Chapter II

The Lighthouse

Waves crash violently against the jagged rocks below. The salty spray shoots up in front of Mido’s face as he looks into the distant east. A mist of salty seawater licks his cheek. This was supposed to be an easy journey! He feels a sense of hopelessness as thunder cracks in the distant clouds, an impending storm approaching. The small book in his hand is damp, but its pages are largely untouched due to an enchantment that had been placed upon it before it came into his care. Somewhere in the Lorian sea, his shotel rests among the sand and corals along the bottom of the dark depths. 

Some distance to the northwest, a stony lighthouse burns a bright flame across the evening sky. Mido wishes he could reach out to the others, but he has a feeling that the gods would not allow Lumi to perish so easily. Over the rocky cliffs, a body from the wreckage bashes against the rocks with each swell. There is no telling who it is, but he is confident that it is not Augustus or Lumi. Mido slides from the lichen-coated rock, his sarouel covered with grime and sand. 

 The path down to the edge of the water is merciless, step by step Mido descends across the wet rocks until he finds himself close enough to get a better look at the corpse. It is the captain, Hugo. His body appears bloated and pale. The lightning strike which took the captain’s life runs over in his mind. It had struck with such a ferocity that Mido thought at that moment that his life had ended as well. Mido’s brow pinches as he considers bringing the captain to land to search his body for anything of use. He releases an audible groan as he descends the rocky path and into the small inlet. He places the small book upon a stone and removes his tattered shirt. Already drenched, Mido does not mind wading through the shallows and swimming to the bloated body. With all of his strength, he pulls the captain back to the sandy shore from the rocks. He pants as he stands above the hefty man. Alright, what’ve you got, Captain?

As Mido stares at the dead man, he feels a sense of guilt for his actions. He drops to his knees and begins to scavenge through the captain’s clothes. Keys, a dagger, and a few silver pieces are all he finds after he scours the captain’s body. With careful consideration, he begins to unlace the captain’s boots and pulls them from his form. A faint clink brings a smile to Mido’s face. Five Lorian gold pieces slide into his palm from the bottom of the boot. 

Mido stands above the captain and looks down with soft eyes. “I am sorry that this happened to you… for what it’s worth I will say a prayer for your soul and offer your body a blessing.” 

Mido recovers the small tome from the stone and gathers his belongings on the beach. Lorian evergreens grow along the end of the beach and up the rocky walls of the island. The heavy winds blow the tops of the trees back as Mido begins to recite his prayer. Maybe the gods of chaos are opposed to his final rites? Mido continues anyway, his prayer echoes over the beach as he kneels before the captain, his hand resting atop Hugo’s head. 

As he finishes, he holds his head up to the sky, the dark clouds swirl ominously. The gods are furious. What did you do to inspire such rage? As he finishes his thought, lightning blooms through the sky, a stray bolt strikes the conifer behind him, bark and wooden splinters burst across the beach. Mido yelps as he stands and looks up to the dark skies. 

Mido backs away from Hugo in a panic, “Lords of chaos… this man will bother you no more. His soul has passed beyond this realm,” he whispers under his breath. 

    A thunderous boom sounds out across the sky, and Mido’s vision is clouded by a screen of white. Once his vision clears, a woman stands before him, a vivid silken blouse adorns her small form. The bright yellow of her blouse contrasts to the gloomy skies, dark boots are laced up to her thigh with white fur showing along the lining. In her hand is a lengthy, curved sword, a tassel hangs from the end of the hilt. Mido looks up into her eyes. Dark purple pools akin to the raging storm along the horizon are set against the soft girlish features. 

“I-I–” Mido stammers, watching the woman approach Hugo’s body. “Wh-who?” 

“Ruth,” She mutters as she sweeps her dark locks over her shoulder. Her fingertips edge along the hilt of her saber as she steps beside Hugo’s body. 

Mido, suddenly aware of his near nakedness, pulls his trousers further up his waist. “Why’re you here? Who’re you?” He asks, his stubby tail wags behind him quickly. 

“I’m Ruth,” she says again, blinking slowly at Mido as she raises the point of her sword to him. “Don’t get in my way.” 

Mido staggers backward. “He’s already dead…”

Ruth tilts her head from side to side as if in thought. “So he is,” she says with a sigh as she looks down at the dead captain. “Well, Zephyr will want proof,” she adds, her faint smile twists into a terrifying grin that flashes through her eyes. 

Mido whimpers as she raises her blade above her head. Thunder rumbles, and lightning cracks through the sky. A stream of red adorns Ruth’s silken blouse. She pulls the saber back and brings it down a second time. The squelch and snapping of sinew and bones cause Mido’s stomach to churn. Ruth’s expression does not change, the horrifying smile on her lips remains with each stroke of her blade.

The blade is finally still and Ruth squats beside her work, her fingers running over Hugo’s bald head as if to reassure him. Mido’s sensitive ears hear the words she whispers to the man’s detached head as she lifts it before her. 

“How’s your hubris serving you now?” Ruth whispers to Hugo’s head with a smile on her lips. She sheathes her sword and tucks the bloody head under her arm. “Well then,” she begins between pursed lips. “Here’s a warning for you… from one follower of the gods to another. Next time you board a ship, make sure the captain isn’t a swine who mocks the might of the gods.” 

Mido’s mouth remains ajar, unsure of what to say. “R-Right,” he stammers, turning away from the bloody vision before him. 

Ruth adjusts the head under her arm, the blood soaking into her blouse. She pays no mind to her sullied blouse but stands before Mido, rolling her eyes. “You’re only alive because our gods allowed it. Be thankful you still have your life.” 

“What of the others?!” Mido questions without thinking. “Did they survive?” 

Ruth’s lips twitch at the question. “I don’t know,” she mutters before she looks up into the dark skies. “But if our gods wanted you dead, you would be,” she adds, giving Hugo’s head another pat. 

“C-can you bring me to the mainland?” Mido pleads, gripping the small tome desperately in his hands. 

“No,” Ruth groans, “one day you’ll learn how to harness the gifts the gods have to offer… until then you just need to keep learning,” she says, turning away from Mido. “Anyway…”

“Wa-wait!” Mido calls, his words unable to reach Ruth before another thunderous boom. As Mido opens his eyes, she is nowhere to be seen. “Gods!” 

Disturbed by the events that had just transpired, Mido grabs his belongings and rushes up the lichen-covered stones. He slips and falls over the stones as he climbs, his tanned body becomes covered in grime and lichen in his haste. Running through the conifers, he makes his way towards the lighthouse in the distance, running as quickly as his feet can carry him. Augustus, you better be okay!

The ground slopes upwards, the stones jut out through the tall grass, and the path to the lighthouse is barely visible. Mido had seen the cruelties of the Desert Cities, he had seen Eustes deliver fatal blows to mercenaries. But never had he seen any member of the Faith perform such a ruthless act. She said she was an acolyte… but what kind of acolyte would do such a thing? 

Mido’s ears twitch at the rustling in the nearby brush. He brings the dagger before him, holding it in both hands as if to defend himself. A red fox bursts through the bushes, and Mido grabs his chest in panic while the creature scurries past him. The winds whip over the hill, bending back the conifers in a flurry of sharp winds. Mido shields his eyes from the sand and dust blowing towards him as he continues to the stony lighthouse. The remaining evening light begins to fade, and the darkness from the clouds consumes the skies. 

Approaching the lighthouse, dozens of shacks and lean-tos remain empty and derelict. A shiver runs down Mido’s spine as he walks past several collapsed buildings. The area appears to have been a town many years ago. The builds since have been worn and are riddled with rot. The stones around the area are covered with thick lichen, and the grass grows well past his waist on the sides of the path. Who is keeping up with the lighthouse? He wonders to himself as he presses onward. 

At the edge of the town, Mido peers up at the hulking structure. Near the cliffside, the lighthouse rises several stories high, the bright orange glow at the top casts a light across the darkness. Rain begins to patter against the dirt around them and Mido rushes to the wooden entry of the stony lighthouse. He tests the door, tugging and pushing with all of his might. His fists bash against the wood, desperate to flee from the rain and encroaching weather. The winds howl behind him, screeching and sucking as the pine needles rustle. The door creaks open with a steady groan, a soft yellow glow lights the area around Mido. A figure stands before him in an oiled leather cloak, a small tarred hat barely fits his head. Though Mido can barely make out his features, he does not hesitate to force his way into the open doorway. 

The circular room is smaller than Mido thought it would be. Closed wooden crates are stacked along the base of the stairwell, and several racks about the room have dried bits of meat and fish hanging. A sack of flour sits on a high shelf, leaking small pits of the powdery substance as the draft blows through the door. Mice squeak and rush about the room, disturbed by the sudden guests. The figure turns to Mido with an oil lantern in his hand, his bushy bray beard obscures the majority of his features. The shadow from his hat hoods his eyes from Mido.

“Thank you,” Mido says after a moment, standing shirtless and awkward before the elderly man. His ears fold down as he continues, “I-I don’t have much to offer you in exchange, but thank you for letting me in.”  

The man groggily rubs his face and shoulders past Mido, slinking up the stairs with a crooked limp. Mido waits before the man reaches the next floor before he follows up the stairs, his stubby tail wags behind him while he follows behind, his eyes peeking around the corner. The second floor is sparse, with only a small stony hearth and a desk on the opposite side of the room, a set of stairs opposite the room continue upwards. The fire in the hearth is down to its embers, but Mido rushes to warm himself against the stone. The stone around the hearth is warm, the heat emanates through Mido as he pushes his body against the masonry to warm himself. 

The elderly man flashes a brisk yet disturbing smile and places his hand on the railing to the third floor. “Yer of the Faith?” He asks, nodding at the small tome at the foot of the hearth. 

Mido pushes his cheek against the edge of the hearth, “Y-Yeah, from the Temple of Life in Rhaz,” he stammers as he closes his eyes. 

The man clicks his tongue and continues up the stairs, “There is a ferry that comes to the island once every few weeks… it’ll be a while, but ya may be in luck. They should be comin’ in the next few days to bring supplies.” 

Mido sits in front of the fire on the stony floor. The warmth permeates his body as he brings his toes just before the embers. “Have you seen anyone else?” Mido questions, giving the man soft eyes. 

“This morning… a body washed up on the shore as I was doin’ my walks about the island. A naked man, dark skin, fairly well-built,” He says as he leans on the railing and leaves his lantern on the stairs. 

“D-Dark skin? Did he have black hair and scars? Was there anyone else?!” Mido chatters, his mouth ajar as he stands to his feet. “Are you certain?” 

The man hums thoughtfully and clicks his tongue, “I didn’t look him over that well. But he was pretty banged up from the storm.” 

Mido covers his face as he leans forward, “Is the body still out there… ? I need to see if it’s someone I know.” 

“I pulled it up along the wood line, it’ll be covered in crabs and scavengers by this point… but I am sure the remains will mostly be there in the mornin’. How bout I bring ya down some beddin’, and I’ll walk ya there tomorrow?” 

Mido sighs and nods to the man. “T-thank you for your kindness… might I have your name?” 

“Rufus… and yer name, canis?” 

Mido quickly gives his name and looks down at his feet. “Are you sure there hasn’t been anyone else on the island?” 

Rufus shakes his head and takes the ring of the oil lantern back in his hand. “No one yet, yer the first… though if ya were on a passenger vessel, we’ll be expectin’ many bloaters.” 

“It wasn’t a large ship…” Mido whispers. He takes a piece of wood from the copper bin at the side of the hearth, tossing it into the fire. The embers spark and after a moment the fire sizzles to life along the fibrous edges of the wood. 

Rufus nods and turns up the stairs, “I’ll leave ya to yer thoughts, Mido. I’ll bring down something fer ya to sleep on.” 

Mido places his wet shirt above the hearth, allowing it to dry over the rising heat. He prays for his friend and the remaining members of the crew, but Rufus’ words leave him feeling doubtful of everyone’s survival. Within moments of them hitting the water, the surge had pulled and ripped at him until he could no longer hold onto Augustus. The last time he had seen Augustus was as they both surfaced before a swell rolled over them both. 

Rufus returns a while later with a bundle of fur-lined blankets, spreading them out over the stony ground in front of the hearth. Rufus leaves in silence as Mido begins to curl up over the blankets, his eyes still trained on the fires in the hearth. Maybe I can try it… maybe I can communicate with them like Lumi. Mido releases an angry snarl and grabs the small tome, laying on his stomach and warming his feet on the hearth as he scours the pages. Despite all the symbols, sigils, and arcane miscellany, he is unable to find anything of use. He slams the book closed with a loud thud, the metallic cover clangs on the ground.

Mido pulls the blanket over his eyes, waiting for sleep to take him. Hour after hour passes, and he rolls from side to side, his thoughts and concerns for Augustus grow by the moment. Unable to sleep, he grabs his shirt and sets off barefoot down the stairs. He wishes he had his boots and the jacket he wore on the ship as he pushes the wooden bar open on the door to the lighthouse. The air is frigid, the rain licks against his face. Mido nearly regrets his decision until he remembers Augustus’ promise. Augustus promised to protect me… he took an oath.

The rain does not bother him as he rushes through the dilapidated town, he calls out Augustus’ name at the top of his lungs, noting Rufus’ lantern illuminates through the window of the lighthouse. He calls Augustus’ name again as he runs, his bare feet smashing through the puddles and muck. Even through the frigid air of the storm, he presses on while lightning blooms in the clouds like a hand reaching across the island. Somewhere, somewhere nearby, he can feel him. Their bond should have been strong enough for him to locate Augustus. There had been stories at the temple that when a guardian bound to a sacred oath dies, it could be felt. Mido clenches at his chest as the rain drenches through his linen. Am I so weak… that I can’t even feel our bond? Augustus can hardly use magick… because of how weak I am.

A pulse of emotions wells within him. That moment he had remembered time and time again in his mind. ‘I love you, Auggie.’ The words he had spoken in his youth to Augustus beneath an ancient oak. Even though he had not understood the sincerity of his words then, he had lived every moment of his life knowing that Augustus always owned his heart. Mido’s fingers grasp at his tan flesh, scratching himself as his heart pounds. He hangs his head as tears roll down his cheeks and join the dripping rain. Ever since that moment, he had sought the affections of others to drown his affinity for Augustus. Yet, he had never succeeded in abandoning the love he felt for him.

Mido rushes for the beach where Hugo had washed up. He slips and stumbles down the wet rocks and manages to fall between them and into the sand. His voice cracks as he screams Augustus’ name across the beach. The waves had thrown Hugo’s body further up the shore, he pauses as he looks at Hugo one last time as anger begins to fill him. 

“This is all your fault!” Mido shouts at the headless captain. “Why couldn’t you just do your job?!” 

The body remains still as crabs scurry across the top and pick at the meaty tendrils hanging from his severed neck. 

“Yo-You aren’t worthy of my prayers!” Mido cries into his palms. “You got everyone killed… you BASTARD!” He shouts, his voice breaking at the intensity of his words. He tries to regain a sense of calm, but it does not come. “W-Why couldn’t you just…” His voice trails as he turns his back on the headless captain and continues down the beach. 

Mido wonders where along the coast Rufus had put the man’s body and, as if responding to his own question, he stumbles upon the body pulled beneath a conifer along the wood line. Just as Rufus had said, the man is covered from head to toe in crabs. Mido stumbles forward, noticing immediately that this man is not Khimi. With a sigh of relief, he approaches the man and closes his eyelids before continuing his search along the coastline. The cold air bites at him as the water prunes his toes. He wishes that he could perform the spells he had seen more experienced clerics and acolytes perform. He can not help wondering if his Faith is not strong enough to draw the eyes of the gods to him. 

The waves crash against the shore, settling after the tumultuous storm passes overhead. Mido can only tell that it must have been a few hours after midnight based on the night sky as he walks along the beaten shoreline. Wooden planks and miscellaneous objects wash up on the sand. Hour after hour, he scours the coastline. Along the wood line, something sticks out from the surroundings, a break in the typical browns, tans, and greens of the coastline. Mido runs as fast as his legs can carry him, his feet kick up sand behind him as he stands over Augustus. 

Augustus,” Mido whispers, his hands trembling as he kneels beside him. 

Immediately, Mido notices Augustus’ faint breathing as he rolls him onto his back. He brushes his thumb along the freckles of Augustus’ nasal bridge and checks his breathing before he feels along his body. His fingers and toes feel cold to the touch, yet a slight warmth remains about his chest. He’s freezing to death…  

“Gods help me,” Mido whispers under his breath as he pulls Augustus between his knees and curls his body over him. He desperately wishes Lumi or Khimi were here, either of them could start a flame instantly. “Augustus…”

Mido strokes his fingers through Augustus’ light ginger locks. He does not know how to start a fire, and he is too weak to carry him back across the island and to the lighthouse. He urges Augustus’ back against his chest and embraces him, allowing the bits of warmth radiating from his body to warm Augustus. Quietly, he offers prayers to the gods, begging for warmth to save Augustus. His hands move along Augustus’ side and feel along his muscular thighs. His thumb brushes over something jutting from his leg. Forcing his head to the side, he sees the object, a broken piece of coral is embedded within his thigh. I… can heal that at least. 

His fingers move along Augustus’, working back and forth and rubbing them to help them stay warm. His eyes scan the area for anything to help him, anything to help him make a fire. The early morning hours come and the sun’s first rays begin to show on the gray horizon. Mido prays he can hold onto Augustus until Rufus shows If Rufus shows. Augustus’ breathing grows weaker, a sudden rasp in the back of his throat. Realization crosses Mido’s face, he’s drowning. He turns Augustus on his side and begins to slap against his back, trying to force the water from his lungs. Augustus chokes, foam pink water purges from his mouth. 

“Augustus,” Mido cries, holding onto him tight. 

    Augustus continues to choke, releasing seawater from his lungs. The color in his lips returns to a pinkish hue, and Mido clings even harder to him. 

“Stay still,” Mido whispers, “I’ll keep you warm,” 

Augustus’ eyes find Mido’s and a smile forms on his lips, “Y-you’re a-alive,” he mutters between clattering teeth. 

Mido lets out a sob of relief, pushing his cheek into Augustus’ hair, “I’m supposed to say that.” 


Rufus sits near the hearth, the wooden stool beneath him creaks as he leans forward with two wooden bowls. Augustus and Mido gratefully accept the bowls before Rufus ladles the thick porridge into their bowls. Augustus’ skin is still pale and off-color from his normal pink complexion. He wipes the snot dripping from his nose as he says his thanks in a nasally voice. Mido cannot help but smile as the fire warms him with Augustus at his side. 

Augustus wiggles his stiff toes and stretches forward to curl them. He blows over the porridge and grumbles a curse. “I wonder if anyone else survived…” 

“Ya both managed to make it through,” Rufus says as he pours himself a heaping bowl of the sloppy liquid. “Quite an achievement if ya ask me… maybe yer friends had some luck on their side too.”

Mido places his hand on Augustus’ shoulder and smiles, “Let’s just be thankful… thankful that we managed to survive, alright?” 

“Yer friend is right, anything else is a blessin’,” Rufus mumbles as he brings a heaping spoonful before his lips. “And… maybe when you get to Hermon’s Well, ya might just find yer friends. The ferry goes to a crossroads town, then across an inlet to Hermon’s Well. If yer friends are headin’ north, they’d be there.” 

“Why not Cochon?” Mido asks quietly as Augustus sips the porridge. 

Rufus smiles and shakes his head, “From the rumors I’ve heard from the ferrymen? Ya don’t wanna go to Cochon right now… things haven’t been quite right there. The consul that Loria had placed to keep things quaint in Cochon went missing… and there have been disappearances among other occurrences.” 

Augustus chokes on the porridge and offers Rufus a smile, “Well, we were supposed to go to Cochon, so we’ll make our way there,” he says, glancing at Mido with a wink. “We’ll be alright… we always manage, isn’t that right?”

“Barely,” Mido croaks as he looks down into his porridge. “Before this… it was just a goblin and some bandits.” 

Rufus hangs his head and chokes back a laugh, “When I served on the Lorian vessel, Alexandria, I didn’t see a single day of combat… then I was asked to protect a wagon to the capital from one of the ports. Goblins, bandits, wolves, witches. All manner of monsters comin’ out the woodwork. My point is, no matter what yer preparin’ fer, ya never know what is gonna be next.” 

Augustus blows over the steaming porridge on his spoon. “Well, hopefully, things won’t be too difficult after this… we’ll go to Hermon’s Well and find our friends, then we’ll be set straight from there.” 

“Is there anything… we can do to repay you, Rufus?” Mido asks with an almost giddy smirk. 

“Oh, I don’t need you boys to do anything for me… ya can run some errands. Maybe fetch some water from the well or make sure the beacon stays lit while I get a bit of shut-eye. I haven’t got any sleep since ya ran off in the middle of the night like a hound outta the hells,” Rufus says with a smile at the two. “So… are ya together?” 

Mido chokes on his scalding porridge as he looks up at Rufus, “N-No,” he croaks. They had been asked a few hundred times since their early teenage years. Mido had always worried that it would upset Augustus, but he had never seemed bothered. “We’re like brothers…”

Augustus raises his eyebrow at Mido and smirks, “I guess he’s like my brother. We’ve been close since we were kids.” 

Anyway!” Mido announces hastily, “You really saved our lives here, Rufus… without you, I don’t think either of us would have made it.” 

“Certainly nursed me back to health,” Augustus says, giving a comforting smile. 

Rufus finishes his porridge and fills another bowl. “It’s nice to have company… and I am glad to be able to offer a bit of help to those in need. I am a follower of the Faith, so it would be hard to turn away one of their members,” he says as he pulls out a circular talisman from under his shirt. 

Augustus chuckles as he reaches for his own necklace. Realization crosses his face as his fingers run over his chest. “I guess I’ll have to get a new one.” 

Mido hides a bashful smile as he looks up at Augustus, “It’ll be something to look for when we get to Hermon’s Well.” 

Augustus hangs his head, his strawberry locks obscuring his eyes. “Dad is going to kill me… that was blessed by the last Saint of Flames.” 

Oh,” Rufus sounds as he begins to stand with his bowl of porridge. “Yer not gonna be able to replace that in this lifetime,” he whistles, giving them both a nod before he begins his ascent up the stairs. 

Augustus raises his bowl to Rufus, “Thanks again, Rufus,” he says with an air of gratitude. 

Rufus gives a nod of recognition before he leaves the two in the silence of the room. The door shuts to Rufus’ room and Mido stands in front of the hearth with a blanket over his shoulders. Augustus’ fingers continued to twirl about the spot where his necklace had been. 

“Sorry,” Mido murmurs as he turns away from the hearth, “I’m sor–”

“What?” Augustus chuckles under his breath and sets the bowl down between his legs. “You’re joking, right? Mido… you saved my life.” 

Mido’s tail wags behind him, “I wish I could have saved your necklace or something at least,” he whispers while he wrings his fingers anxiously. “All I could do was heal the wound on your leg… you did the rest.” 

“Shut up,” Augustus snorts as he forces himself to stand. In his wrapped loincloth, he opens his arms and embraces Mido, engulfing him in a comforting embrace. “You did everything you could… like always.” 

“I’ll become stronger,” Mido whispers against Augustus’ shoulder as they embrace. “I promise.” 

Augustus pushes him back and claps his shoulder, “You’re stronger than you know… but now we need to focus on what’s next.”