Augustus Helvia

A young man from the capital of the Lorian Empire, Augustus Helvia was born into nobility as the son of Noctus and Alba Helvia. Raised in a life of luxury and opulence, he has known only wealth and privilege. Yet, despite his upbringing, Augustus has chosen to leave behind his family’s fortune, embarking on a journey across the realm with Mido, his loyal childhood servant.

Personality: Augustus is a carefree young man with a tendency to treat life lightly, rarely taking anything seriously. He often hides behind a veil of sarcasm, using it as a shield to avoid confronting difficult or serious conversations.

Despite his aloof nature, Augustus harbors a deep attachment to Mido, though it’s tinged with guilt over the years Mido spent in servitude to his family. It was Augustus who, driven by a sense of responsibility, persuaded Mido to join the Faith as a means of escaping the bonds of his family’s service.

Race: Human (Quarter Elf)

Lineage: Though Augustus bears the Helvia name, it is the Fortuna side of his lineage that is far more renowned throughout the capital.

Fighting: Augustus is no seasoned fighter. Though he has practiced with a sword and shield in the training grounds of his family estate, he lacks formal combat training. Typically, he dons a breastplate and plated caligae for protection, though he has never faced any real danger. Despite his inexperience, Augustus is fiercely protective of Mido and will defend him tooth and nail if the need arises.

Abilities: Augustus possesses no innate magickal abilities and cannot wield the divine powers that Mido can. While the bond they share allows them to channel magick through one another, Mido’s struggles with performing complex spells make it difficult for Augustus to draw on his power—though, in truth, Augustus rarely attempts to do so.