Chapter XVI


Ennui’s senses are first met by the sensation of moisture gently caressing her face, rousing her from her slumber. In the darkness of the room, she takes in her surroundings with curious eyes. The rich scent of damp soil fills the air, and she notices clusters of mushrooms growing off the walls, their caps glistening in the dim light. Above her looms a cavernous ceiling, where thick roots stretch like hungry tendrils. She can see a faint glimmer of light coming from around a corner, beckoning to her. Her gaze then falls upon Lumi, his chest rising and falling in peaceful sleep, leaning against a stony column. She can’t help but think how he always seems to be tired. Her other companions are nowhere to be seen, but she knows they must be nearby. And if Khimi is injured, Ennui knows he would not be able to rest so easily.

There is a faint tingle coursing through her body, her knees feel weak, her body feels unusually heavy. Even the weight of her own horns is enough to make her feel as if she is about to topple onto her side. The dizziness does not subside, but she gradually forces herself to stand. The tips of her fingers feel as if they are on fire, she opens and closes her hands repeatedly, the numbness within them lingers. Each step she takes, a shooting pain travels through her, a sharp stab in her temples. Whatever magick the mage had used on her was far beyond the scope of what she had experienced in the past.

Ennui steps awkwardly forward through the darkness until she leans just over Lumi, her hand dips down and caresses the top of Lumi’s head combing through his blond locks. Something about his thick round ears is comforting to her, calming. The length of her tail sways behind her, and she begins to squeeze on Lumi’s ear. Lumi awakens with a gasp and claps his hand over his mouth.

Ennui steadily lowers herself to face him, the uncomfortable dress sweeps across the dirt floor. “What happened?” Her voice is cold and demanding.

“We fled,” Lumi whispers in response, “Lord Barrau is dead…”

Ennui’s brow raises at Lumi’s words, “The mage and the son?”

Lumi pushes himself up against the column and stands in front of her. Straightening his mess of hair, he continues, “Raul… is handless, and I don’t know what happened to Perri,” he admits, “it’s my fault. I hit him really hard, and he fell onto the stone… he didn’t get up, but I think he was still breathing.”

“Right… well, sometimes it’s best to check those things,” Ennui mutters under her breath, reminding herself of her past mistakes. “But the mage is still alive?” she asks, her brow suddenly pinching.

“He’s kind of alive,” Lumi whispers, looking up at Ennui with a severe expression. “Mido cut the mage’s hand off… and then he fell. But there was so much blood, I don’t know if he could have survived that.”

“Let’s hope at least. Mages are crafty, and I doubt that one would let something like this go… people like that, Lumi. It isn’t wise to allow them to stew in their anguish. It’s better to put them out of their misery before it consumes them,” she whispers, the effect of her words clear on Lumi’s face.

He looks down at his feet, then back up at her with a determined expression. “I-I don’t want to kill anyone if I can help it.”

Ennui’s face twists, “No, you’ll just let your gods do that,” her words are a piercing heat.

A shameful look comes across Lumi’s face, and he shifts his gaze to the wall past her. “What the gods do with my vessel… that is no–”

“Shut up, I don’t care,” she interrupts in a hurried whisper, “your gods can kill everyone and I wouldn’t give a fuck. Now where is Khimi?”

His face lightens at the mention of Khimi’s name. “He’s with the others, they made a fire down the way a bit. It isn’t as cold down here, and I said they should rest while I keep an eye on you.”

“Lotta good you did, falling asleep on me,” Ennui teases, focusing on the flames in the distance. “So we’re still under Riverwatch then?”

Lumi nods.

“Then we need to find a way out of this place, do the others have any ideas?” She questions, surveying the cavern.

The cavernous quarters seem endless, even with her heightened sense of vision, they seem to go on indefinitely. Carefully, she follows the contours of the wall; her body still stiff from the residual magick lingering within her. Rounding the corner, the others can be seen resting beside a small fire, cloth bundles with bits of food and other miscellaneous items surrounding them. Khimi sleeps with his hands folded over his abdomen, his feet dangerously close to the edge of the fire.  

Lumi whispers softly, “Khimi thinks that the cavern may lead outside of Riverwatch. Into the mountains.”

“Or lead us into the hells,” she whispers in response. “We need horses and supplies, there is still a long journey for us, and I would rather not freeze to death.” The length of her tail snaps behind her, her words tense with anger.

The snapping of her tail awakens the others. Mido and Augustus sit up suddenly, while Khimi peeks his eyes open and narrows them at Ennui. A hint of a smile forms on his lips, his bright teeth shine through his slow smile.

“Oh, good. You’re alive,” Khimi whispers groggily.

“Ennui!” Augustus exclaims, forcing himself from the comforts of his makeshift bedding and leaping toward her. Unable to evade him in her current state, she finds herself consumed in a heavy embrace. “You’re alive! You’ve been out forever!”

“I am, for now. But what matters is, making it out of Riverwatch alive.” Her head snaps in Khimi’s direction, “You, you know better than to stop moving when you’re being pursued.”

“We aren’t,” Khimi replies, “As far as we are aware, at least. Besides, do you have any idea how heavy you are? Augustus barely made it half an hour trying to carry you.”

“Why aren’t we being pursued, Khimi? You’re smart, think about it…”

A look of recognition crosses Lumi’s face, he turns on his heels and groans. “Because there is no way out!”

Mido rubs his eyes, blinking slowly at the group. “But this cave seems endless. Maybe… there is a way ou–”

“There isn’t,” she interrupts, her voice riddled with anger. “Have any of you considered the location? Do you remember what we saw when we were traveling through the pass?”

Khimi nods, “I do, but I wasn’t sure if this path would come up somewhere before the lake. And if it did… we would be in a better situation than if we had to fight through the entire guard of Riverwatch.”

“Hells,” Augustus mumbles while Ennui pries him off of herself. “I never thought I would get a chance to see Ennui in combat, but that wa–”

“Control yourself,” she groans, “I got my ass beat… by a mage,” she adds with disgust.

Gently, she positions herself opposite of Khimi and slides onto the dirt floor. With her back resting against the limestone wall. A trickle of water runs along beside her, coating the wall in a green lichen. The back of her horns tap against the stone, and she forces her eyes closed.

“It was beyond your control,” Khimi whispers with a sigh.

“Get some rest, we’ll figure it out,” she suggests, feeling the disappointment in herself.


Hours after awakening, Ennui reluctantly forces herself to eat a meager breakfast of day-old bread, tearing off chunks with her teeth. The others sit around her, passing around a nearly empty waterskin, each taking a small sip to quench their thirst. Lumi, ever resourceful, presses his hand against the cool limestone walls of the cavern, collecting droplets of water and bringing them to his parched lips. With a bit of their energy restored, Khimi leads them back into the cavernous cellar. The rough limestone walls give way to smooth, carved stone floors and walls adorned with intricate patterns. As they walk further, they come upon rows of casks filled with imported wines from various regions and years. Wooden racks lined with soil hold thousands of button mushrooms, their delicate caps peeking out from the dark earth. In a corner, a small wooden room houses racks covered in strips of dried meat, their smoky aroma filling the air and clinging to everything it touches. Ennui’s stomach growls at the sight and smell of food, urging her to encourage her companions to take what they can carry before continuing on their journey.

At the top of the stairs, with the others close on her heels, Ennui pushes the door open into one of the many hallways of the manor. The hinges creak open with a gentle screech. Up and down the stony hallway, Ennui finds no one. There are no guards waiting, no handless mage staring her down. Surprised, she takes a step out and investigates the length of it. Not a sound to be heard, everything is silent, uncomfortably so. They scurry down the hallway until they draw near the entrance to the courtyard. Her vivid recollection of directions helps her to remember the layout of the manor. During the first night, she made it a point to adventure down as many of these avenues and halls that she was allowed.

Just before they find themselves at one of the many gilded entrances to the courtyard, they stop. A song, sad and low drums through the door. The voice of the songstress rings out through the hallway, originating from the courtyard. Ennui tilts her head around the corner in order to peek through one of the heavy windows.

Surrounded by guards, and flanked by Raul and an elderly woman, Perri stands between them. The young lapine’s hands are clasped together in prayer. Before them, situated atop an unlit pyre, is the wrapped body of whom she assumes is Lord Barrau. Ennui grumbles under her breath and turns back to the others with a shake of her head. The courtyard would have been the quickest and most direct route outside the manor, yet now their quest to escape would lead them through rooms and untraveled terrain. Ennui grabs hold of her dress to stifle its movements and mute the sound of the fabric brushing together as she rushes past the doorway and further down the hallway. Somewhere at the end of the labyrinth of hallways, is a room with a low window which they could use to escape closer to the front gates.

Ennui’s eyes trace the ornate paintings that adorn the walls, each one rich in color and detail. She could not help but think of how she would love to take them if there was time. But her focus quickly shifts as they reach the end of the hall, where a pair of imposing doors stand before them. The dark wooden frame is hand-carved and painted with a warm yellow ochre hue. As Ennui’s fingertips graze the heavy looped knocker, she feels the weight of the door against her hand.

Beside her, Khimi pushes against the other door with a force that reveals his strong muscles beneath his tight woolen jacket. Slowly, the door creaks open, revealing a surprisingly comforting study. The walls on either side are lined from floor to ceiling with an impressive collection of tomes. Though Ennui can tell that some were missing, it is still a sight to behold. In the Desert Cities, only merchant princes or members of the Faith typically possessed such extensive amounts of knowledge.

Directly in front of them sits a large dark wooden desk, complete with a plush chair adorned with intricate filigree carvings and a cushioned back made of deep red velvet. Normally, Ennui would have taken a moment to appreciate the beauty of the chambers, but her urgency drives her to rush past the desk and straight to the window at the far end of the room.

The glass has an opaque quality to it, barely allowing any light to filter through. But Ennui can still make out the faint outlines of buildings and streets beyond it. She wonders how deep of a drop it would be to the other side. There are no hinges, or any method to open such a window, instead Ennui searches through the room for something to wrap her hand. The group, remaining completely silent, awaits her every move. With a click, Khimi securely shuts the door behind them as Lumi eagerly searches the room. Ennui’s gaze falls upon a pile of smaller garments and without hesitation, she clenches her fist and strikes it against the lowest window. The first impact sends a spider web of cracks racing up its surface, while the following two blows shatter it completely. Sharp shards cascade onto the stone floor and melt into the cold snow outside. Ennui can feel time ticking away, the risk of someone in the manor hearing their escape grows with each passing moment.

Determined, she tightens her grip and relentlessly pounds at the remaining glass until there is enough space for them to escape through. She turns to Khimi, assessing his mass before resuming her attack on the window. The drop doesn’t seem as daunting as she had initially thought, perhaps only resulting in a broken limb rather than death. They’ll be fine.

Mido surges behind her and peers over the edge, whispering frantically. “Ennui, how are we supposed to survive that?”

Ennui looks over the side with Mido, and purses her lips. Maybe they won’t. “It’s snowy at the bottom… maybe it’ll cushion your fall.”

Augustus’ narrows his eyes as he too looks over the edge, “I don’t think that’s how that works… and now there is glass everywhere.”

“Listen, this is one of the few ways out, unless you want to go and wish the dearly departed Lord Barrau a fond farewell?” she sasses, removing the cloth from her wrist, revealing a deep cut that oozes blood. Mido quickly takes her hand in his.

For a moment, Ennui hesitates, but then she remembers how Lumi praised Mido’s abilities. With a soft whisper in High Talman, he begins the incantation. A faint blue glow surrounds Ennui’s hand as the healing magic works its way through her wounds with a tender, cooling heat. The sensation is almost addictive, and a sense of calm settles in her chest.

“I’ll go first,” Lumi announces suddenly, shoving a few gold coins into his pockets from the nearby desk. “I am light… so I will land like a feather, right?”

Khimi’s face scrunches up in exasperation. “Lumi, for the love of – It doesn’t work like that.”

Mmm,” Lumi hums thoughtfully, seemingly unperturbed by Khimi’s skepticism. “Pretty sure it does, Khimi.”

Lumi wiggles between Ennui and Mido, peering down into the snow below. With an untold confidence, he pulls himself up onto the ledge, knocking the loose shards of glass down into the snow below. Khimi’s efforts to grab him are met with Ennui’s interference. With the grace of an oversized cat, Lumi begins to turn himself around and descend as far as he can go before dropping into the snow.

“It’s actually pretty far,” he whispers back up at Ennui. “It’ll be fine… I think.”

Khimi pushes past, and they all watch down the broken window while Lumi slides dangerously down the frozen wall. His fingernails catch on the edges of the stone while he scales his way down. Nearly halfway down, he leaps a distance into the thick snowy yard.

Ennui can see the pain clear on Khimi’s face while he searches frantically, waiting for Lumi to reappear from the dense snow. The feathery blond hair emerges from the field of pure white, Lumi’s face bears a massive grin. He trudges through the snow to the edge of the building and looks up, waving them down.

Augustus climbs into the window frame, his attempt to follow Lumi’s footsteps ends with a slip of his foot. In a panic, Mido calls out an incantation, the wind bursts up from the snow in a heavy stream, slowing Augustus’ descent.

“If you could have done that… why didn’t you do it from the start?” Ennui asks Mido, her eyes wide with wonder.

Mido looks down at Augustus and Lumi, “I didn’t think about it, I guess,” he confesses.

“Can you do the same with Khimi and I?” Ennui questions, her tail swaying behind her. “Augustus can’t be that light.”

Mido’s short tail wags behind him, squirming its way out from beneath his jacket. “I think I can, but I don’t want to make any promises… what if som–”

“We’ll be fine,” Khimi says, pushing himself through the broken window. His body is nearly unable to fit through the broken pane. The soles of his boots slide against the icy surface, and he looks down anxiously, while he attempts to slide down.

With a bit more caution in his tone, Mido whispers the incantation, the wind pushes along the wall while Khimi slides down the wall and into the snow. Lumi rushes to greet him, grabbing his hand, then trudging through the snow towards the iron fence.

Mido’s gaze drops to the ground, assessing the sheer drop before them. With a determined nod, he begins to carefully navigate his way down, using the jutting stones along the side as footholds. Ennui follows suit, her hands scraping against the rough surface as she slides down. Halfway from the top, Ennui takes a daring leap and lands with a heavy thud into the snow below. A sharp pain shoots through her side, but it quickly fades as she stands up and surveys their surroundings. The storm has left its mark on everything in sight —  a thick blanket of snow covers every surface, from the rooftops of distant buildings to even the stone walls of Riverwatch itself. Its once imposing structure now blends seamlessly into the wintry landscape. Mido gracefully finishes his descent, his body sinking deep into the untouched snow.

They rush towards the imposing iron fence that surrounds the grand manor, their breaths coming out in white puffs in the chilly air. Lumi deftly navigates through the narrow gaps between the bars, his lithe body slipping through without much difficulty. The others, however, are not as successful with their attempts. Ennui and Khimi struggle to help Augustus and Mido over the top, their hands gripping onto their trembling bodies for support. Finally, Khimi manages to hoist himself up and over the frozen steel, his jacket catching on a sharp edge and tearing through the fine wool fabric. With a loud clang, Ennui pushes against him from behind, urging him to hurry and make it over before they’re caught. His boots slip and clash against the unforgiving metal

Ennui anxiously peers about, scouring the landscape for guards. The cold metal of the fence is numbing against her hands. At the top of the structure, straddling the fence, she peers out over the distance, taking in the view of Riverwatch. There, nestled among many of the other buildings, is what looks to be a barn. She knows if there is any chance to escape Riverwatch, they will need horses.

They make their way through the frigid fortress, trudging through knee-high snowdrifts without pause until they reach the old barn. The stench of manure and hay assaults her nostrils as she leans against the rough wooden wall. With a sharp thrust, she wedges a knife into the gap between the doors and forces the makeshift lock open. Inside, the warmth of the barn envelops them like a loving embrace. A brazier crackles in the center, its fire dwindling to a soft glow. Horses whinny at their entrance, while chickens perched among the rafters cluck disapprovingly at the disturbance. Ennui and Khimi set to work preparing for their journey, moving efficiently in the dim light of the barn. Ennui tends to three massive draft horses, struggling to control them as they tower over her frame. She wonders if they will be able to handle such powerful beasts on their journey ahead.

Augustus and Ennui work together to secure the few precious possessions they have left, tying them down with frayed ropes. Lumi fills sacks with feed for the horses, carefully measuring out every bit of grain and seed. Mido stands by the door, his blue lips trembling in the cold air. The makeshift door behind him groans on its hinges, announcing the arrival of a new visitor. A young lapine girl appears in the doorway, her small frame bundled up in layers of furs. In her hands, she holds a woven wicker basket filled with eggs. As the wind howls behind her, whipping strands of blonde hair into her face, her wide-eyed surprise is evident. Mido’s hand slowly raises to his lips, gesturing for the girl to keep quiet.

The wicker basket falls from her grasp, its contents bursting out and rolling across the soft soil. The eggs crack open, their rich yellow yolks oozing out and staining the damp earth. She turns to run, Mido reaches out to grab her.

“Let her go!” Ennui shouts through the barn, her voice is sharp, demanding. Everyone turns to Ennui while she forces the bridle onto the horse. “We just need to move quicker.”

The others remain silent, but she receives several nods in agreement.

With a creak and a groan, the old barn doors swing open under Khimi’s steady hand. The scent of hay and leather wafts through the air as they lead the horses out into the snowy streets. The silence is deafening, broken only by the soft crunch of their boots in the fresh snow. The tracks left behind by the girl are like breadcrumbs leading straight to them. It would not be long until the guards arrived.

Ennui gracefully mounts her horse, her long legs easily swinging over its sturdy back. She can not help but notice the difference in size between this majestic creature and the smaller horses and camels she is used to riding. Its heavy hooves sink into the snow with each step, Augustus and Khimi close behind with the other two horses in tow. As they make their way through town, Ennui can not shake off the feeling that they are being watched, increasing her sense of urgency to make it outside the citadel.

The path to the gates is clear, the town remains uncomfortably quiet. The silence creeps upon her like a fog. Where there had been dozens of guards in the gatehouse when they arrived, there is now no one. The emptiness of it all feels impossible. This is a trick. Khimi, seemingly understanding her concern, whips back around to look at the manor. A single plume of smoke rises from the courtyard. Perhaps they’re all in attendance for their lord’s funeral.

“Ennui,” Khimi mutters softly, his hands tight on the reins. The much too small leather gloves adorning his hands squeal with the intensity of his grip. “Where is everyone?”

Ennui shakes her head nervously, “We didn’t see that many when we arrived.”

“We came at night though,” Lumi whispers back as the horses approach the gatehouse. He pushes back against Khimi, “I think… maybe they’re all at the manor.”

“Maybe,” Ennui replies, a quick nod of agreement before she urges the horse forward.

The gatehouse sits in eerie silence, the brazier inside dark and cold. The once-lit torches that had guided their entry through the stormy night were now extinguished, leaving no trace of recent travelers. Khimi dismounts his horse onto the thick layer of snow on the ground, leading his steed by the bridle towards the smaller gates. Just as he reaches them, a distant bell begins to toll. CLANG. The sound echoes through the frigid air, growing more urgent with each ring. CLANG. CLANG.

“We need to go,” Augustus says, turning back to look at the looming manor behind them. “That could be a funeral bell… or a warning that we were discovered. And I would rather not place bets on which one it is.”

Khimi strains against the heavy wooden beam barricading the gate, his face contorts in effort. With Ennui’s help, they manage to push it aside and open the gates wide.

Before them stretches an endless expanse of pure white, broken only by the jagged peaks of mountains and snow-dusted trees as far as the eye could see. The freezing wind whips at their faces, numbing their cheeks within moments of exposure.