Chapter III


Lumi crosses his legs over one another, waiting for the arrival of Saint Nina and Head Priestess  Lilith. A firm hand on his shoulder shakes him to let him know that everything will be alright. As much as he wants to smile, he finds himself unable. He turns back to Khimi, his stomach still twisting into knots, an uncomfortable anxiousness lingers. One of the servants stands beside the door, her eyes flicker about the room to avoid staring. Lumi does not like embarrassing Khimi in front of others on purpose, but he cherishes the attention Khimi has slowly offered him in public.

The serving girl averts her eyes, Lumi brings his lips against Khimi’s, their lips part and close while Lumi places his hands on Khimi’s cheeks. His fingers brush through Khimi’s trimmed beard, their lips moving together in a sudden urgency. Lumi pulls himself back, uncomfortably aware of his building desire. He growls at himself in anger. Khimi had a way of bringing out his desire. All it takes is a smirk, glance, or even a gentle touch, and he would find himself filled with lust.

Khimi’s hand moves along Lumi’s side and up the fabric covering his stomach. It is a strange sensation for Lumi to be wearing an outfit that covered so much of his skin. He pulls at the linen shirt, and pushes Khimi’s hand away, while one of the servants at the door approaches them and motions for Lumi to raise his arms. With his arms raised, he hangs his head and the woman tugs at the fabric, tucking the shirt back inside his trousers. Khimi snickers to himself while he watches the spectacle.

The grand elderwood doors burst open, revealing a curious and slender figure followed by a group of women. Lumi’s eyes widen in surprise as he takes in the appearance of the newcomer — a devilkin unlike any he has seen before. Her skin is a striking shade of deep lavender, contrasting beautifully with her fiery scarlet eyes. Jagged black horns jut out from her sleek, midnight-black hair, giving her an aura of danger and fierce grace. Pointed ears peek out from under her horns, adorned with shimmering silver jewelry that glints in the light. As she strides forward, several pale maidens trail behind her, their attire just as revealing as hers. Thin black silks cling to their curves, leaving little to the imagination as they sway and move with each step. Gauzy loincloths hang between their legs, revealing hints of a black thong underneath. Their feet are wrapped in strips of linen that extend up to their knees, completing their alluring look.

“I thought you said I had to dress up,” Lumi whispers to Khimi with anger in his tone. “They’re basically wearing the same loincloth I have!”

Khimi smirks, “Rashid was the one that was insistent. I like it when you wear the slutty loincloth.”

Lumi’s cheeks turn red at Khimi’s words. A pang of desire fills him despite the devilkin approaching. He wants nothing more than to turn to his partner and embrace him.

“This is him?” The devilkin woman asks, turning behind her.

Saint Nina appears from behind the much taller devilkin in a blue silk gown and dark leather caligae. A soft smile forms on her lips when she spots Lumi.

“That’s him!” She says with a hint of glee. 

Lumi pushes past Khimi in a rush to embrace the elven woman. “Nina!” He shouts, his arms wrapping around her instantly.

Nina quickly brushes Lumi’s blond hair from his face and pinches his round ears, “You look whole and healthy.”

Lumi nods, “I couldn’t be happ—”

“Not to be rude,” the devilkin interrupts, “But we have a lot to discuss, I’m sure you don’t mind me breaking up this little reunion for now.”

“Is it alright if Khimi joins?” Lumi asks, looking between the two women.

Nina looks at Khimi with a soft expression, “Khimi…there are a lot of things that I think we should discuss privately with Lumi. Perhaps it’s best if we have this conversation alone?”

“Anything you need to speak to me about, Khimi can hear!” Lumi insists with pleading eyes. “I’d tell him anyway.”

The devilkin claps her hands together. The handmaidens disperse from the room. “He can stay, for a bit. But there will be a point in which he needs to leave.”


“Lumi, it’s alright,” Khimi interrupts. “I don’t mind, I am sure it’s something only members of the Faith are allowed to discuss. I am only saddened to be leaving the presence of such beautiful figures,” he adds with a smile that does not reach his eyes.

“Too right you are,” the devilkin chirps. “Now, shall we begin?”

Lumi stares at Khimi uncomfortably while they walk to the colored cushions arranged on the floor. “Such beautiful figures? Khimi, really?” He spits in a whisper.

“Just being polite,” Khimi whispers in response, a knowing look on his cheeks.

Lumi rolls his eyes, “Gross. You owe me for having to endure that.”

“Sure…what do you want? More sex?” Khimi asks quietly, situating himself on the floor.

“What’s all the hubbub?” The devilkin asks, a confused scowl on her face. “Lovers quarrel?”

Lumi sighs, “Something of the sort,” he says, his eyes glare holes through Khimi.

Nina chuckles, taking her seat across from the two of them. “I would have thought you were both beyond fighting…as close as you seem to one another.”

Lumi’s ears twitch, “Khimi likes to b—”

“To keep things lively?” The devilkin asks. She pushes her black hair back behind her ears. “Is that so?”

Khimi smirks. “Nothing of the sort. Lumi just gets easily riled up,” he offers with a dismissive wave of his hand.

“He’s always been that way,” Nina nods in agreement.


“He’s still got quite a lot of growing to do, it would seem.” The devilkin sighs. “How is Talmus supposed to have a proper Saint of Flames?”


“I’m sure Lumi would grow into the role,” Khimi interrupts. “He’s really great with people…everyone loves him.”

“I do—”

“He was like that at the temple. People often take a shine to him quickly…well except those who don’t. Really, Lumi is easily loveable once you take a moment to get to know hi—”

Lumi growls, “I don’t want to be the Saint of Flames!” He shouts, breaking the chatter.

“Well,” the devilkin begins. “If this is what you would like to start our dialogue with…then Khimi, you may have to leave sooner than later.”

Wait, wait!” Lumi shouts, “I — we had something we needed to talk to Nina about.”

Khimi nods, “Lilith? Is it?” He asks, directing himself at the bright devilkin. “We do have something important we wish to speak to Saint Nina about, if that’s alright?”

The devilkin nods with a smirk, “Right, by all means.” She says and leans back against several cushions. “Just pretend I’m not here.” a

Nina adjusts the silk dress over her knees, “I’m here for anything you need,” she whispers, her fingers brush against the soft fabric.

Lumi tucks his knees below him and straightens his posture. “Have you ever heard anything…about binding souls?”

“Binding souls?” Nina asks and Lilith scoffs.

Khimi looks between the two women, “Well – have you?”

“Surely you jest, right?” Lilith asks, her lips curling into a snarl. “It’s an abomination in the eyes of the Gods…souls are sacred things.”

Lumi waves his hand at Lilith, “No, I mean…I can’t explain it better. Khimi and I…since I’m a beastkin, and he’s a human. If something happens to us, ou—”

“And this is why beastkin, devils, heavensent, and elves should never mix,” Lilith says, her face screwing up. “They all have different beliefs about the afterlife…their souls are destined for different places…different realms.”

Lumi growls at Lilith, “I can’t live knowing that Khimi and I won’t be able to find each other in the afterlife.”

“We’ve already come across so much danger already,” Khimi replies, nodding in agreement. “I-I can’t…” his voice trails.

 Nina’s eyes dig holes into him before she looks down at her dress, “Danger? Lumi…what’s this?”

Lumi’s cheeks redden, “It’s nothing serio—”

“He’s lying,” Lilith interjects with a sharpness in her tone.

Nina’s eyes narrow, “He’s always been bad at lying. Lumi, what kind of danger?”

Khimi sighs, “It’s my fault. I’m sorry, but it just happened.”

“Nina!” Lumi exclaims. He slaps his hand on the tile floor. “Please! Tell us if you know anything about this…about the afterlife.”

“Lilith is right…it isn’t something that is common. But it is not unheard of. Souls are precious things, they are valuable to those that own them and the planes to which they belong. Lumi, when you pass– Gods pray the day never comes– your soul will be reborn in the plane of beasts. I am not one who studied such things, but I could at least tell you that from the knowledge I do have. It is a marvelous place, filled with the serenity and marvels of raw, unadulterated nature,” Nina whispers. She looks between Khimi and Lumi. “There is a chance you as well would wind up there too, Khimi. Though your fate is uncerta—”

“W-What?” Lumi says, his head snapping in Khimi’s direction. “Why would Khimi go to the same place?”

Nina suddenly looks uncomfortable and shifts on the cushion. “I thought you knew. Aleyna is a proud minos.”

Khimi remains silent, an unclear expression on his face.

“Khimi! Khimi!” Lumi beams cheerfully. “There is a chance at leas—”

Lilith’s laughter cuts off Lumi’s words. “It looks like Lord Zeybek needs a drink.”

“I think I’ll be taking my leave now,” Khimi says, rising to his feet with uncharacteristic speed.

Nina stands while Khimi does, “Khimi, wait. I’m sorry…”

“Nothing to be sorry for,” Khimi whispers, still seemingly stunned. “I just need a moment to collect myself.”

Lilith laughs, “This is too ric—”

Lumi stands, hovering over Lilith, “Enough!” He turns to Khimi, grabbing his sleeve. “Just wait, Khimi…it’s not— it’s not a bad thing.”

Khimi shakes his head in protest, “Thank you for your time, Saint Nina, but I really have things I need to attend to.”

Lilith snickers, “Like a wounded bull,” she whispers under her breath.

STOP!” Lumi shouts. Heat rises in his cheeks. “Let him be…” He pleas, his voice softens while he releases Khimi’s sleeve.

Khimi turns back to the three and gives a quick bow. “I’ll see you soon, Lumi.”

Lumi stares while Khimi walks through the Grand Hall, his expression unreadable and distant. The wooden door slowly closes behind him. Lumi releases an angry snort and sinks on to the colorful cushions. Nina sighs, slowly bringing herself back onto her cushion over the tiles.

“You were a bit harsh, Lilith,” Nina scowls, her lips curled into fine lines.

“You’re the one who told him he’s a bloody cow,” Lilith responds with a cruel smile.

Lumi grits his teeth, his eyes fixed on the floor before him. “What do you both want? If you’re here to make things worse for me…you’ve already done that.”

Lilith laughs, “Little lion, we want to aid you.”

Nina nods, “I honestly thought Khimi knew of his heritage. Aleyna, when I first met her so many years ago, she still bore all the features of her kind —  I had no intention of coming here to hurt anyone.”

Lumi shakes, his nails tearing at the fabric on the cushion beneath him. “Then what is the purpose of this meeting?”

“A warning and a wish,” Lilith whispers, then leans forward. “Simple as that.”

“Lumi, yo—”

Lumi stands suddenly without a word and rushes from the room, making haste to find Khimi. Servants and guards eye him suspiciously while he tugs at the restricting ceremonial clothing. He walks so fast. With his shirt untucked, he bends down and pulls off the silk slippers, running barefoot through the estate.

KHIMI!” He shouts through the courtyard.

A passing servant pauses at the outburst, “Young lord…” She shuffles nervously. “Lord Zeybek took a horse from the guards and went into the city.”

Lumi sighs and hangs his head in defeat, “I-if he comes back…tell him I was looking for him. Please, it’s really important!”

The woman looks him up and down with concern. “Is something amiss? He took off in quite a hurry,” she whispers softly, almost unsure of herself.

“No…it’s nothing,” Lumi frowns, trying to bow respectfully. He turns back to the Grand Hall. “Thank you for telling me…but please. Please tell him I need to see him…and just call me Lumi. Please.”

“Very well, Lumi,” she replies, waiting before him briefly before returning to her duties.

The walk back is silent, but Lumi can feel his blood pumping, his emotions running rampant. He wants to call out to Khimi and tell him that everything will be alright. In desperation, he attempts to reach out to Khimi like he had with Aleyna. He pauses before the doors of the Grand Hall and closes his eyes, Khimi…it will be alright. I love you…more than anything. I’ll always be here for you. After a moment without a response and unsure if he is able to even contact Khimi, he releases a heavy breath and pushes his hands against the door.

“Nina,” Lumi grumbles as he walks into the room. “Before we begin…how is it done? How do we bind our souls? I don’t care what it takes.”

Nina straightens on her cushion, “The gods would need to approve of your union. There is no precedent for such a thing. Ultimately, you are a child of Talmus, and thus what happens to your soul is determined by the of the gods of Talmus or the fates.”

Lilith leans forward, “And while some gods may approve of your union easily, there will be some that will deny or want something in exchange…a trial so to speak. The gods love their trials.”

“How do you know?” Lumi pleads. He lowers himself back onto the cushion, crossing his legs. He untucks the remaining parts of his shirt from his trousers and pulls it over his head swiftly. “Has it been done?”

Nina purses her lips, “I am not sure. But there have been individuals who seek the gods’ favor, those who undergo their trials. But in either case, you would need to speak with Gilbert if you wish to know more.”

Lumi’s eyebrow raises, “Gilbert? Whose that?”

Lilith covers her mouth as she laughs, “Child…do you know who the saints even are?”

“No,” Lumi says plainly, staring at Lilith. “I’ve heard of some, but Gilbert — I’ve never heard a name like that. It’s peculiar.”

“Gilbert the Raven. Saint of Knowledge, Keeper of the Bastion of Sages,” Lilith says incredulously. “These names mean nothing to you?”

“It…is a long journey, Lumi,” Nina whispers. “Past the far reaches of the north.”

Lumi’s tail rattles beside him. “So, can Gilbert help us?”

“Well, he’d certainly be the person who could help start your journey,” Lilith says with a tinge of annoyance.

“But, if you choose to go…you’ll be giving up your chance at something great,” Nina announces with a look of concern.

Lumi sighs, “Nina…I don’t want greatness. I just want to be me.”

Lilith spreads her feet before her, reaching for the tips of her toes and stretching her back. “You don’t get the option of opting out of being chosen by the gods. Sephtis, he told me many times about it being a curse.”

Nina slowly lowers the shoulder of her dress, “Though I don’t often show this to others, when I first told my family that I heard the voice of the gods, I was accused of being a liar. My family sent me to a group of acolytes. They didn’t believe me and I was punished. They made sure to make an example out of me, I was strapped to a pole in the center of our village and whipped as a false saint – a deceiver.”

Lumi’s mouth opens, but he cannot find words. “I’m sorry,” he finally mutters. “But…what does this have to do with me?”

“Being a saint, Lumi…is no simple thing. It takes dedication and desire to inspire the Faith. If you can’t pour your heart into it, then perhaps it’s not for you. But regardless of what YOU want, the gods have chosen you, and you must abide,” Lilith says plainly. “If they have allowed you to harness their powers in such a way, there is no denying your divinity. Not any longer.”

“So I don’t get a say in what I want to do with my life?!” Lumi shouts, his features pinched.

Lilith clicks her tongue, “No. Put Simply, you are just a mouthpiece of the gods. Nothing more. Their voice.”

“It’s not that you don’t get a say. But what the Gods want will always come first and foremost,” Nina whispers.

“But…I just want to be with Khi—”

“Nonsense,” Lilith interjects. “You’ve already begun to show your divinity, haven’t you? I bet you haven’t even told Khimi yet…” She smirks and crawls towards Lumi. “I saw it, when you shouted at me. A burst of color in your eyes. Fiery red, filled with flames. What else…?”

Nothing,” Lumi mutters, turning away. Her words ring true, but he does not want to give her the satisfaction.

Lilith grabs Lumi by the shoulders, “You really are an awful liar. When did you quit aging?”

“He hasn’t aged since he left the temple, it seems,” Nina replies to Lilith’s question with certainty. “I noticed it myself. He aged some during his first years at the temple…then he stopped all together. Perhaps with magick we can alter his appearance if he wishes…but this is who he will always be.”

Lumi groans and looks at Nina with pleading eyes, “Don’t tell Khimi. Please? I’m not ready for him to know.”

Lilith laughs, her eyes devouring the shirtless aslan before her, “I have no intention, and I’m sure Saint Nina won’t let her tongue slip any more secrets to the lovely Lord Zeybek.”

Nina clears her throat, “I am certain that Khimi already knows. As much as he looks at you, it’s plain to see you’ve changed little to none.”

“This isn’t why we came here,” Lilith says with a glance at Nina while squeezing Lumi’s shoulder. “Our wish is that you will stay in Rhaz,” she pauses. “Nina and I discussed things shortly after the news reached us. Nina of course was aware that you were the Saint of Flames.”

“It is our belief that if you stay in Rhaz…we could help foster your growth. You could even gather followers here and start a new temple,” Nina suggests quietly.

Lilith slaps Lumi’s arm, “And now for the warning. Should anyone from Loria, anyone from the Sun Temple appear. You must be wary of them, Lumi.”

“The goddess had told me of the temple…she warned me about false priests and deceivers. Is that what you mean?” Lumi asks Lilith with a tilt of his head.

“Now that you’ve appeared as the Saint of Flames, you should know that you will be sought after. There will be those who wish to harm you and those that wish to use you,” Nina says, her eyes fixed firmly on Lumi. “It’s important that you stay safe. That is why we wish for you to stay in Rhaz. We can protect you here. You would be between our respective temples!”

“I’m sorry,” Lumi whispers, his fingernails scratching over the floor between himself and Lilith. “I’m not ready for that…I only wish to be w—”

With Khimi,” Lilith mocks, cutting him off, “Right, right. We got it, but you must understand that even Revya offers his support for you to stay within the area. You can make this your home. For both Khimi and yourself.”

Lumi closes his eyes, wanting to imagine himself as the Saint of Flames. A temple with smoldering braziers, mosaics of the blazing sun. Khimi stands beside him, a smile on his aged face. It is something Lumi wants, Khimi at his side. The scene fades from his mind.

“They will come for me,” Lumi whispers.

“Revya has offered to have guards on watch, protecting you day and night. He even offered to move you to the Celestial Palace,” Nina says in response. She brushes her hair behind her ears. “I think that if you declare yourself sooner, the Sun Temple will be less effective in denying who you are.”

“B-But will the followers move to Rhaz?” Lumi asks, his tail snaps against the tiles behind him.

Lilith laughs. “No, there will be some of the Faith that come to find you, some true acolytes. But most may visit once in their lifetime,” she responds quickly. “It could be a new pilgrimage for the Lorians.”

“There is a chance that the Sun Temple will declare you a false saint, that is something that we hope against,” Nina whispers. “That is why if you’re going to declare yourself the Saint of Flames, I can rally support among other saints, should they heed my words.”

“If you have their support…then why can’t you ask them to have their gods accept Khimi, and I’s union?” Lumi questions, past Lilith and addresses Nina. “Can’t you just ask them?”

“I don’t know all the saints,” Nina replies abruptly. “I know their names, but most I have never met.”

“If you’re not going to declare yourself the saint, the best I can do is offer you my support. Should you need it, that is,” Lilith says while she rests on the cushions. “Now, how about you fetch us a drink, little lion.”

“Fine,” Lumi mutters before he stands and tosses the uncomfortable slippers, leaving them strewn on the tiles. “Nina, would you like a drink as well?”

Nina nods, “Lumi…you have a short window to decide. But I truly hope that you think about it and consider our words carefully.”

Lumi stands in front of the sideboard table, his mind racing with doubts and fears. He stares at the array of vibrant decanters, each holding a different liquor, and can’t help but feel overwhelmed. As he carefully pours the liquid into three copper mugs, he struggles to find a solution to his inner turmoil. I…can’t do this without Khimi. With shaky hands, he offers the mugs to the women, unsure of what will happen next.

“I can’t,” Lumi hesitantly brings the mug to his lips. “Neither of you understand…what it’s li—”

“I know all too well your plight. Throughout history, there have been countless others with sad tales of romance, star-crossed lovers, and those gifted by the gods. And none of them end well.” She takes a sip from her copper mug, the sound of her sharp nails clicking against the metal adding to the tense atmosphere. “I’m not saying this to discourage you, Lumi. I think you’re a good kid. But no matter how hard you fight, the gods will always take what they want from you.” She pauses for a moment, studying Lumi’s face before continuing. “Just look at Nina and Sephtis. They thought they had control over their own destinies…until the gods intervened.”

Nina delicately sets down her own mug, her expression softening as she speaks up. “Lilith may make it sound worse than it is. I’ve never been forced to do anything against my will. The gods simply guide me towards my true path.”

 Lumi sinks back into the cushions, feeling overwhelmed by conflicting emotions. “Either way, I’m not ready to give up on Khimi yet. I’ll travel with him and find a way for us to be together…even if it means going against the will of the gods.” A sense of determination fills his voice while he continues, “And even though it may seem like I’ve let you both down, I believe that the gods have a bigger plan for me. They want me to return to Loria and help fix their broken order. That’s something I can’t do from here.”

“You ungrateful fool!” Lilith seethes, slamming her mug onto the ground with a deafening shatter. “We are offering you something unprecedented! Support and guidance from the divine themselves! But you, you act like a spoiled brat, refusing to see the blessings right in front of you!” Her face twists in anger, the purple tone of her cheeks growing deeper as she spits out her words. “You may have been chosen by the gods, but you are dangerously naive, little lion.” She pauses, letting her words sink in before unleashing another blow. “How selfish and blind can you be, keeping the wisdom of the gods locked away while the world suffers? That is true selfishness.”

“Lilith…” Nina hisses with a fierce glare before rising to her feet, her voice low and intense. “You don’t understand, Lumi. The path of a saint is one of isolation and solitude. But perhaps it was the will of your gods to thrust us together like this.” Her words are laced with an undercurrent of anger and resentment. “Otherwise…the chances of our paths crossing would have been almost impossible.”

Lumi emits a guttural growl, his ears twitching and his head itching with frustration. “I don’t need someone constantly watching over me to grow stronger,” he snarls, the fire in his eyes intensifying. “And the world can wait as long as it needs to for a Saint of Flames. I am not their savior.”

Lilith lets out a heavy sigh and tosses back the last of her drink before speaking again. “If you ever change your mind…the offer still stands. It’s been centuries since a true saint of flames has graced Talmus with their presence. The world has been waiting for this moment for far too long.”

Lumi’s jaw clenches in determination as he responds, “They can wait a little while longer. Until I am truly ready. If they have waited this long, they can wait a while longer.”

“For how long?” Nina asks between a sip of the strong spirits.

Lumi takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the answer before responding softly, “As long as it takes. As long as Khimi and I need to figure out our fate.”

Nina’s face softens into a smile, “Then let’s talk about something more uplifting. Tell us about your experiences with Khimi.” She gestures animatedly with her hands.

Lumi’s eyes light up at the change of subject, “Let me start from when we arrived in Rhaz!” he exclaims eagerly.

 Lilith releases a heavy sigh, “Start from the very beginning. Spare no details,” she commands in a monotone voice that belies her true excitement.