd echo across the yard, suddenly somehow clear. Saint. They’re calling for a saint. Realization dawns on his face, and he turns to Lumi. Lumi shakes, his hands nervously coil into the shawl over his head. They know. Lumi turns to Khimi with a frightful look in his eyes.

“Let’s go inside,” Khimi urges, pushing Lumi’s by the shoulder and towards the door.

The guard follows behind, “There have been a number of others that came to see you in your absence. Revya and his advisors, Saint Nina of the Temple of Life, Head Priestess Lilith of the Sepulcher, merchant princes from across Rhaz…and more.” 

“That is quite the list…”

Lumi looks to the guard, “Has there been any word from Sidi?”

The guard nods, but the color drains from his cheeks. “I’ll let Rashid speak to you in that regard.”

Khimi gives Lumi’s shoulder a comforting squeeze, “Maybe those people were calling for Nina.”

Lumi manages to smile, “Right. She is here…so it’s probably that.”

The guard pushes the wooden doors to the estate open. They follow behind, side by side. Khimi had not thought that he would miss the estate as badly as he did. While he had been accustomed to the life of a mercenary, the pleasantries and wonders of the estate made his life feel comfortable. The blue linen curtains are pulled back, allowing the sun to fill the room with a radiant light. Tile mosaics in the main entry depict the symbol of the Zeybek family, the eight pointed star, Stella Solaris. Khimi had prepared Lumi for their return by giving him an outfit he had tailored to his specifications. A matching blue chest wrap and jacket along with linen sarouel. A blue waist scarf with a lengthy trail and tassels which are meant to show importance and dignity. Though, as Khimi looks over Lumi, he cannot help but smile at him. The trails hanging from the waist scarf are much too long, and Lumi seems uncomfortable wearing so many clothes. Lumi groans while servants rush to greet them.

Khimi finds himself and Lumi being whisked away by several of the serving women, who bring them to the courtyard. The courtyard is lush and verdant as usual, ivy hangs from the parapets around the garden, climbing down the support columns. The palms sway slightly with the coastal breeze. Rhaz always had a strong salty scent that Khimi had come to think of as the scent of home. It reminds him of his room back in Sidi, the salty scent from the coast and evening rainstorms. 

    A woman forces Khimi to one side of the pool, across from Lumi. She hastily peels his babouches and shirt away. A second servant with a brush with thick bristles, likely boar hair from the texture, presses it against his skin. The women work diligently to scrub away any brine and mud. A small clay pot with scented oil is then poured over his head and scrubbed against his body before they dump tepid water from the pool back over him.

An elderly man from the serving staff who Khimi had come to know as Pavan appears with a blade and leather along with a pumice stone and oils. Khimi grimaces, the pumice stone had always been so harsh, but it kept the hair from growing. Pavan stands in the pool in front of Khimi, his brow furrowing in focus. A small copper knife slides along Khimi’s high cheekbones, the sharp edge barely catches while it cuts away the hairs. Khimi can not help but peek over the elderly man’s shoulder at Lumi.

Four women attend to him, his cheeks are flush, his face in utter dismay. Two women in the pool before him scrub his feet with a pumice stone, their words seem to make Lumi’s cheeks brighten further. Another combs through the length of his tail with a brush similar to the one used on himself, and the last, a woman named Candela, washes his hair with extreme focus. Candela, one of the first of the serving staff Khimi had met when he came to Rhaz, and one he had learned not to annoy. She had a way about her that was matronly, yet fierce. Lumi’s eyes catch Khimi’s, they peer at one another from across the pool.

“Sorry,” Khimi mouths in apology.

Lumi looks up and groans, but mouths back silently, “You owe me,” before Candela pulls his hair sharply and gives him an angry grumble.

Khimi smiles to himself. Lumi sometimes had to be handled with a firm hand, otherwise he would always get his way. Little brat. Lumi’s lips thin into an angry line, the woman scrubs with more vigor. Khimi turns his focus back to Pavan, the elderly man’s tongue wags between his lips while he loses himself in focus. The blade snags against a bump on his skin, drawing blood. Pavan looks at Khimi with concern. It was not uncommon for household servants to be beaten or sent away for harming their masters, but Khimi brings his hand to his cheek and feels the fresh blood. He lowers his hand and nods to Pavan to continue. Bits of his black beard fall across the white sarouel stained with the grit from their dusty journey.

“Khimi,” Candela calls from across the pool. “Tell this one he needs to sit still! His feet are worse than an oliphant’s, and his nails need trimming. His hair is shag—”

I’m fine!” Lumi growls, his face pinched, while he shakes his head with her aggressive scrubbing.

Candela grips a swath of Lumi’s hair, tugging at the blond locks, “Tell the boy!”

Khimi peers from over Pavan’s shoulder, “Lumi, just sit still.”

Lumi narrows his eyes from across the pool, “She’s getting water in my ears!” He cries aloud.

Pavan chuckles under his breath, “He’ll be fine,” he whispers to Khimi. “Candela has Demi-human grandchildren. She knows how to handle them.”

“I wasn’t aware,” Khimi whispers, clicking his tongue. He looks back over Pavan’s shoulder, “You’ll be fine.”

Lumi leans back against Candela’s hold, his body sags like a bag of flour, letting her work. The elderly woman shakes her head in disbelief and pulls the resilient aslan up against herself. She orders one of the women working on his feet to begin trimming and polishing his nails. Lumi releases a deep sigh, somehow sinking further into Candela’s arms.

“Pavan,” Khimi whispers. “I have my thoughts about the visitors, but I am sure you know why they are here.”

Pavan nods and gently tilts Khimi’s chin upwards and begins to shave the length of his neck. “It is not my place, but you’re a smart man. I’m certain you’ve worked it out. I’ve only heard second hand.”

“Then they are here for Lumi?”

Pavan nods, “There are rumors he’s one of the divine. Ah, don’t take it as an insult, young lord. Plenty of others have come to see you. But the moment you left Rhaz and went south, the estate was flooded with people who had heard of an event in the Golden Isles involving the aslan.”

Khimi’s lips twitch in annoyance, “How many on the staff know?”


“About what happened in the Isles?” Khimi demands in a cool and expressionless tone. His eyes move between Pavan and Lumi rapidly.

Pavan sighs, “Young lord, they all know,” he whispers cautiously. “One of your sailors told the tale at a tavern, and it was not long before people flocked to the gates.”

Khimi’s jaw clenches, causing Pavan to stop his work. “Do you know which sailor started this?”

The elderly man’s eyes fill with empathy, “Young lord, it’s best not to be hasty in your deliberations. No one was har—”

Lumi’s squeals drown Pavan’s words, his feet kick in the water, his back flat against the tiles beside the pool. Jubilant laughter fills the area while the serving girls rub the pumice stone violently against the bottom of his feet. The elderly Candela stands from the tile, soaked from Lumi’s spasms of laughter. A small smile draws across her lips. She looks down at him in amusement and hangs her head with an audible click of her tongue.

“If you continue, I’ll be sure to put ribbons in your hair. Then you’ll look like a stuffy northern lord,” Candela announces in false aggravation.

E-e-en-enough,” Lumi giggles, rolling onto his stomach, his uncontrollable laughter echoes across the courtyard.

Candela sits on the tile behind Lumi and pulls him against herself once more, her arms tucked under his like knots. Lumi’s cheeks brighten, his head knocks against the woman’s bosoms.

“Now, let’s get you clean,” she announces, her fingers coursing through his hair.

    The sight is enough to cause Khimi to forget his troubles, a slow smile forms across his lips, and he lets out a heavy breath. His focus turns back to Pavan, who had been staring at him with utmost caution.

“As I was saying, young lord. No one was harmed.”

Khimi’s brow pinches, his eyes close, “Pavan, do you know which sailor it was?”

“Do you intend to harm them?”

Khimi’s eyes open, his brow raised, “Does that matter?”

“Perhaps. I have served the Zeybek family and the Emir Zeybek before your father, Emir Ziad. It would be a shame for their reputation to be poorly maintained.” The blade runs against the coarse stubble along his neck until it is smooth. “I have held my allegiance to the Zeybek name since I was a child, I would hate to see it dismantled by such hasteful actions.”

“I can’t have my men disregard my wishes. They all swore oaths, Pavan. What would Ziad have done? One hundred lashings?”

Pavan’s lips twist, “Ziad is a different man than you. In the years since his departure, those who serve the Cerulean Star have changed and grown more fond of their work. Ziad inflicted fear on his servants. But Rashid and Alyena, and now you have only nourished those who serve.”

“If something happens to Lumi…Pavan, I don’t know what I would do.”

Pavan smiles weakly and finishes beneath Khimi’s jaw. “Nothing will happen to the boy. Lumi is happy. The men and women of the Cerulean Star appreciate having him around. Though it seems from what is being said…people expect greatness from him.”

“I wish…we could forgo such expectations. He does not deserve to have that placed on him.”

“Sometimes, My lord. We just walk the path that fate chooses.”

Khimi sighs audibly, his copper cheeks burning red. “I am sure my father would not wait for fate.”

Pavan finishes his work in silence, while Lumi continues to thrash and chuckle against the serving woman. Once he washes his blade in the pool and wipes the edge on his shoulder, Pavan walks from the water and places a hand on Khimi’s shoulder. After some quick farewells, he rolls the legs of his trousers down and leaves the courtyard.

Khimi lies on his side, the bottom of his sarouel wet from the pool. The women across the courtyard glance at him while tending to Lumi. He offers a smirk in response to their glances, but watches Lumi’s brow furrow at him in anger. The young girls laugh and smile at their exchange.

The gate to the courtyard opens, Rashid pushes his way through. A guard flanks either side of him while he limps towards Khimi. The butt of his shamshir raps rhythmically over the sandstone, acting as a crutch. The guards pause halfway to Khimi, allowing Rashid to continue the remainder of the trek across the courtyard alone. Within months, Rashid has seemed to age, his gait is heavy and unbalanced, his eyes have an exhaustion about them that speaks of a lack of sleep, and his gray hair has lightened.

Khimi motions for Rashid to take a seat beside him. He walks to the edge of the pool and removes his silk babouches. In silence, he stares at Lumi and the women, a hint of a smile on his lips, while Lumi chuckles aloud. Rashid’s sarouel soaks in the cool water while he relinquishes a defeated sigh.

“Well, he looks happy,” Rashid musters after a long period of silence. “I’m glad to see ya back. Everyone here is.”

Khimi harrumphs, “I’m not even gone for that long and suddenly two orders of the Faith and Revya come to our door.”

“Ya left, and suddenly the hells broke loose.”

Khimi raises a brow, “The hells broke loose?”

Rashid rubs his knee, “Surprised ya didn’t shake down any of the servants or guards. Or inquired about the crowd around the gates.”

“Pavan gave me a shortened version of some events. Nothing detailed. Tight-lipped bastard.”

“Pavan…best to watch that one.” Rashid moves his feet back and forth in the water. Large ripples form from the movement, “Where to begin— well, I guess the start would be best.” He clears his throat before beginning again in a low and gravelly voice, “About two days after ya left, one of the crew must’a told the story about what had happened in the isles. It didn’t help that the rumors had already begun to spread from other vessels. The crowd seemed to be drawn to the estate, and we were forced to seal off the entrances. Then about five days following, Saint Nina and Head Priestess Lilith of the Sepulcher arrived. They wanted to speak with Lumi. I told them quite simply that ya were both predisposed. They thought to use magick to contact, but I insisted that ya earned a bit of a respite.” His tone is cautious and shallow. 

After a momentary pause, Khimi looks up at Rashid. “And I thank you for that. But why would Revya pay us a visit?”

Rashid snorts, “While we hosted Saint Nina and Head Priestess Lilith in the estate, Revya decided to pay a visit after hearing rumors regarding the events as well. The truth is that…it all comes down to coin. If what we think about Lumi is true…and if he stays in Rhaz, it could make Rhaz the first city in Talmus to host three major orders of the Faith.” 

Khimi nods in agreement, though he never truly paid much mind to the various orders of the Faith. “So he believes that if Lumi is the saint candidate for the Sun Temple, that he should stay in Rhaz?”

“I’m unsure. It’s mostly speculation, though he didn’t speak on that specifically to me. It was overheard by others of our staff in a conversation between Nina, Lilith, and Revya.”

“I will pretend I know nothing of it then,” Khimi sighs, then as if remembering clicks his tongue, “Lumi tried to contact Ennui like he did Aleyna, but he said he couldn’t reach her…is she well?”

“That’s because no one really knows Ennui. Who would be named Ennui, after all?” Rashid smiles then continues to rub the tender meat of his thigh, “She’s well enough though. From what Aleyna’s letter said, Ennui saved her life.”

Khimi turns abruptly. A look of shock forms on his face, “Aleyna—was truly in danger?” A sense of guilt washes over him.

Rashid nods slowly, “Aye, that she was. It was as I feared…but don’t let it get ya down. She is safe now, and her plight has been realized by others.”

“What will Ziad do? What should our response be?”

Rashid lowers his head and glares into the water. “Ziad is unpredictable, and I am certain that he will have some sort of response to this. But for now, ya can rest easy. Ennui hired a whole army of mercenaries, from the sound of things.” 

“Mercenaries? Won’t the sanctum send aid?”

Rashid sighs in distress, “The sanctum would rule against Aleyna. In the eyes of the law, that is Emir Ziad’s home and Aleyna is his wife, who promised to love him regardless of the situation. If she fled fro—”

“Ziad fled!” Khimi snaps, unable to control himself. “Ziad fled…”

Rashid’s tired eyes meet Khimi’s. “Ziad could argue everything he is doing in the Golden Isles is for his family. Ya see how this could go?”

Khimi bites his lip, “This is nonsens–”

Aye! It is, Khimi. It is nonsense, and it’s why I left the order. I don’t care for their precious technicalities, their stringent focus on the letter of the law. But for now Aleyna is safe, and it doesn’t seem Ziad has any plans for her. Perhaps he is occupied with all the insanity the aslan brought to the Golden Isles. Yer little lion stirred up quite a mess.”

Khimi crosses his legs, “How? We were barely there.”

“Long enough,” Rashid mutters, “When those sigils appeared in the sky, you can bet every order of the Faith was sent word of their appearance.”

Khimi groans, “I didn’t even get a chance to see them, how did all of these others?” He runs his fingers through his hair while he glances at Lumi, “Rashid…is he in danger?”

“In danger of getting mobbed, maybe,” Rashid croaks with a laugh. “Certainly, there are those who wish to harm the disciples of the Gods, but there hasn’t been a Saint of Flames in hundreds of years, Khimi. This is a revelation people won’t want to miss. People from all across Loria, followers of the Sun Temple, are gathering in the Isles to seek out the truth.”

Khimi presses his fingers against his temples, then runs them in a circular motion, thinking to himself in silence.

“I always heed your words, Rashid. What should we do?”

Rashid shrugs, “There is nothing for ya to do….go about y’re life, business as usual.”

“We wanted to speak with Saint Nina. Do you think it would be possible to arrange that?”

Rashid smirks, “I am certain that she’d be more than happy to speak to ya and Lumi.”

“I am glad to see you again,” Khimi smiles, his eyes fixed across the pool. Candela, drenched from her efforts, tosses her hands into the air in defeat. “I am sure Lumi is too.”

“I’d hope. We ain’t been on the best of terms, but I think we made up a while back. Around when we left Betset.”

Khimi skirts around Rashid’s comment and looks down into the rippling pool, “Do you think you could have a letter sent to Aleyna for me?”

“Of course. Aleyna would be all too pleased to receive word from her son,” Rashid whispers, gripping the end of his shamshir. “I reckon I best let you two finish up.”

“I am finished, so I can join you if you’d like,” Khimi murmurs and stands.

Rashid’s sheath taps against Khimi’s shoulder. “Ya had a long journey. ‘Sides, ya never know how many more peaceful days like this ya got.” He says, while he takes a moment to appreciate the quiet courtyard. “And, not that we’re expectin’ anything, but be wary of trespassers. People have tried to break in to meet the little lion.”

“Rashid, I’d ask one thing. Let Lumi have a bit more time before you tell him about why all the people are here.”

Rashid closes his eyes, deep in contemplation, “I don’t believe it’s wise to wait. Ya should tell him yerself. He’ll understand if ya tell him.”

Khimi cannot help but keep his gaze on Lumi, “I suppose it wouldn’t be right to keep it from him. But he seems so happy.”

“I hardly think a bit of serious news is enough to dampen his spirits. He’s the liveliest creature I’ve seen in years…though he’s still incredibly daft.”

“Right…he’s certainly not the brightest, but he has his moments.”

Rashid chuckles, “We don’t choose who we love,” he says, raising an eyebrow.  Lumi kicks his feet in the water, splashing the two women. “We just do.”

 Khimi stands and bows while Rashid departs from the courtyard, the two guards return to flank the elderly man, escorting him through the grounds of the estate. Khimi wonders briefly if the guards are an escalated security measure that Rashid had put in place, or perhaps if he had them there in case he fell from his worsening condition. Now that Khimi had returned to Rhaz, he knew his advisor was prepared to return to Sidi. Rashid’s rightful place is beside his mother, their friendship had always been incredibly strong. The two had been bonded friends from the moment they met, from the way Rashid would tell the stories.

The courtyard is warm and comforting. Even in the depths of winter, the sun beats down across the sandstone tiles and basks them with heat. The women finally manage to finish the task of grooming Lumi. Candela stands from the tiles at Khimi’s approach and offers him a deep bow. He offers her a smile in exchange and though no words are spoken, the remaining servants all take their leave of the courtyard. Lumi looks up, his eyes meeting Khimi’s in surprise. It is in moments like this that Khimi always feels his heart swell with passion.

“Everything alright?” Lumi asks, standing from beside the pool.

Khimi motions for him to stay seated and lowers his feet into the water. “You’re such a brat,” he teases.

Lumi puffs his cheeks, “She was being rough, and I wasn’t expecting to get AMBUSHED!”

“Ambushed? They couldn’t let you stay unkempt.”

Ambushed!” Lumi cringes, “and I was clean…”

“We were on the road for weeks,” Khimi croaks, “Besides, you have a lot of guests who want to meet you. Nina came to see you, and Lilith. Revya to,” he adds, wading through the shallow pool before sitting next to Lumi.

Lumi leans his head against Khimi’s shoulder. “Why?” He asks in a whisper.

Khimi’s hand slides over the top of Lumi’s thigh, squeezing the linen sarouel. “We’ll talk about it in a bit. Let’s just be glad that we’re home.”

Lumi blows air through his lips, “Home… for now.”

“For a bit at least. I think you should rest. You’ve barely slept a wink,” Khimi whispers, taking a deep breath. “And I could use some rest as well. If I can sleep through the sounds of the crowds.”

“I am sure they will go away eventually.”

“Rashid makes it sound like it was worse a few weeks back,” Khimi says with a grimace.

Lumi laughs, waving his hand. “Rashid seemed to have handled everything himself, so it’s no big deal, right?” 

“Right,” Khimi whispers, the sound of the crowd outside the estate seems to rise in retaliation.

Lumi lays back against the tile, his feet dangling in the water, “Who is Lilith?”

Khimi rubs the scar on his cheek, wondering how best to reply, “Well, you know how Nina leads the Temple of Life?”

Oh! So, she’s a saint too?”

“Not quite. There is a saint for the Sepulchre, but Lilith is the one who runs the order in his stead. It’s a bit complex, most people do come to her for answers and aid, only to be distraught to discover that she is not the saint.”

Lumi rubs his eyes, “Then who IS the saint of their order, and what is the purpose of that order?”

Khimi chuckles to himself, “Believe it or not, the order is dedicated to spiritualism, celebration, and rituals. The celebration of life after death. It is sometimes referred to as the domain of spirits. And the order’s saint is known to be a wanderer. He travels across the Desert Cities and beyond, spreading the Faith. Some people know him as Sephtis the Lost. Lost because he wanders…I don’t keep up with the Faith, but I can at least recall some different orders from my lessons.”

Lumi purses his lips, “Why doesn’t he just stay at his temple like Nina?”

Khimi shrugs, “I couldn’t really answer that. But maybe he just doesn’t like being in one place…or feels he’s better off spreading the message of his Gods.”

“Or maybe he’s just lazy,” Lumi says, his eyes trained on Khimi.


“Yeah! Lazy! Because being at the temple is so much work…Nina was always meeting people and dealing with issues,” Lumi whispers and turns onto his side. He brings his knees up to his chest. “There was always so much to do. You have to make everyone happy.”

Khimi scoffs, “Maybe he is. But would it be so bad to be a traveling saint?”

Lumi maintains his silence, turning away from Khimi. Khimi knows that Lumi had already discerned the truth, but can no longer ignore it.

“Let’s get some rest.”

“Okay, Khimi,” Lumi whispers in response. “Is Ennui alright?”

Khimi smiles, “Yeah, she’s alright.”

For the briefest of moments, Khimi feels guilty for returning home. The weightlessness of being alone with Lumi and free from their daily worries is no longer present, and suddenly it is as if a weight has been placed back on his chest. Lumi stands beside him, extending his hand to Khimi’s while they begin their walk through the estate. Khimi’s breath catches when Lumi’s knuckle taps against his, wanting to take his hand. His jaw clenches while their fingers intertwine, his reluctance clear on his face. The gate opens before them with a rumbling groan.

The Lord’s Chambers

The lord’s chamber is just as impressive as he recalls. It was meant for someone of high rank, usually a cousin or close relative of the Zeybek family. But due to family tension, Khimi had been given the responsibility of managing the Rhaz estate and handling tasks typically assigned to others. Rumor has it that the main building was originally built for a distant relative who has long since passed away.

The only bit of information Khimi had managed to find on the subject was that the blue-tinted windows were made of a peculiar glass crafted by the sea elves of Thve’ Alora, an undersea city along the Emerald Coast. The glass, rumored to be infused with magick of the deep sea, made it appear as though one was looking through shimmering blue waters. Reflective sparkles dance across the tiles, mimicking the glimmer of sunlight on the ocean’s surface. When Khimi had accepted Aleyna’s proposal to take over the estate, this was the only feature he kept intact. A master carpenter had been hired to construct and refurbish the building, while skilled stonemasons were tasked with putting things back into proper order from their previous state of chaos and neglect. 

Khimi’s bed is a masterpiece, carefully crafted to his exact specifications. It resembles the one he had slept in as a child back in Sidi, a memory that feels distant and faded. The design of the bed is deceptively simple yet exudes elegance and strength. The dark wood framing the bright Rhazian sheets rises up like four tall pillars, forming a wooden canopy above the bed. Heavy layers of deep blue Rhazian fabric cascade down from the canopy, enclosing the bed in a cocoon of warmth and darkness amidst the otherwise sunny room. Along one wall stands an ornate wardrobe and cupboards, their intricate carvings showcasing the skillful craftsmanship. A small writing desk sits beside them, its smooth surface reflecting the warm glow of the sun streaming through the window. In one corner of the room stands a large iron brazier, its sturdy frame waiting patiently to be lit with fragrant resin-rich wood.

Lumi turns in Khimi’s embrace with a shallow yawn, his lithe body flexing and stretching like a cat. Khimi’s hand slides along Lumi’s smooth, tan skin, tracing over the intricate design of the armband. The band is similar to the ones Khimi wears on special occasions, but with subtle differences — striated grooves that catch the light and add an extra layer of elegance. They lay together, Khimi’s lips pressed between Lumi’s round ears. His mind can not help but wander to thoughts of what his life would be like if he had never met Lumi. Would it be easier? Simpler? But then he remembers the truth — without Lumi, his journey would have been over long ago. He would have returned to his home of Rhaz and lived out the rest of his days, a merchant under Emir Ziad’s control, never experiencing the thrill of adventure he craved. Yet, perhaps things could have been different between him and his father if he had never crossed paths with Lumi. These thoughts weigh heavily on Khimi’s mind until Lumi turns towards him, his bright eyes opening hazily, a warm smile spreads across his soft lips. At that moment, all of Khimi’s worries fade away, and he can only focus on the warmth radiating from Lumi.

“K-Khimi?” Lumi moans groggily, tossing in his arms.

Khimi closes his eyes, “Go back to sleep, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“It’s still light out,” Lumi whispers, “Are you hungry?”

Khimi’s cheeks rise with color, “You must be hungry,” He whispers, a smirk at the corner of his lips.

“You’re always hungry. You’re a big boy.”

“No, it’s alright. I just want to stay here a while longer. I didn’t think I would miss my bed this much.”

Lumi laughs, “Your bed is one of my favorite things about this place. Though the garden is really nice too.”

“Why?” Khimi laughs, “I know that it’s pretty damn comfortable. Better than that wooden nook in the ship, or the inn in Betset…or the floor in Dolmas.” 

Lumi rolls his eyes, “We had a good time on that floor…but, this was where we were the first time.”

Khimi purses his lips, “Sucking my dick doesn’t count as sex?”

Lumi’s cheeks grow red, and he shoves his face against Khimi’s chest. “You know what I mean,” he groans, his ears twitching.

Yeah, yeah, I know what you mean,” Khimi scoffs jokingly.

Lumi remains silent for a short period, then groans to himself repeatedly, hesitating to state his mind.

“What is it?” Khimi asks, then strokes Lumi’s blond locks from his face.

“Do you still think…after the last few months…and everything with Ziad. D-Do you really think we will always be together?”

Khimi sighs and rolls onto his back. “I want to think we will, but I don’t know the answer to that, Lumi. There is so much that could happen. What if you are forced into being the saint and are whisked away?”

Lumi places his face on Khimi’s chest, pushing his chin into Khimi’s ribs. “I won’t let that happen, I’ll kick and claw my way back to you.”

“What if they make you become celibate?”


Khimi cranes his neck and looks down at Lumi, “I don’t think you should ask that anymore though…because I do want to be with you, but we don’t know what will happen today…or tomorr–”

“Khimi. Just tell me that you want to be with me.”

Khimi gives Lumi a knowing look, “Do you really need me to say it?”

“I just need to hear it…just right now. I-I feel like there is so much ahead of us…” Lumi whispers, his words breaking.

“We have our whole lives ahead of us, there isn’t anything to worry about. And as you say, if they whisk you away and make a saint…I will just have to follow you,” Khimi replies, a weak smile on his lips.

Lumi laughs, “Yes, you can be my concubine!”

Khimi thumps his head back against the soft down mattress, “Maybe I will be YOUR paramour, then everyone can give you questioning glances when I announce it in front of all of your followers.”

Lumi shrugs, kicks his feet playfully over the bed. “I wouldn’t mind…I never wanted to keep our relationship a secret anyway.”

“Do you think…that we’ll always be together?” Khimi asks, brushing his fingers softly through Lumi’s hair.

“You don’t have to even ask. Of course, we will…as long as you’re happy,” He whispers, his lips pressing against Khimi’s copper skin.

Khimi smirks, “So you’ve never questioned our relationship? You never wondered if all of this was too good to be true? Imaginary?”

Lumi tilts his head, his lips parting gently while he kisses along a scar on Khimi’s chest. “Not even once,” he purrs, his voice soft and inviting.

Khimi watches Lumi’s expression grow full of lust. Lumi pulls himself on top of Khimi with a sudden fierceness, his eyes fixed on his own. The soft, plump lips part over Khimi’s chest. Lumi’s rough tongue laps against his body, working his way down towards Khimi’s rising arousal. Lumi’s sexual desire is never sated, his lust for Khimi is seemingly endless and Khimi never grows tired of Lumi’s affection, regardless of how frequent. But Khimi’s favorite times are when Lumi first awakens. The little lion’s desire is so strong, so apparent, that he can almost taste it. Khimi closes his eyes, Rashid’s words suddenly enter his mind.

“L-Lumi, w-wait.”

Lumi strokes Khimi’s girth, glancing up while he brushes his hair from his face. “Eh, everything alright?”

The sight is something to behold. Khimi had always known his size was larger than most other men he had met. During his stint as a mercenary, he had seen his fair share of cocks and visited a number of whorehouses. And while he had never indulged in the pleasures of the flesh, he did drink and was often tempted, but never had. Lumi’s form only works to make Khimi appear even larger, his small hand can not reach around the fullness of his shaft, the length easily the size of his forearm. Lumi’s tongue wags hungrily before him.

“I wanted to talk abo–”

Lumi’s tongue runs across the sensitive tip, lapping at the beads of pearlescent fluid appearing before him. “Now?”

Khimi purses his lips, “I tried to talk to you about it when we came to the room…but you seduced me into having sex then too.”

Lumi laughs, “You can’t blame me for that!” He snorts in defiance. “You ripped off your trousers and dangled your slab of meat before me…what did you expect?”

“Restraint…?” Khimi questions under his breath.

Lumi bites his lip, “And we had just gotten back…I could smell your musk through that thin linen from across the pool…milord,” he teases, pressing his lips against the side of Khimi’s cock and inhales. “You have such an arousing scent.”

Khimi groans and raises his knees, “Hells, you’re a monster. Finish up so we can talk,” He grumbles, tossing his head back while he waits for Lumi to begin.

Lumi exhales a warm breath over the tip of Khimi’s cock, “Fine…what is it? You’ve ruined the mood!” Lumi protests in anguish while swatting at the erection before him. His eyes follow back and forth, it sways from side to side like a pendulum. “I thi—”

Khimi shifts his hips to the side, lightly slapping Lumi across the cheek with his girth. With a smile on his lips, he leans back up and watches Lumi wrestle with his arousal, “I wonder what the world would think if they knew the Saint of Flames was such a perverted little lion.”

Lumi’s cheeks turn red, his tail swishes behind him. “That’s what all of this is about, isn’t it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Being the Saint of Flames…Khimi. I don’t want it. I just want to be with you,” Lumi sulks. Lowering his face against Khimi’s hip, he whispers, “I thought I was ready…but I’m just not.”

   Khimi maintains his silence, his thoughts fueled by a mixture of lust and sorrow. The fear that someone would take Lumi from him causes his heart to ache. How important is it anyway? To be a saint. He reaches down and pinches the thick rounded ears of his lover.

“Yeah,” Khimi begins in a whisper. “But don’t let that upset you…that just means that you’re going to do great things.”

Lumi’s eyes flick up at him, “What if I just want to be me? What if I just want to be your lion?”

“I’m sure you can do both,” Khimi replies softly, his fingers massaging the hard cartilage in a comforting motion.

Lumi sighs loudly, “So…what do they want?”

“All of those people at the gates, they’re here for you,” Khimi says sternly, a sudden seriousness in his tone. “Nina, Lilith, and Revya have all come to see you too. I don’t think there is any way to get around it…maybe you can mask yourself when in the city, but for the time at least just stay in the estate. You’ll be safer.”

Safer?!” Lumi looks up in disbelief. “From what? A bunch of people who want me to be someone I’m not? I’m not like Nina, I can’t cure disease, or heal the sick, restore limbs, or bring back the dead. I can’t do those things!”

Khimi squeezes tighter on his ear, “I want you to be safe. Don’t leave the estate. Don’t do anything reckless. No more saving lions.”

Lumi purses his lips, “Ebo needed help! And…you were so aggressive after…it was fun,” he argues with a smirk.

Khimi’s palm drags over his face, “I’m serious, Lumi…don’t do anything reckless. I can’t take it. I can’t watch over you every single moment.”

Lumi’s tail whips against Khimi’s leg, “Sure you can. Just be with me always. You said you would be.”

Khimi snorts, “Anyway, I don’t know why they wanted to see you, only that it was important enough for them to come here themselves.”

“Maybe they want to help me?”

“Just…hold off on your expectations, alright? You might find yourself disappointed.”

Lumi groans and climbs beside Khimi, “I just…don’t know what to do,” he whispers, slinging his leg across Khimi’s abdomen.

“Just don’t think too much about it right now, it’ll only make it worse,” Khimi replies, his arm wrapping around Lumi. “What are you worried about?”

“All of it. About making these people happy. I don’t want followers…I don’t care if people like me. I’ve never cared if people liked me. I would be happy if people did, but…”

Khimi’s fingers dip between Lumi’s legs and press against his entrance. “I’m the only one who has to like you, remember?”

“I know that b—”

Lumi’s words are cut off, a deep gasp breaks through his lips, Khimi’s finger’s slip inside of him. Previously slickened with his seed, Lumi’s moist insides greet Khimi with excitement, clutching onto his fingers while he slides two then three fingers in and out with haste. Lumi’s body tenses and shakes at Khimi’s touch, his hands ball into a tight fist against him.

“I-I thought you wanted to t-talk,” Lumi stammers, moaning with pleasure. His arousal burns against Khimi’s side, “Khimi?”

Khimi digs deeper inside Lumi, bringing louder moans of pleasure from Lumi. “Don’t you want to be one of the most powerful individuals on Talmus? A god among men?” He teases while he rubs his fingers roughly against the softness of Lumi’s walls.

“I-I,” Lumi breathes, “N-no,” he manages, unable to catch his breath. “Just— want — YOU.”

Khimi scoffs, “The idea of having all that power…means nothing to you, does it?” He pushes against that sensitive spot, drawing cries and moans from the boy against him.

“No,” Lumi groans, his tail slaps against Khimi angrily. “I thought you wanted to talk!”

“Thought you wanted to have sex?”

“I thought sucking your dick didn’t count as sex,” Lumi breathes.

Khimi presses against the sensitive depths inside once again, “What was that?” He teases.

Lumi continues to moan, his body tensing against him with every movement of his fingers.

The more they had engaged and explored one another’s bodies, the more they became accustomed to their sensitivities. Khimi knows Lumi’s insides better than Lumi knows them himself. His fingers instinctively reach for their destination, sliding against it back and forth with great force, then with slow and equal pressure. Lumi’s immediate orgasm in response to his touch is no surprise to Khimi, he had learned how to make Lumi cum within moments, and he relished the fact that he could do it on command.

Hn, t-this is fine,” Lumi moans, his seed dripping over Khimi’s hip from his softened arousal.

Khimi smirks, “My whorish little lion, some all powerful figure…” He clicks his tongue, “Kind of turns me on.”

Lumi’s face pinches in anger, his ears perk up, “I’m not a whore!”

“I said MY whore,” Khimi replies swiftly,

Lumi relaxes, “Okay, yeah. I can accept that.”

Lumi writhes his hips against his fingers, his body hungry for more. “Again?” Khimi asks, a confident smirk shooting across his lips.

Lumi moans in response and turns to face Khimi. “That was too quick.”

“You want me to draw it out? I can go slow for you.”

Lumi bites his lip, “Yeah…” He whispers, his body vibrates with steady low purrs.

“Fiend,” Khimi whispers, his brow raised. He begins to move his fingers slowly inside Lumi while he squirms against him once again. He closes his eyes, his head against the cushions, Lumi’s warm breath against his chest.

After several minutes of quiet and soft moaning, Lumi glances up from his stupor, “Khimi, I really don’t want to be a saint. I don’t want to be chosen.”

Khimi sighs, “I know. Just hear what they have to say…then we’ll figure it all out.”

Lumi’s tail bats against Khimi’s thigh, and he musters a meager grin. “Thanks for understanding.”

“I told you that I’d always be by your side. If you choose to embrace it, I’ll accept that, and if you deny what the gods want, I’ll accept that too.”

“I’m just not ready…not even close. I just have so much more to live for,” Lumi whispers, embracing Khimi’s chest. Warm tears fall over Khimi, Lumi presses his face against him.

Khimi snorts, his fingers nestled deep inside Lumi. “Now who is ruining the mood?”

“S-sorry,” Lumi mutters, “I just…it would have been fine if there weren’t so many people at the gates. It just made me think about all the people who depend on people like Nina.”

“We’ll see to our own business then maybe you’ll be ready to face it,” Khimi whispers into Lumi’s rounded ears. “I still would like to hear what Nina has to say.”

Lumi winches, Khimi’s fingers nudge against his soft insides, “Y-you’re right. Maybe — I’ll wanna be a saint eventually.”

“I’m sure you’ll know when you’re ready,” Khimi whispers between Lumi’s ears. He brings his thumb around Lumi’s tail, squeezing it tight and pushing his fingers inside.

Lumi holds onto Khimi for support, then pulls himself on top. His small body shudders in delight, his lips finding Khimi’s while he grinds his hips along with Khimi’s movements.

“You’re right,” Lumi breathes, “I’ll know. Just like I knew w-when I met you.”

 Khimi pushes against Lumi’s lips. He can never explain to Lumi just how much he means to him, how much hope and happiness that he brought to his life. He had never been one to express his emotions, but he could show him —  he would show Lumi just how much he loved him.