Chapter XIX

Library of Ruin

Gilbert descends the tower, leading them back through the circular room. He stops along the center and urges them to follow suit. Once inside the wheel of faith, Gilbert raps his cane six times before the glowing light appears underfoot. The cold chill envelops them as they pass through the floor and sink with surprising speed back down below. Khimi holds his grip on Lumi, staring down at the rapidly approaching floor. Gilbert’s smile touches the edges of his lips, his eyes meeting Khimi’s briefly.

“It’s nice, isn’t it?” Gilbert whispers, almost too low for Khimi to hear. His smile widens as Khimi presses Lumi’s face against his chest for comfort.

“What do you mean?” Khimi whispers back, trying to keep his voice steady as they continue their descent. Lumi clings to him tighter, his small hands gripping onto his shirt for dear life.

“Having someone who cares so deeply for you,” Gilbert muses, his voice soft and wistful. He closes his eyes and lets out a longing sigh as if lost in memories. With a determined glint in his eyes, he beckons Khimi to follow with a sense of urgency once the strange light touches the ground.

Khimi releases Lumi and follows behind Gilbert. The gentle thump of Lumi’s tail against his leg is comforting. He contemplates Gilbert’s words while he leads them through one of the doors. Lumi has brought nothing but excitement into a life, a life which was void of any following his return to the Cerulean Star. Though he often pushes the thought from his mind, Khimi wonders what his life would be like had he never met Lumi.

 Lumi quickens his stride to keep up, his hand reaching out and taking Khimi’s. His tiny hand is dwarfed by Khimi’s, his fingers only reaching slightly beyond his palm.

The room they enter opens into endless shelves, along the center is a single aisle. At the end of each row of bookshelves is a single candle on a pedestal. The candles flicker briefly the moment the door closes behind them, then return to a perfect, unnatural stillness. Gilbert walks before them, his robe flaps open, creating a flow of billowing dark fabric behind him.

They continue until the door behind them disappears from view and the area opens up before them. A brass chandelier hangs from an impossibly long rope, its warm orange glow radiating across the small seating area. A round table sits in the center, covered in scrolls and tomes written in various languages. Every inch of parchment is blotted with careful handwriting and thoughtful stains of ink. The seats are adorned with tufted velvet cushions and lined with vibrant pillows, reminiscent of the luxurious furnishings back at Riverwatch.

Gilbert motions for them to be seated then rests his gnarled cane against the chair beside himself. “Welcome to my library,” he says in welcome, pulling his seat closer to the table between them.

“How is it all so big?” Lumi asks in wonder, sitting on the lengthy seat. “This is so much larger than the towers could be.”

“The Faith is a marvelous thing. The Faith of the people of Talmus has allowed for the bastion to grow over the years, to accommodate the growing knowledge of the world. The bastion is a gift from the divine. Its construction started with the very first Saint of Truth,” Gilbert begins knowingly. He leans back comfortably against the chair. “Magick on Talmus is an ancient thing. There is magick that can be harnessed from the land which runs across the leylines, providing the energy for mages, and druids. Then there is the magick of the Faith. The power of prayer, the strength offered to the Gods by the collective masses who pray to them. This tower… is a result of prayer, it is a result of the want for knowledge by the denizens of Talmus.”

“Does… this place actually hold unwritten tales?” Lumi questions, tucking his hand up his sleeve. “Like, are our stories here?”

Gilbert releases a sigh and tilts his head back. His tone is slow and droning, “The gods of knowledge are offered insight into the divine. They, along with many of the gods, have ties to fate. Thus… there are tomes here detailing the histories of things that have yet to happen but are sure to come to pass. I have chanced upon your tale, your names span across a hundred texts and a hundred mor—”

“What happens!” Lumi shouts, sitting up abruptly.

Khimi places his hand in front of Lumi and eases him back into the chair. “He’s eager to know if we wasted our journey. Our time.”

“Wasted? Heavens,” Gilbert chuckles. “To think such a journey would be a waste. You traveled the realm… you’ve seen things people have only dreamt of. And if I am correct from my recollection of your fable. You had a bit of an ordeal along the wa—”

“If you know about that, then you know what comes next!” Lumi says, excitedly pushing against Khimi’s hand.

“This library… it has a name amongst the residents of the bastion. The library of ruin. It has gained that name because of the misfortune it brings down upon those who seek to find their own story amongst the infinite number of texts that line these wal—”

“Like ‘cause they get lost, or they can’t find their story?” Lumi interrupts, his tail swaying behind him.

Khimi pushes Lumi back against the cushion again, “Lumi, quit interrupting,” he whispers, before turning to address Gilbert. “If all of this knowledge is here, why shouldn’t we know it… ? What’s the purpose of having something if it’ll only bring our downfall?”

Gilbert clears his throat and looks down his sharp nose at the two of them. “Everyone wants to know their story. Everyone wishes to know what they can do to have a better, more fruitful existence. The Lorian baker wants his bread at the Emperor’s table, the Vald Shepherd wants endless fields to grow his flock, the Rhazian merchant wants access to those precious, forbidden routes. Everyone wants something to give themselves a better life…”

“But… that’s not what these books are about,” Lumi whispers, “is it?”

“Exactly,” Gilbert whispers in response. “People come here with the thought that reading their story with the idea that they can change their lives, alter their fate. But fate… fate will put all the pieces back in line, unless… there are special circumstances.”

“Where does our story end, Gilbert?” Khimi asks, his voice like rough gravel. “You know something.”

“Your story is complex… your souls have been tangled in a dance with the fates. Seeking one another, time and time again. From one world to the next, one realm to another. The fates themselves smile upon you, but never once has the story been complete. Every text with your tale ends unwritten. Words left for the reader to decide.” 

“What are you saying… ?” Lumi asks, a sudden heat rising in his voice. He rises from the chair, the heat burning in his cheeks. “What does that mean?”

“It means exactly what I said it means,” Gilbert continues, “your story is complex.”

“What about our souls… ? What about Khimi’s soul?” Lumi questions.

Khimi sits, thoughtfully looking down at the writing on the scroll before him. “I’m not asking how long I have to live, Gilbert. I’m aski— we’re asking if it is possible for us to share the same afterlife?”

“No,” Lumi says suddenly, “not just the afterlife. I want my life to be bound to Khimi’s. If I have to live as the Saint of Flames, then I want Khimi by my side,” the heat in his words is reflected by the intensity in his eyes. “I want to live my life with him by my side… I ca- I can’t watch him grow old. I can’t watch him die. I WON’T!”


“I w-won’t…” he repeats, his voice breaking.

“Souls are the domain of the gods… what you’re asking. Tethering yourself to anoth—”

“I don’t care,” Lumi snaps. “I don’t care what needs to be done… I’ll do it. We’ll do it.”

Gilbert continues slowly, “Tethering yourself to another soul is dangerous as is. However, you are no mere mortal, Lumi. You are the Saint of Flames, one of the fourteen chosen by the gods of Talmus. Your life will far exceed that of any mortal. You could live hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of years if the gods permit it. What you’re asking breaks the natural order. It breaks the gods’ intentions. But…” his voice trails, “I have already sought the assistance of the divine on the matter.”

Khimi leans forward anxiously and grabs hold of Lumi’s tunic, pulling him back to his seat. “You’ve spoken to the gods? On our behalf?” he asks, his enthusiasm piercing his calm.

“The gods are unlikely to allow such a prominent position to be shared by two individuals. The Faith would never allow for any order to have such an advantage over the others. But a soul split, a soul shared… two beings, sharing the same fate, same heart, same destiny. That is different in the eyes of the gods. But such a thing has never been done. So here we are.”

Lumi grabs hold of a handful of his locks and pulls hard, “What do you even MEAN!?”

“What I mean is… there was a convocation of the gods. They gathered to make their decision on such an unusual request,” Gilbert whispers softly. He leans in closer, the violet in his eyes disappears into a smoky darkness.

“The gods know?” Lumi croaks.

Gilbert sighs, “Does that surprise you?”

Khimi gauges the look in his eyes, “If you’ve read our story… or know what will happen to us, then tell us what comes next.”


“Trials?” Lumi repeats, slamming back down onto the seat beside Khimi. “Why? Whose trials?”

Khimi scoffs before a smirk crosses his lips. “So the gods want to judge if we’re worthy?”

A knowing smile meets Khimi’s smirk. “Are you worthy of the gods’ trust? Of their blessing?”

Lumi sits forward, his nails bite into the soft fabric. “When do we start? Where do we start?!”

“Here… then there, then across all of Talmus,” Gilbert whispers. “What you’re asking… well, every order needs to make their decision. Every saint must offer you a trial. Some will be pleasant, some may even celebrate your union, while others may treat you with malcontent. Be aware, little sun… the Saint of Flames is not beloved by all.”

“So I’m learning,” Lumi mutters, grasping Khimi’s hand.

“So that’s it then?” Khimi asks quickly, “trials? One for each order?”

Gilbert nods slowly, “I encourage you to think about it, think about if you want to spend years traveling Talmus, pursuing this dream, this hope you have. All the while knowing that at any point, you may fail your trial, and the gods may find you unwilling of their blessing.”

“So… do they know? The other saints? Do they know about the trials?” Lumi questions quietly, “Did you already tell Nina?”

“I haven’t sent out correspondence to any of the chosen. I won’t do so until I know your answer for certain. Once you tell me your decision, I’ll send ravens to them all. From there, they will craft and form their own trials suited to their preferences, suited to their orders,” Gilbert whispers. “I have already crafted your trial here, though I expect it to be somewhat easier than most. But you deserve a bit of a reprieve after such arduous adventures, isn’t that right?”

The three of them sit in tense silence, the air full of uncertainty. Lumi’s eyes dart between Khimi and Gilbert, worry etched on his face. Finally, he breaks through with a trembling voice.

“What if some of the saints despise us? What if their gods reject our cause?” His fingers tighten around Khimi’s hand, seeking comfort.

Gilbert’s expression turns serious as he responds, “What you are doing goes against our belief as Talmans. Souls are sacred, and meddling with such matters is seen as playing with fate itself. And yet, you continue to do so… why?”

A soft, almost desperate whisper escapes Lumi’s lips, “Because I cannot survive without him. Every moment apart feels like being torn apart. Because a sunrise without feeling his breath on my skin, a sunset without seeing his eyes on me, holds no meaning for me. When we’re together, everything falls into place… he is all that matters.”

Gilbert looks at them both quietly before speaking again, “I believe your words hold truth. The passion in which you speak makes it hard to doubt your sincerity. But I must ask, is this truly what you both want?”

Khimi lets out an audible sigh and shakes his head. “Of course, it’s what we want,” he replies firmly. Did you not hear him? “Yes, I am worried about the repercussions of leaving the Cerulean Star and abandoning my duty. And deep down, I have recently imagined what it  would be like with Lumi by my side.” He turns to look at Lumi. “But if we have to prove our commitment by traveling across Talmus and facing the gods’ trials, then so be it. We will do whatever it takes.”

Gilbert nods solemnly, “Then it shall be done. I will send word to all the chosen, informing them of your eventual arrival. However, I cannot guarantee how they will receive you. And there is also the matter of the Saint of Nature…”

“What about the Saint of Nature?” Khimi asks, “Are they… an obstacle?”

Gilbert’s tone becomes somber as he begins to speak, his words carrying a weight that seems to burden him. “The Saint of Nature has been lost to us for some time,” he whispers softly.

Lumi’s worried expression deepens at this revelation, his gaze shifting between Gilbert and Khimi, who also wears a concerned look. Interrupting, he asks, “I thought the gods… could just kill us if we ceased to do what they wanted? C-can’t they?”

Gilbert’s response is gentle but firm as he continues, “When you’re chosen… neither your gifts nor your life can be taken by them. It is something that they may give, but never take away… so they must foster your growth to ensure the continuation of their order.” After a lengthy pause, Gilbert continues, “With regard to the Saint of Nature,” his voice grows even more solemn. “The order was decimated years ago. The saint himself has not been heard of since no one has been able to reach him.”

Khimi interjects with a coy smile forming on his lips, “What about his story? Since you have access to everyone’s stories?”

But Gilbert’s reply is swift and final, “The story has an abrupt end, inconclusive…  as if he just ceases to be.” A sense of unease grips Khimi at Gilbert’s words.

“Come to think of it…  I never heard of any acolyte from that order,” Lumi whispers to himself. “There were always acolytes at our temple from all different orders.”

Gilbert nods in recognition, “There are still those who pray to the gods of nature. But the order has all but disappeared. Others believe that the gods of nature have abandoned Talmus now that their chosen is silent.”

“How are we supposed to find someone like that?” Lumi grumbles, his tail flicking against the back of the chair in frustration. The coarse fur rubs against the velvet, creating an unsettling scratching sound.

“You’ll find a way,” Gilbert reassures him, reaching a comforting hand on the table. “It may take time, but you will find a way.” He pauses, glancing between Lumi and Khimi. “The last known sighting was hundreds of years ago in Arabella.”

“The elven sanctuary?” Khimi breathes in awe.

“Was,” Gilbert nods solemnly. “Many of the order were elves who lived in the surrounding area.”

Lumi bites his lip, “He can wait, we should go back and see Nina, Lilith, and Davani, then see if we can see any of the others along the way.”

“Hollgrehenn is not far. Winterholt is only days away,” Gilbert informs them with a nod of acknowledgment. “If you happen to be traveling through Loria, you may have luck encountering Kaeva and their wandering troupe. In Sho, there is the Heiwa Sanctuary and Dawn, where the Saint of Tranquility and Saint of Twilight reside. Though the Temple of Dawn has been renamed after the loss of its sister temple, Dusk in Dolmas. It is now known as the Moons’ Garden.  Then there is the Arcane Tower and Alter of Exalted in Scwartzvald. High above the Lorian Sea is Helios, home of the Saint of Storms, Lord of Chaos. And finally, you have Murkwood Temple hidden among the jungles of Dolmas. I advise caution when dealing with the Saint of Shadows, she is no friend to the Saint of Light and Fire.”

Khimi whispers in a low voice, “Where is Sephtis? I heard no one knew where he was.”

Gilbert’s lips curl into a snicker at the question, his deep chuckle echoing through the stillness of the library. “The Saint of Rites could be anywhere… he is rumored to have sired a hundred children. Perhaps that’s why he does not plant his roots in any one place for long,” he muses thoughtfully. “But even if I did know where to find Sephtis, I would choose to respect his wishes and leave him be. Though most of his travels are on this continent, I have been told.”

Lumi gazes off into the distance, his brow furrowed in deep thought before he suddenly bursts into laughter and leans forward. “Wait, so you won’t just let us go back through the waygates?” He asks incredulously.

“I could let you use the gates, but I believe your journey should be just that — a journey,” Gilbert offers with a knowing smirk. “But fear not, there may be other gates along your path that you can use.”

Rolling his eyes, Khimi scoffs, “So we can’t just go to Winterholt and then come back here to go to Sidi… or Loria even?” The frustration is evident in his tone as he crosses his arms over his chest.

“No, my dear Khimi. It must be a true journey,” Gilbert replies. “If I allowed you to travel through the gates, you’d never gain any strength or knowledge from your travels.”

Lumi folds his arms tightly across his chest, mimicking Khimi. He tucks them against himself as if trying to contain his emotions. “You’re trying to educate us at a time like this… ?” he questions with a warning tone, his eyebrows furrowing. “Time is precious, Gilbert,” he adds firmly. “Traveling across Talmus will take years… years! You could make it so much easier for us!”

But Khimi simply leans back in his seat. “We’ll be fine,” he says confidently. “You said you wanted the world to see, didn’t you?”

Lumi lets out a small whimper and leans further into Khimi. “Yeah,” he murmurs, hiding his face against Khimi’s chest. “But I just don’t want to see…”

“What? Me grow old?” Khimi teases playfully, ruffling Lumi’s hair. “Is having a few gray hairs going to be that repulsive?”

Lumi shakes his head vigorously. “No,” he mutters, peeking up at Khimi through his lashes. “I just like you the way you are now.”

“If it makes you feel any better, Ziad barely has any gray hair,” Khimi offers with a grin.

“I don’t want things to change,” Lumi pouts, directing his gaze at Gilbert now. “Gilbert, do we age… or change?”

Gilbert shakes his head solemnly. “Not unless we die,” he explains. “Our physical form remains unchanged for eternity once the gods have selected our role… but there is more to it than that. You will learn in due time.”

“Do I want to know?” Lumi questions quietly, still tucked against Khimi.

Gilbert sighs and closes his eyes, his grip tightens on the cane. “You’ll learn in time,” he repeats. “In either case, is there anything else you would ask of me?”

A sudden realization seems to dawn on Lumi as he exclaims, “Oh! Our friend…  his family is somewhere in the north. Do you know where they might be?”

Khimi snorts dismissively and leans forward, his voice barely above a whisper. “Can we ask anything…  like when will my father die?”

Gilbert raises an eyebrow at Khimi’s question before turning back to Lumi. “Which friend are you referring to? The canis?”

“Yes, Mido!” Lumi confirms eagerly, his tail brushing against the soft velvet behind him. “He was told that his family went north.”

“There aren’t many canis in the northern regions,” Gilbert states thoughtfully. “But it is possible they ended up in Wiltz. I can look into it further for you if you wish.” His gaze then turns to Khimi as he adds, “And as for Ziad…”

His voice grew tense and cautionary as he begins to speak. “Ziad is a dangerous man, shrouded in fate and consumed by pride and greed. People from all corners of the realm seek his influence, yet his days on Talmus are numbered, just like anyone else’s.”

“At least there is some comfort in knowing that he will die one day,” Khimi murmurs darkly, his fingers tightening into fists at his sides.

Past Lives

Khimi and Lumi tread lightly through the library, their path illuminated by flickering candles that cast dancing shadows on the ancient walls. A short dinner had been served to them, a nettle leaf tea with honey and an assortment of small plates. Crumpets, jams, salted butters with mixed spices from across Talmus. The flavors ignited tastes that Khimi did not even know that he had. The conversation with Gilbert stretched on for hours, spanning topics from the chosen to their travels and the challenges they had faced thus far. 

As they walk, the seemingly endless library stretches out before them, the candles continuing into infinity through the darkness. The only sound is the soft echo of their boots against the cold stone floor.

Lumi fidgets nervously with his fingers, keeping close enough to Khimi so that their sides brush against each other. “What did he mean about our souls dancing with fate?”

Khimi furrows his brows in thought before glancing back at Gilbert, checking their distance from him. “Do you know anything about past lives?”

“What’s that?”

“It’s not particularly important, but some people believe that souls who are unable or unwilling to move on to the afterlife are reborn into new bodies. It’s a form of reincarnation.”

“Like how I would be reborn as a lion in the beastlands?”

“Not quite. It’s a bit different… these souls wait until it’s time for them to be reborn. And then they start a new life in a new body.” Khimi pauses, selecting his words carefully. “Sometimes these souls have met each other before.”

“So we could have known each other before? Were you like Khimi Zeybek before?”

“I don’t think there was ever another Khimi Zeybek… I doubt we were the same people.”

“But still beastkin and half-beastkin?” Lumi questions thoughtfully. “Do you think I was ever anything else?”

“Like what… ?”

“I dunno, a dwarf? Would you still love me if I was a dwarf?”

After a brief pause, Khimi responds, “I have to think about that…”

Lumi gasps, clapping his hand over his mouth. “Really? I cou—”

“Lumi… no matter what body we inhabit, no matter which realm we find ourselves in, our souls will always recognize each other. Remember the first time we met?”

A fond smile spreads across Lumi’s face as he reminisces. “How could I forget?”

“That feeling we had… it was our souls reaching out for one another. That unexplainable longing and sense of belonging was fate guiding us towards each other.”

Lumi shakes his head, his aetherial eyes reflecting the soft glow of the candles. “Is it wrong to be excited about what our past lives could have been? To know how we may have lived before?”

“What kind of lives do you think we had?”

“Maybe I was a Lorian baker…” Lumi laughs to himself, “Maybe I was just another aslan.”

Khimi places a hand on Lumi’s shoulder. “Maybe I had horns, eh?”

Lumi raises his brow suggestively, “If you had horns, I’d have something to hold onto while you fuck me,” he whispers. “I am kinda jealous if your past self had horns.”

“You’d really want me to have horns?” Khimi questions, taking a step closer to Lumi, pushing their bodies together. His hand slides along the tunic. Twisting the fur-lined edge between his fingers. “I don’t think you would be able to hang on anyway,”  he adds while he reaches for Lumi’s soft ass.

“Past life Lumi would have held on like his life depended on it,” Lumi whispers, pushing himself more firmly against Khimi. “I wonder… if you had a fat bull cock too,” he teases, biting his lip. “You know, the flat head, thick, impossibly long.”

“You don’t like my cock?” Khimi questions. He smirks, grabbing hold of Lumi and pulling him up against himself.

Lumi brings his lips to Khimi’s neck, his tail brushes back and forth over Khimi’s hands. “I love your cock,” he whispers, pressing his lips against the skin.

Khimi tilts his head back, the sensation of Lumi’s lips resting over the pulse in his neck is enticing. He lets out a soft groan, “Do you think… you were always a tease?”

Lumi’s lips move against his flesh, soft, inviting. “Would you have it any other way?”

“I couldn’t imagine it any other way.”

Lumi leaves small marks in their wake as he sucks against the flesh. The rising arousal under Lumi’s tunic nods against Khimi’s waist.

It takes every bit of effort from Khimi not to toss Lumi onto the ground and have his way with him there. This place is a temple, he reminds himself, feeling along the soft contours of Lumi’s body. His heart drums in his chest while Lumi’s gnaws and bites continue to leave their mark upon his flesh.

Lumi tugs at the neckline of Khimi’s jacket, dragging the coarse tongue across his chest, lapping at it with a lust-filled need. “You’re so hard,” he whispers, glancing up with a taunting smile.

Khimi shakes his head, keeping his eye contact with Lumi. “We should eat and think about how to prepare for the trial.”

“How do you prepare for something you don’t know what it even is?” Lumi asks, a dumbfounded look on his face. He taps Khimi’s hands and gradually slides back onto the stone.

Khimi sighs, watching Lumi straighten his tunic. “I don’t know. But I assume it must be something to do with this,” he says, motioning to the vast library around them. “Why else would he have brought us here?”

“Probably because it’s quiet? What if it’s like one of those games where they ask you questions about one another… like do you know what Khimi’s favorite color is?” Lumi asks, excitedly continuing towards the door.

“Do you?”

“Duh,” Lumi says, rolling his eyes. “It’s blue, isn’t it?”

“Gold,” Khimi replies swiftly. “And yours is…”

Lumi narrows his brow at Khimi and motions to his choker for guidance. “Red… like a carnelian. But I like gold too, I like the way it shines.”

Khimi scoffs, “You enjoy the finer things, don’t you?”

“I do, but I don’t need ‘em! I really never expected to be living on some grand estate… I always just kind of expected I would eventually return to Dolmas. Then I was told I would meet you, so I kinda just held on, waitin’ for you to come and find me.”

Khimi grabs hold of Lumi’s tail, feeling the bony joints while they walk back to the entrance. “Sorry, it took me so long to find you.”

Eh, I wasn’t waiting that long… I just had to fight off all the other acolytes while I waited around for you. And, I had all sorts of fun dreams about you,” Lumi whispers thoughtfully. “Maybe those visions in my dreams of you… maybe those were the other you? The ones my soul remembered?”

“You think? Did any of them have horns?” Khimi taunts, placing his hand on the door and pulling it open for Lumi.

Lumi gives him a look of scorn before he walks through the door and into the circular chamber. They continue back across the bridge, the endless hallways, and stairwells until they arrive back outside their chamber commons. The door creaks open slowly, revealing Mido and Augustus fast asleep on the two high-backed chairs. The doors throughout the commons are all shut, the stained-glass casts a soft glow throughout the chamber, informing them of the late hour. They continue to their room, where Lumi quickly removes his boots and tucks himself beneath the comforts of the covers.

Tired from their lengthy conversation with the Saint of Truth, Khimi pushes himself between Lumi and the wall. Pulling the covers over himself, he nuzzles his face between Lumi’s ears. The strange warmth pulses off of Lumi in waves, filling him with a sense of comfort.

“No matter how we looked in our past lives… or other lives, Khimi,” Lumi begins softly. “What we have now. I think that this is where our story will be written. This is where we will have our happy end.”

“Maybe so,” Khimi whispers between Lumi’s ears, inhaling his scent. “I hope so.”

Lumi wriggles against Khimi, seeking closer contact between their bodies. “I know it is,” he insists, staring out through the dark stained-glass window. “I can feel it.”

Khimi scoffs at Lumi’s certainty, “Your confidence is admirable, but learning about our past lives only makes me uneasy.” His hand continues to roam over Lumi’s body, tracing the lines of his tunic before sliding further down to explore.

Huh? Why?” Lumi asks as Khimi pulls him tighter against himself.

Khimi’s hand glides along Lumi’s legs, and back up the length of his tunic. He pushes further, feeling along the lines of Lumi’s abdomen. “Because none of our other past lives have been able to find peace… so what if we can’t?” he questions, nipping on Lumi’s thick ear.

Lumi’s lilting voice turns eager and hopeful as he responds, “But this time we have an answer!” He places his hand on top of Khimi’s and guides it between his legs. “Gilbert gave us a solution,” he explains, gasping as Khimi’s fingers find their way to his arousal. “The gods have given us a solution.”

Khimi trails his fingers along Lumi’s shaft, eliciting soft whimpers from him. His thumb moves slowly, teasing the foreskin and allowing it to roll back into place. “This is what we want, right?”

The question lingers in his mind, a constant reminder of the dream that seemed to be slipping further away with each passing day. Returning to Rhaz with Lumi by his side, living out their days in bliss — it feels more like a distant fantasy now. The idea of waking up next to Lumi in their own home, knowing he could have him whenever and wherever he pleased, was slowly fading into a mere memory.

Without looking at Khimi, Lumi reaches behind him and skillfully undoes the belt of his trousers. His fingers move with ease as if they have done this countless times before. Khimi’s lips graze against the soft fur lining Lumi’s ears. “I always forget how quick your hands are,” Khimi whispers seductively. “If I didn’t know you were an acolyte, I would think you were a thief.”

Lumi scoffs playfully, “But this is what we both desire,” he whispers, “we want each other.” His voice taunts as he slides his hand beneath the waistband of Khimi’s trousers and presses against his hard length. “To feel each other… beyond this life, beyond our past selves… we were meant to be together,” he says, turning to meet Khimi’s eyes. “We always were.”

Lumi’s words are soft, but Khimi can sense the underlying lust and desire in them. He can’t resist any longer and turns Lumi to face him, their lips crashing together in a hungry kiss. The heat between their bodies rises, and Khimi’s hands roam desperately over Lumi’s body, wanting to touch every inch of him.

Their mouths move together as they explore each other, their bodies pressed tightly against one another. Khimi’s arousal is evident as he pulls at the waistband of his trousers, freeing his cock from its confines. It leaps up and brushes against Lumi’s legs, nestling against him and dripping precum along Lumi’s thighs.

Lumi understands what Khimi wants and lifts his leg over him, guiding his length between his own legs. They continue kissing fervently, unwilling to break away for even a moment. Lumi pushes harder against Khimi’s lips, his tongue seeking entrance into his mouth as if begging for more.

With one hand still tangled in Khimi’s hair, Lumi’s other hand runs along the length of Khimi’s shaft, teasing back the foreskin to reveal the glistening head. Precum drips from it, moistening Lumi’s entrance and adding to the intoxicating heat pulsing through his body.

Khimi is unable to resist any longer, and the urge to enter Lumi in one swift motion consumes him. Gripping the base of his cock, he tightens his grip, nudging it against Lumi with gentle thrusts of his hip. 

Lumi moans into Khimi’s mouth as he strokes him with increasing intensity. His boyish lilt makes Khimi crave him even more. “I want you,” Lumi murmurs softly between kisses. “I want to feel you inside,” he says with need in his voice. “Shaking, throbbing,” he adds breathlessly.

Khimi swallows before he brings his lips back over Lumi’s. His stubble brushes against the soft skin of Lumi’s cheek. “You’re a monster,” he breathes into Lumi’s mouth. “I am in love with a monster.”

Lumi’s tongue reaches out and pressing into Khimi’s mouth, “D-don’t call me a monster,” he whispers after his tongue flicks along Khimi’s.

Khimi brings his lips back down to Lumi’s neck, nipping at the soft flesh with gentle bites. A deep moan escapes Lumi’s lips as he arches his back, offering himself to Khimi. “Would you rather me call you kitten?” Khimi teases, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Lumi tilts his head back in pleasure, his hand still moving across Khimi’s girth, then guides the slick head against the warmth of his entrance. “Anything but monster,” he pleads, his voice filled with longing. “Other people call me monster… but not you.”

With a slow push of his hips, Khimi enters, feeling the intense heat of his insides surround him. Their lips brush together passionately, and all Khimi can do is whisper Lumi’s name like a prayer. The tight walls hug against him as Lumi pulls him in deeper, their bodies becoming one.

Lumi stares deeply, his eyes overflowing with emotion and joy that borders on tears. “We can stay like this,” he whispers softly, “I j-just like to feel you inside.”

“You don’t want me to come?” Khimi asks breathlessly, kissing along Lumi’s cheek and neck.

Lumi’s tail whips against Khimi’s thigh, the coarse hair brushing against him leaving a prickling sensation in its wake.

A playful smile tugs at the corners of Lumi’s lips. “Do you think you can leave your cock in me and not come?” Lumi teases, rubbing his leg against Khimi’s side. “I wanna feel you fill my insides,” Lumi purrs seductively, his eyes alight with lust.

Khimi leans his hip into Lumi, eliciting a low, guttural moan from him. The sound reverberates through Khimi’s entire being, filling him with want. He can feel the heat radiating off of Lumi’s body as he pushes his tunic further up his torso, exposing more of his smooth, tan skin. His fingers trace along Lumi’s spine. “The feeling,” he begins, his voice low with desire, “of being inside of you,” he breathes into Lumi’s ear. “It’s addictive, Lumi.”

Lumi whimpers, wanting to move his body in response. “You made me like this. You made me need you… y-your cock shaped my insides,” he gasps out between breaths, his arousal evident in the way his voice breaks. “Gods, Khimi. I was made for you.”

“I know,” Khimi murmurs, his own excitement building with each passing moment. With a skillful hand and gentle movements, he brings Lumi to the brink of ecstasy again and again. Every gentle movement is enough to bring a chorus of moans and gasps from Lumi’s lips. A small smile plays across Khimi’s features as he revels in the power he holds over the boy. “My greedy, little lion.”

Lumi brings an arm around Khimi, pressing their bodies closer together in an embrace, before capturing Khimi’s lips. They sit in blissful silence amidst the darkness, savoring the intimate connection they share as they bask in the soft light of the artificial moons. Time seems to stand still as the warmth radiates between their entwined forms.

“I just want you to imagine it,” Khimi murmurs against Lumi’s lips, his voice filled with longing. “Our return to Rhaz, the comforts of the estate surrounding us. The scent of the salty sea breeze as we lounge on the terrace, sipping Sidian wine and indulging in shisha. Our life would be easy, Lumi,” he promises, his voice filled with sincerity. “If you wanted to start a temple in Rhaz, you could do it. The Cerulean Star, as well as Revya himself, would gladly fund the endeavor.”

“You mean after our journey?” Lumi questions thoughtfully. “I’ll do anything you want after…”

Khimi sighs, his hands gripping Lumi’s hips as he guides him steadily back and forth along his length. “Years, that’s how long it will be,” he says with sincerity in his voice. “How many years before we get to settle down and sleep in the comforts of our own bed? This life… it is not easy, and the longer it goes on, the more you will miss home.”

“You are my home,” Lumi mutters, pressing a soft kiss to Khimi’s lips. “You already know that. No matter how long we are away from Rhaz, as long as we are together… I’ll be happy.”

 Khimi struggles to maintain his composure as Lumi’s body tightens on him. “L-Lumi,” he groans, his fingers digging into Lumi’s waist and leaning into him.

A moan escapes Lumi’s lips as Khimi pulls him onto his cock with his eager abandon. “As long as we’re together… we can do things like this,” Lumi whispers, placing another kiss at the corner of Khimi’s lips.

Desire courses through Khimi’s veins until he can no longer hold back, the intense pleasure building inside him finally reaches a breaking point. He moves on top of Lumi, gripping the backs of his knees and bending them forward to deepen their connection further. Though his trousers are still tangled around his knees, Khimi does not let it slow him down as he pushes himself inside Lumi. Lumi’s eyes roll back in his head, lost in the sensations of Khimi’s full size stretching him wide.

With each thrust, Lumi lets out soft whimpers of pleasure until finally, with a final heavy push, Khimi’s body slams against his with a loud slap. He stays still for a moment, their bodies melding together as he relishes the feeling of being buried deep. Then, unable to resist any longer, Khimi begins to move again, his hips rocking back and forth in a steady rhythm. Lumi’s mouth falls open in a silent cry of ecstasy as he writhes beneath Khimi, pure bliss etched across his face. The full weight of Khimi’s balls pumps within Lumi, his seed overflowing, dripping down onto Lumi’s tail.

“I knew you couldn’t resist,” Lumi gasps out between breaths, his eyes locked on Khimi’s.

A mischievous smile spreads across Khimi’s lips as he leans down to press his lips against Lumi’s neck. “As if I could ever resist you,” he whispers before releasing Lumi’s legs.

With a sudden burst of intensity, Khimi grips Lumi’s hips, pushing them back and forth beneath him. The sensation of Lumi’s body, hot and tight around him, is overwhelming; his seed works to ease his movements. As they move together, sweat coats their entwined bodies, and the bed creaks in protest.

“We can endure any j-journey,” Lumi whimpers, “A-as long as w-we’re together,” his voice breaking from the constant movements.

Khimi smirks, “F-fine,” he pants, his breath shaky as his lips meet Lumi’s once again.